I also reached cap of Reward Points. But I was focusing getting Reward Points to finish priming my Fairy Heart, so I got a lot of Reward points, including Star Planet at some occasions. Just saying one day I have done Star Planet on Hero, got some from dailies and later I went do Star Planet in another world of same alliance but in this world, i couldn't go higher than something like 1.1k RP cuz it said I reach the limit for the day. Then yesterday, I finally hit the monthly limit. I have got like 75k nx trying to prime Heart again, with many fails lol but still. PRetty sure you have 45k monthly limit in WHOLE account if you play in Maple World AND Star Planet combined, but if you want to include extra Reward Points from CashShop purchase, it should be 150k monthly limit.I'm sorry I'm confused, what issue? The low RP cap?As mentionned above, you can farm Reward Point in another worlds, allowing you to easily break monthly cap. So it makes sense. You can also get multiple items from Reward Shop if you play in big World Alliance, but you will need a friend to transfer from your main world to another OR having a second computer to be more safe.
On topic though, it's already hard enough to hit 45k. Personally I can't mathematically hit cap now that MC is nerfed unless I get really lucky w/ MC, sudden missions or get stronger. I like the idea, but won't do much good given the current difficulty getting RP to begin with.
I already sent a ticket to Nexon about this issue, but I got no answer from that sadly.