The problem is that lag may or may not affect you at given times of the day, or maybe the internet gods just hate you.
Either way, Nexon really should change all boss rooms to load first and give players a chance to hit a promt that spawns the boss.
This is done with several of the game's bosses and I don't know why they stopped this trend.
You forget that some people actually like the lower population levels of the other servers.
I think the way we have it now is basically fine.
Any more merging and you'll just make bera more laggy or overcrowd servers.
Not to mention we already had a massive server merge recently and that still needs time for the effect to fully be felt. It hasn't even been a year yet.
I disagree that every class should have an i-frame. Each class has a unique set of tools and TMS already proved i-frame is NOT mandatory by soloing Black Mage without i-frames. Your point is invalid.
TMS is in no way a good example of anything balance related. I would say your point is also invalid.