There is one thing. If it does exactly like Monster Park, then no EXP multiplier can affect this. It should be like in Commerci Trade voyages instead, where EXP multiplier can affect EXP.
I have seen some nice improvments in client side, mainly pet loot lag almost gone for my case and some more. But server lag seems more apparent and even worse past weeks. I have some theories causing this.
You know guys... There are many events related to server side right? VVorld Record is an example here and what is sad we can't deny the event participation. Then looting and killing (to register EXP and inventory permanently regardless what you do). And imagine ALL server permissions for killing or looting from antihack system (the hack d/c message pop-up). Like c'mon, why do we still have an anti-hack system here? It hardly affects hackers and hurts legit players. How do you think certain players get locked from opening too many Nodestones past few weeks ???? Then, the bug/glitch with %damage reduction and the potential line % chance to ignore %damage.
Message to Nexon here and I have a high hope you (Nexon) consider these: -First, remove the antihack system please, any system related to a specific Use item (nodestone), or EXP rate, ANYTHING. -Also, I would so love if we can decide to start event quests IF WE WISH. Like, I don't wanna do VVorld Record cuz of lag reason, so why do i have to suffer for Record?? -Review how client side transfer information to server side for quests as example and extra EXP from killing with multiple bonus EXP, including 2x event. -Consider getting even more CPU to run servers more smooth??? Don't say we are wrong like you did to my guildy, who has excellent internet connection, even tried everything one of your GMs suggested him but no fix. -Review memory usage from graphic for maps with special feature, mainly in Chuchu Island in all maps of Torrent Zone (1 2 and 3), Hidden Torrent Zone and one map between Torrent Zone 3 and Hidden Torrent Zone. Can d/c easily for some players if killing and moving across map too fast. Then Clocktower in Lachelein, also a huge memory usage and i think all these maps memory usage can interfer with upload from client to server side. - There is still a problem with Event Hall !!! PLZ remove all exchange options from Maple Admin NPC and maybe old quest datas from Maple Admin and Cassandra.
I am pretty sure Nexon can answer to some technical questions right here!!! I don't see why it would be confidential and what can hurt the company if telling us the issues or if saying we are finally right! Also, ask other MS version presidents if they have so much coding system similar to us, because in other versions they don't have lag issue !!!! Or very rarely. It's time to do your own client side optimization as you NEVER wait for KMS since they have 0 issue.
Every forumers are welcome to join discussion. This is a request Nexon, we need some answers and if there are some points you consider changing if NOT all.
The thing with Cry Valhalla and 5th job skill is when attacking with Raging Blow while one of these buffs is active, the skill animation, % skill damage, number of lines and range are same as if you were using Enrage except you DON'T receive %critical damage and that 25%final damage. Also you can still hit more mobs.
For Puncture, it boosts Shout damage permanently. It's a passive effect. So Shout hits stronger than Raging Blow, but it has cooldown.