So it really just seems like you want "- EXP + DROP + MESO +30 until 50% for 2 extra minutes max (10 min now based from previous job) for everyone in party in whole map." this skill. … (more)Whats the cool down tho? 10mins so assuming what 10min cd? 30min cd? Or are you trying to push this like a frenzy totem? They come, use the skill then just leave to someone else? Cause if it's the first one I dont see the point. The people I know that run meso run it 100% meso already, drop doesnt really effect arcane maps much, and the extra exp if he's in the party but not killing wont that kill the person's exp rate? If it's the second option, nexon wouldnt make a class just to do that one effect. Itd be too much. Plus the easier to get mesos the more people just raise the prices in ah.
After that skill really nothing else to critique. You gave them a buff and didn't really explain it then some repeat "- Wide attack stronger, more critical." Reason for less support classes is called 1, less people seem to play them. 2, MS is more solo leveling now. You don't have 6 people in LHC fighting together to level. Bosses you might have pally or a bishop but some just go 6 dps and try to kill faster.
You created a new type of totem. Which if you just said "I think this would be a cool new totem" I'd support that fully. It wouldnt spam maps and Nexon could do a 10min cast with a 10min cooldown or something like that. It'd be nice. But this isn't a class and I'm sorry. (less)