Can you retry with as little %damage and %damage vs boss as possible?
Perhaps it increase %damage by 20% for critical hits only (subjected to diminishing return when you have high amount of %damage and %damage vs bosses) and doesn't actually give the actual +20% critical damage. (Might be similar to Hero puncture skill where it give critical hit a 20% damage boost and not the actual +20% critical damage)
People quit because they lost their end game items and can no longer compete in their damage measuring contest.
Restock it and half of them will come right back (more profit).
Changes to the star force system probably falls under KMS jurisdiction because if KMS officially release a lv 130+ badge with starforce and they don't get att from 15+ stars, the behavior will certainly be ported to all version (if GMS allowed 15+ star badge get attack, KMS will force them to get rid of it, which will make players angry for taking something away from them)
You do not need to kill Von Leon for the legion block (hopefully).
Well you could scroll the hat for 10k HP and stats, and make it transparent by doing: equip window > effect button > right click the hat