Let us be mindful respecting the values and life choices of others even if they may differ from our own.
Everyone must still be treated with dignity and respect on the forums regardless.
You might need to adjust third-party cookies settings on your web browser, close and reopen it, and try again. The player support center has an article available guiding you through the … (more)process.
If you are still looking for the reset email link, it might have landed in your email spam folder.
For next time, avoid posting your personal account info in the forums. Doing so might lead to your account getting stolen. (less)
Between combos breaking from lag, Pollo & Fito portals never appearing, and every surprise missions asking me to find 3 elite monsters in under half … (more)an hour; eventually said “screw it” to the Haste Event and focused primarily on completing Bards songbook .
A couple of tips that might help though alleviate some of the lag:
No such thing as a free “Launch”
Close Nexon Launcher once the game is fully up and running, frees up a lot of RAM right there.
I stream, You stream, We all stream for...
Having a Twitch stream and/or a Discord’s web app open in a browser tab will take up A LOT of processing power on top of running MS Simultaneously. Either pick one to keep (but minimize the browser window while you play) or close both and listen in from a mobile device.
Game, Set(tings), and Match
Lower MS graphics setting to the bare minimum via the system configuration menu. You can walkways go back and Gradually improve the settings when lag is being somewhat more tolerant