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June 27, 1996
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  • Full Nebulite revamp - Preparation for V

    It appears we aren't getting Additional Options any time soon. But the V patch's removed damage cap will still require a way to push players beyond the 50m damage area. Without some way to drastically increase damage, players will be unable to face Lucid. Arcane Force helps some, but is a base stat, not a multiplicable stat. Therefore, here's how I suggest revamping Nebulites:
    1. Remove useless stat lines:
      Some stat lines present in Nebulites are entirely useless. These include things like facial expressions, abnormal status resistance, etc. Having some bad lines in potential works because potential lines come in sets of 3 (we'll get to this later), but Nebulites only possess one stat line per Nebulite. This means that useless lines are worse for Nebulites than they are for potential. They ought to be removed.
    2. Nebulite buy-back:
      Nebulites are extremely similar to the V-matrix cores for 5th job. The cores, however, can be disassembled and traded if you don't get the one you want. It stands to reason that a similar option should be available for Nebulites. Here's the thing: we already have a shop that sells Nebulite boxes for "alien coins" in New Leaf City. Let's take advantage of that; allow players to sell or trade in Nebulites for alien coins via an NPC in New Leaf City. These coins can go towards purchasing new Nebulites from the already existing shop.
      • D-Nebulites can be traded in for 2 coins
      • C-Nebulites for 5 coins
      • B-Nebulites for 10 coins
      • A-Nebulites for 15 coins
      This means that people will be purchasing at a loss, making it beneficial to kill the Galacto-Drill boss for spare coins.
    3. Multiple Nebulites per equipment:
      Modeled after Mabinogi's enchantment system, I think it would be beneficial to allow multiple Nebulites to be equipped on each item. One extra line per equipment is not that big of a damage boost. Coupled with the fact that not all pieces of equipment can have a Nebulite equipped, it doesn't make sense to limit players to one per equip. I propose the following:
      • Overalls, tops, and bottoms can equip 5 Nebulites
      • Hats, shoes, gloves, weapons can equip 3 Nebulites
    4. Remove Nebulite fusion tickets, replace with meso-based system:
      Similar to potential and magnifying glasses, I believe removing the required fusion tickets from the cash shop is beneficial. Instead, turn the system into a meso sink with the following cost grades:
      • D-Nebulites require 2,500 mesos to fuse
      • C-Nebulites require 5,000 mesos to fuse
      • B-Nebulites require 10,000 mesos to fuse
      • A-Nebulites require 25,000 mesos to fuse
      At a cost per-Nebulite, as described by the following:
      • Fuse 2 D-Nebulites together = 2,500 + 2,500 = 5,000 total cost
      • Fuse one D-Nebulite and one C-Nebulite together = 2,500 + 5,000 = 7,500
      • Fuse two C-Nebulites together = 5,000 + 5,000 = 10,000
      • Fuse one C-Nebulite and one B-Nebulite = 5,000 + 10,000 = 15,000
      • Fuse two B-Nebulites together = 10,000 + 10,000 = 20,000
      • Fuse one B-Nebulite and one A-Nebulite = 10,000 + 25,000 = 35,000
      • Fuse two A-Nebulites = 25,000 + 25,000 = 50,000
      Because the resulting Nebulite and the chance of tier-up is still random, this means that a player is not guaranteed a Nebulite they want easily.
    5. Nebulite re-rolling/The Moleculizer:
      Currently, fusion is the only way to re-roll Nebulites. This means you need to possess two Nebulites and pay the resulting fee. This is not efficient. Therefore, a method should be added to re-roll the stats on a Nebulite without requiring the player to fuse an additional Nebulite. I call it "The Moleculizer"; it functions similar to cubes and will re-roll a Nebulite's stats. Moleculizers can be sold in the cash shop for 1,200 NX, 1,200 reward points, or otherwise drop from bosses; exactly the same as cubes.
    6. The mystical S-Nebulite:
      With a meso-based fusion system, it makes sense to add S-Nebulites as the highest tier to obtain. S-Nebulites have the following attributes to conform to the suggestion:
      • S-Nebulites can be traded in for 25 coins
      • S-Nebulites cost 50,000 mesos to fuse
      This is because S-Nebulites are akin to legendary potential, meaning they should be what players aim for when attempting to reach end-game.
    To recap:
    1. Remove useless stat lines
    2. Allow Nebulites to be traded in
    3. Allow multiple Nebulites to be equipped
    4. Replace current fusion system with a meso-based one
    5. Allow the re-rolling of Nebulites without fusion
    6. Add in S-ranked Nebulites
    This will allow players to hit end-game and be able to fight the monsters that are arriving in the V update.
    ClawStaffIts2Sharp4UIvangoldUzumeCatoooloooJettLuvsUimmalilmonstarAaronHuskyPetalmagicPonPonand 6 others.
  • GMs response to hackers

    this wasn't a rant nor a rave and its insulting to move it here in order to hide it due to the fact you dont want people exposed to your incompetence and double standards, and yes now its a rant.. but keep doing what you are doing , its obviously effective and the game has never been healthier.. As much as its been apart of my life for the last 12 years, its still just a game to me, it's your companies livelihood

    and as much as you try to censor topics like this, it's not remotely effective, far more people go to reddit than come here anymore and its very visible there not to mention believe it or not players actually talk to each other in this game via discord and skype and other social media, there not many secrets left and to Lily, while I appreciate your comment the real gist of this post wasn't the fact hackers have always been here and are here to stay, it was more about how the GMs are now handling this issue, even with all the lip service given to harsher punishments, which obviously wasn't the truth.
    I moved the thread because I also saw the Reddit link earlier; it contains heavy sarcasm and a bunch of pictures of people getting away with hacking (took less than an hour to degrade into "kappa"). At the very least it's not general discussion, and it's pretty obvious the kind of "discussion" this thread was trying to start. My decision to move the thread was based on the content of both your post and the link, and if one of the other mods disagrees, they can move it back. I don't mind, I was on the fence about it anyway.

    It doesn't help your case to complain about being censored. Seriously, that's your excuse? Your thread got moved so now you're "censored"? That's a worse excuse than the guy who claimed he was being censored by Reddit mods because he had gotten 2 downvotes (one of them was from me). "Censorship" my foot, your thread would have received the same amount of attention in either subforum. And if you seriously don't want to accept getting moved (repeat: not locked, still open, no one warned, no posts edited), then try the discussions page, which is the forum's equivalent of /r/all. Seriously, nothing's being hidden here, you really can't use that excuse for this.

    Look, complaining about hackers is fine. But name one time "hacker discussion" has ever been civil and I'll ship you a cookie by mail. Unless you want to start up a suggestion about how to combat hackers (captcha, cell phone verification, etc, most of which I'll agree with), I'm going to remind you that your post begins with: "and this is why many hackers seems to never go away". Not exactly a shining beacon of purity, no more than this thread or this thread.

    I ain't Slatymate and this ain't Reddit, so if you want to bash on hackers, don't be surprised when your thread gets moved with the other threads bashing hackers.
  • OMG, What's going on here?

    MRW I log in this morning...
    I wonder how long it will take them to get rid of them....
    About 10 minutes, mostly dependent on how fast the forum software was loading their profiles so I could do anything.

    Thankfully this forum software lets you delete posts when you ban people, I can't imagine having to go through and delete everything manually.
  • [Minor Spoilers] Grim Halloween story

    The Halloween events have always teetered a little on psychotic. The old haunted house storyline being about a toymaker who went crazy after his daughter died, and how supposedly he had another daughter which he neglected entirely.

    Then Madhouse where Chloe was locked in the other girl's room while the other girl slowly killed off and/or drove the hospital staff to insanity.

    From the little I know about Mabinogi's Halloween stuff, it gets pretty creepy too.

    Nexon NA likes to go nuts with this stuff, it seems. KMS is just like "Spooky Star Planet! OOOOooooOOOO!"
  • Haunted House attacking Disconnected Constantly

    Spooky tree is spooky...

    Also, please use the bug reporting format when posting in this subforum:
    Bug type:

    Brief bug summary:

    More details:
    (anything not included in the other sections of your report)

    Steps to reproduce:
    (if not covered in the summary)

    Character name:
    Character level:
    Character job:
    World name:
    Date and time of the incident:
    (mention your time zone if you aren't posting Pacific time)
    I'm actually planning to start the quests later today as I have time, so I'll see if I can confirm as well.