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I only hope you never see my fury...
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I'm a Forum Succubus. Don't worry, I won't eat your soul...I am quite friendly.
  • Dual Blade Revamp

    I don't want DB to become another Combo class. While a revamp would probably help it...please no more combo classes.
  • Black Mage Legion Application - Contest

    Grats guys, i am surprised this contest only had three winners...but it is a hard one to pick them for...(Maybe next time, Commander Lumina.)
  • Return the Determination Ember

    Fuhreak wrote: »
    Petalmagic wrote: »

    That sounds bad. I haven't had that much trouble with it.
    The way I see it... Yes, the "grind method" is harder to obtain determination with, but the cap is increased and you have multiple ways to grab it now.
    So it sort of just balances out. We're talking about a possible 500 coins per day here, without accounting for the bonus.

    I think the idea here isn't too look at it as "It's hard to cap" but rather "We can go past what previous cap was."
    The total number of coins possible per day combine with the duration of the shop, it's actually pretty nice to see most items easily obtainable.

    The current ways aren't all that much though, its the three dailies (30k, takes generally 45 or more minutes) then the remaining 20k is either afk (Don't think you can get the full 20k in time though), do the flight mini game (which is suffering of itself) or save soldiers at 2k a pop, generally 8-10 minutes each, times that by 10 and you get another hour and a half of grind time (this is on no kishin since I don't have 24/7 access to it) That makes two hours minimum (Soots can take over an hour themselves though so this is a pretty rough calculation)
    Now imagine if you didn't do the dailies. That would put your time up...roughly 4-5 hours just to cap determination. Then there are people like me, capping on two characters (good method to save coins on your main and spend the secondary coins on ranks), that doubles either time, to either 4 hours or 8-10!

    Things that could be changed to make it easier (not including Ember):
    -Lower Storm requirement from 1000 to like...400-500, that would take only two storms (three if your mobbing is bad) and a lot less time (Storm and Soots are almost tied in time they take to do)
    -Increase spawn rate for Soots/Storms, current estimated timers based on player experience that I asked in Moonbridge today say Soots spawn after every 3 storms, with each storm 7-10 minutes apart(We couldn't agree on an exact timing), making soot spawns supposedly 21-30 minutes apart.
    -Increase Determination gain from Soldier Saving. Help the people who want to grind it out without dailies a bit.
  • Return the Determination Ember

    Mira wrote: »
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    Medic wrote: »
    Why are we getting so much less determination than yesterday and yet have to do like 5x more work to get it. Do you really think we are going to spend like 8 hrs to collect it and not get anything else done. I really hope this is not how it is. Cause people are not happy.

    I'm happy with the way it is now. Seems easy enough to be able to complete one of the moonbridge quests quickly, that's already the 10k you were getting before.
    Then if you want to continue after that, you can potentially earn up to 5x on one character. I don't see the problem here.

    The problem is they're providing us quests to complete, but making them unreasonably long to complete. I spent an hour in Moonbridge yesterday on my Phantom and did not see Soot Glares at all throughout all 20 rooms across 2 whole channels. That is ridiculous to expect us to spend more than an hour on Moonbridge alone, let alone all the other dailies we have to complete in a day. Yesterday I tried to do the flare thing and it took almost the full 10 minutes to rescue the soldiers, whereas the embers of determination could almost always be done in 5-6 minutes (or earlier if you have kishin/frenzy).

    Yeah, Soot glares take at least an hour or more sometimes. Storm ones I can do in around half an hour, but Soot Glares and the Signals kinda suck with low spawn/drop rates. Ember is better for people who don't have all the time in the world to do these quests, like me with my flippin school and stuff.
  • Recruit a Friend...WHY

    So the new recruit a friend campaign...I am pretty sure that...it's gonna be way too hard to get 50 people into MS1...Like...lower the bar a LITTLE Nexon. Sorry but I have been having a stress attack trying to figure out how to do this and so have a couple of my friends...50 is too many. 30 would probably be too many...and for 10k maple points...sorry but I really needed to rant a little because I am one of those shy, introverts with few friends. God, the only way to do this event is through dummy accounts realistically...yeah, Ill get off my soap box but I am having such a really angry time with this new event.

    TLDR: Lower the friend requirement Nexon, remember the last "community" event you tried? 300b mob kills? Yeah, how'd that turn out...