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Last Active
June 9, 1995
  • Konosuba crossover was terrible.

    The only guaranteed free rewards were 4 medals with temporary stats. They don't even have unique names. They're all just generic [Character Name] Medal. That's already pretty bad as event rewards go but the Kazuma event in particular is just inexcusable.

    I've done all 5 boxes every single day of the event, and one additional day on a different server, and I still didn't get ANY of the main rewards. No chair, damage skin, or even the useless title. Apparently, this was a common issue as I've seen the same complaint from many players. To do a minimum of 35 hours of this horribly designed event over the course of 4 weeks and have nothing to show for it is absurd. This game's over-reliance on RNG is already bad enough, but RNG rates that low, especially on a one-time event that will most likely never come back, should never even have been considered. All it did was waste the players' time and clogged up the inventory with worthless consumables and temporary garbage. There should have been a ceiling system to guarantee the main prizes. RNG should NEVER be the only deciding factor in a player's success.

    Even the paid aspect of the event was bad. More than 80% of the items in the boxes weren't even related to the crossover. Anyone who wanted to buy a full set would need to waste a ridiculous amount of money.

    Crossover events already have a bad reputation of being lazy cash grabs, but this one was especially awful.
  • A case for Jett, Please reconsider it's removal!

    Removing Jett is absolutely cruel. Jett mains have invested hundreds, if not thousands of hours into their Jetts. Nexon is taking all that effort and completely throwing it out.

    I've been playing my Jett for 7 years. It kills me to think all that effort is going down the drain because Nexon doesn't want to deal with bugs.

    Forcing a job change to Explorer characters isn't good because none of those characters, or any other character for that matter, have a playstyle that's similar to Jett's. Instead of playing a character for fun, I'll be stuck with, at best, a strong bossing mule that I'll never enjoy as much as I did Jett.

    And if bug fixing really is the main cause of this removal like the Memo suggests, then what about all the other non-KMS characters? Is Beast Tamer next on the chopping block? Do Hayato and Kanna get a pass because they're from JMS? Or if Jett will be the only one, why? Hayato gets bugs more often than Jett does, at least on the live servers. Should I not report bugs for these characters at all? If there's always a threat of removal due to bugs, then bug reports seem counterintuitive.

    Removing existing Jetts is the worst thing Nexon could have done here.
  • Wild Beast's Resentment drop rate is far too low.

    Massively increase the drop rate of the Wild Beast's Resentment item or lower the required amount to three or less.

    One of the Misty Island daily quests for Furniture is to collect 10 Wild Beast's Resentment from large field monsters. This is an absurd requirement as the drop rate for these items is horribly low.

    It took me EIGHT (8) runs to finish this yesterday. Each run took about twenty to thirty minutes to get to a point where I could defeat those field monsters efficiently and I had several runs where none of these items dropped.
    That's THREE (3) HOURS of effort for one piece of Home Furniture, even longer because the first run was a full 25 day run for other dailies.

    It also seems to be the most common daily furniture quest. I've gotten it during 3 days out of the 5 days that challenge mode has been available.
  • My Home seasonal events are bad.

    Enough with the RNG. I've been doing shopping trips on two worlds throughout the entire duration of the event and I still haven't gotten a single Antique Phonograph. Two weeks of this garbage and nothing to show for it.

    Why can't Nexon learn that RNG takes away any agency out of the player's hands and only ever leads to frustration? Being denied a reward you wanted because a random number generator said so, through no fault or even any action from the player at all, is horrible.

    Stop with the RNG-only events.
  • Anyone got cubes or flames from elite bosses?

    I haven't seen any drops either. I'm probably somewhere around 100 kills doing dailies on 5-7 characters. The fact that they're calling these changes an improvement and "a better maple" is what really Mondays my Garfield. Non-Reboot EMobs went from dropping a cubic blade/unrelenting flame every 2 kills or so, to some ridiculously small drop rate that's not even noticeable to the average player. This is already a massive nerf even if you ignore the additional nerf to boss dropped cubes and removal of flames. I expected EMobs to drop cubes and flames with rates around 1 in 5 or 1 in 10. Instead, we got 1 in several hundred... Improved obtainment, they said...