If anything we need gender stripped from the game, not reinforced.
Characters should just be characters without a gender tag since it affects literally nothing except cosmetics and this half-assed marriage system. As well as make the level range under 120 a pain due to gender specific gear.
Supporting gay marriage is just a political thing that Nexon most likely does not care about.
Stripping gender from the game actually does something more than just make a political statement, so let's aim for that one instead.
Edit: Oh and because it seemed to be a popular statement in the thread we just had locked on this.
If you have a significant other that also plays MapleStory, just cherish them irl instead.
And kobe plays A LOT, something that not everyone can afford to do, so its normal that if u play a lot u progress fast
kobe has a job, i wouldn't say he plays a lot. you can go a lot harder than that. easy progression just feels like you achieved nothing. if you don't want to put the time and dedication then you should progress at your own pace. there is no need to rush to late game, early game is actually more fun since everything is such a struggle, why would you want to devalue goals and run out of things to strive for faster? each step of the progression should be like a trophy, not something everyone should automatically have handed to them
if i reached endgame in a few months i would probably not want to come back to the game anymore
Most people I tell my main stat ask me how on earth it is so low at my level. I tell them that I really don't care as I am able to one shot mobs while grinding still.
I can't solo bosses most players at my level probably could, but it doesn't matter to me.
Bolded section is exactly why I disagree with most GMS content being overpowered as hell.
If you want some "Nostalgia hard as hell grind" you can stat your main stat only high enough to equip gears and dump everything else into your secondary stat.
You'll progress at around 1/4th the speed so it's incredibly challenging. Really gives that whole "Spend a full year to unlock all skills" feel.
You might want to try using the steam version of the game as well, I know people who can't play the Nexon Launcher version but the steam version works for them for whatever reason.
Don't count that out as a solution just because you already have the game downloaded on the Nexon Launcher. You can even link an account created through steam back to a nexon account, so you can log in with either like that. I personally use both versions to play.
If Nexon doesn't feel like having low count items stack higher than 100/10/whatever changes balance then yes.
If not, then 3000 > 9000 should have no reason to not be accepted. Baby steps.
Currently some items (appears to be use items) can only be stacked up to 3000.
Some items (etc items) however can be stacked up to 9000.
I believe that players would heavily benefit from being able to stack up to 9000 on these items.
The extra storage space gained isn't going to break anything and players still have to collect the items in the first place.
Balance wise this changes nothing, but it helps solve the limited storage problem that has existed for years.
Items like Wealth/EXP Potion that can only be stacked up to 10 are pretty powerful so I would suggest leaving those alone.
Items that stack up to 3000 have no real reason to not be at 9000. You can already obtain a stupid amount of these things.
On reboot in particular, you eventually just have to start selling/trashing them or place them on mules because of the lack of storage.