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Last Active
June 5, 1999
Personal Quote
A smile is a gift you can give everyday
About Me
Just a guy that likes maple =3
  • Make 8000 the new 10000

    I love the legion system. I think it's great at utilizing the character card function, and even better at giving benefits for training and leveling up your characters. But there's a really big issue with the legion level requirements. Getting to the max legion level requires an account to have 10,000 total levels, which is 40 level 250's. 40. It can take months, or even years in some cases to get a character to level 250, let alone 40 of them. It's not realistic to ask players to level all characters to 250 for a couple more legion slots. The time it would take, and the incredibly slim amount of people to actually accomplish such a time consuming feat, renders it useless.

    Getting to 200 on the other hand, is a completely different story. After various patches, it's become a lot easier to get characters to 200. While getting 40 characters to 200 would still take a long time, it's nowhere nearly as bad as 250. It honestly just makes sense. Maplestory isn't a job. I don't have the time to sit and grind all of my characters to 250.

    If there needs to be something to balance the lower level requirements, why not increase the amount of coins needed for each level? It would increase the time to get to higher ranks, but it wouldn't be such a hard hill to climb. Furthermore, getting characters to 250 would still help the legion through more damage and larger grid pieces. It would also keep the competition up for the best legion in the rankings.

    Overall I think this idea would help bring out the legion's full potential. It'd still have a challenge to get to the highest legion rank, and it still keeps the benefits from going past 200. With other options to increase the time and (or) difficulty of getting to higher ranks, this suggestion will better the legion system.
  • we need a new system to fight the bots

    We should simply do what KMS does: Require new accounts to link a phone number or other forms of identification. Cut it off at the source.
  • Do you enjoy the Jett revamp?

    I think what Jett's sorely lacking is an attack apart from the starline skills. Unless you're able to one shot mobs, starline 3 and 4 aren't very good options. There are alternatives, but it feels like there's something lacking with the class as a whole. Perhaps it's just me, but I can't get past having a dash attack as the main attacking skill, especially with the endlag it has. Anytime the main attacking/mobbing skill of a class isn't a viable attack option means that something's up.

    Starfall is cool and all, but frankly it's boring to spam an fma. Cosmic upheaval is probably one of the saving graces of Jett. It, paired with fallings stars and vortex cross were the reasons why I got through 3rd job.
  • My ideas for a Nova Mage/Archer class

    I really like the Nature sage and Sky splitter, the idea of an actually good aerial class (*cough cough* BT Hawk mode *cough* *cough*) is really enticing and I'd think it'd be fun to play.
  • Leeching no longer an option

    Hue, if someone gets to 200+ and they don't know what's going on, I'm slightly concerned.

    New players aren't helpless, it just takes time to learn everything. Whether there's leeching or not.