You forgot impossible. (Except maybe reboot)1st its to go in to each account and remove all ilegal obtained meso/items ( its huge,hard,painfull and for some very unfair project)
Let me just:if u cant adapt to gms just play kms
I saw ur suggestiong and i already said that is interesting and i like that u only get to do only 1 quest if ur main unlovked that ability but id like to go further and what i suggest is to share AF withing the account and flat stat because uve already put the effort on ur main, restarting all that even if u only need to do 1 daily quest is what refrains the mayority of the people from makung a new main or a second main, thats what im saying and i know ut because ive asked around and the conclusion is almost always the sane.
Aggraphine wrote: »I feel like the subscription thing could work. Depending on how it was priced out, it would allow more people access to the mvp benefits. Someone may be able to afford, say, a $50- or $60-per-month subscription fee, but not the hundreds of dollars per month the system currently requires. This also assumes, however, that current mvp maintainers would not alter their spending habits very much in light of a change such as this.
Ideally, what you'd get is people still continuing to hardcore whale for cubes and surprisemechanicsboxes, alongside people paying a monthly fee for the same system.
TwilightHime wrote: »Current MVP system is already subscription-based.
Except instead of your example of $10 to $50 a month based on tier, we're talking $10 to $900 per 3 months, where silver/gold/diamond are $300/$600/$900.
However, if you're not a huge spender, you can spend $10 and get a life-time bronze subscription.