When you coin cap for the day and collect the wongstaurant coupon. You will get 500 daily ticket at the same time.
Inactive/Active entries just mean you have more than 100 ticket stockpile and the daily entry limit hasn't been reached and you can still spend it.
Only characters under lv 35 were deleted in the character purge.
Majority of returning players that ask where their characters are usually logged on to the wrong account.
Hi, how come the More Human than Human title doesn't grant me the additional 5% damage bonus? My range is actually the same after equipping this title as it was when I was equipping the Brave Warrior of Dawn (+15 all stats, +1000 HP)
%damage vs normal monster is intended to not show up in the stat window because it only work against normal monster. (this was changed because people thought it worked against bosses because their damage range went up, when in reality it doesn't work on bosses)
Only %damage that work on both normal and boss monster will show up in the stat window.