I like the idea of a world breakdown. It seems Luna doesn't really have any GM's patrolling at all and it would be nice to know if that is true or not.
Unlike EMS, GMS does not have visible GMs anywhere. I've been playing nearly 9 years now, nearly every day, and have never encountered a GM "in the wild" (i.e., not a pre-announced GM event). And we have always had meso-selling bots spamming. So I don't think Luna is any worse off than the NA servers.
But yes, a breakdown by world would still be nice to have.
Our hacker problem was never this bad until we migrated.
Currently looking for a mp3 map and they are all full of hackers.
I was forum mod over in EMS for 5 years, I've been on both sides. I've been complained at, insulted, sent threats, plus various other not so nice things.
I think that when people are unhappy they have a right to say that, but it should be done in a polite way. You have no benefit from being rude to those trying to help you. This goes for both on the forums and through Customer Support.
However I also believe that when people are unhappy those that represent Nexon should be giving feedback. Now I know without a Community Manager that is probably not going to happen so much and honestly I don't exactly know what the Volunteers exact job is, as it seems a lot different from what I did. When the community doesn't feel like it is being listened too that is when you get multiple topics about the same issues, because people want to be heard.
Yeah sometimes people don't understand who makes decisions, but that is just part of the job =/. I would suggest maybe more volunteers for the forums, as I said before EMS forums closed I would be happy to help out, but again I'm not quite sure on their job exactly as it seems I had a fair bit more responsibility over in EMS as a forum mod.
Brief bug summary: Channel 13,14 and 15 on Luna are 1 hour ahead of the server time
More details: Channels 13, 14 and 15 server time is UTC +1 instead of UTC. This means events like 2x exp and drop start and finish 1 hour earlier than they should allowing people to abuse this to get 4 hours of 2x exp and drop. This also causes issues if you try to enter dojo at 22:30UTC, it will say that it is calculating ranks. People have been abusing this at least the past 2 weekends of double exp and drop and its just not fair on everyone else.
Steps to reproduce: Go to any of these channels at 17:00 UTC on a 2x day, they will have 2x one hour before any other.
Character name: Lapsucaeli
Character level: 216
Character job: Demon Avenger
World name: Luna
Date and time of the incident: Originally 27th November 17:30UTC, also the past weekend events.
Honestly I reported this over a week ago through Customer Support and with all the maintenance done last week I thought it would be fixed but it isn't. I will add a video of the issue once I upload it.
We had this in the EMS V118 patch too, seems it's the exact same issue back again so if they could just talk to the previous EMS devs there should be an easy fix.