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Closing old forums 1/31/2017

Reactions: 825
Posts: 22
Administrator, Nexon
edited January 2017 in General Chat
Hi everyone,

We will be closing down the old forums at the end of the month. If there was anything you wanted to save or bring over, you have until 1/31/2017 to do so. As far as these current forums go, we are currently working on getting the use of images back. We had some issues with players being able to mess with the HTML back in December that we are still working to resolve. You can find out more about this here: http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/9206/regarding-recent-forum-downtime/p1

We will do our best to keep you guys in the loop if there is any new information. Thank you for your patience!
Here is a link to our old forums: http://ow.ly/cI2P307L0ae


  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited January 2017
    Please don't do this.
    The old forums are an invaluable resource of history, information, bug reports, suggestions, discussions, and even art.
    They should not be removed, certainly not this soon.

    At least wait until the new forums have basic functionality (like text formatting and image inclusion) restored, as well as other needed functionality installed (like custom avatars and a proper search function). Not a single item in the 9-page-long "Forum Suggestions and Feedback" thread (http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/77/forum-suggestions-and-feedback) has been implemented yet, but you're already in a rush to remove the old forums? That's the most urgent thing to do right now?

    Unless, of course, the intention is to remove the history, so we can't prove how long certain issues have gone without being addressed.
    JettLuvsUPetalmagicTanyaFringeGMSArgentAggraphineAlexFkaisermeanaMews_Cas_and 21 others.
  • chaoscauserchaoscauser
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    edited January 2017
    Yeah it's not like it's going to cost Nexon much resources to keep it up either...
  • FringeGMSFringeGMS
    Reactions: 460
    Posts: 23
    edited January 2017
    AKradian said:

    Please don't do this.
    The old forums are an invaluable resource of history, information, bug reports, suggestions, discussions, and even art.
    They should not be removed, certainly not this soon.

    At least wait until the new forums have basic functionality (like text formatting and image inclusion) restored, as well as other needed functionality installed (like custom avatars and a proper search function). Not a single item in the 9-page-long "Forum Suggestions and Feedback" thread (http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/77/forum-suggestions-and-feedback) has been implemented yet, but you're already in a rush to remove the old forums? That's the most urgent thing to do right now?

    Unless, of course, the intention is to remove the history, so we can't prove how long certain issues have gone without being addressed.

    SECONDED. Do not remove the old forums! So many useful guides and information and HISTORY. This is the last thing that should be on your priorities list in regards to the forums. How about making these more secure so you guys dont embarass yourself with another hack? Fixing the issue where you are logged out when clicking threads in Chrome, or add basic HTML editing capabilites so guides can be more readable?

  • KlaraKlara
    Reactions: 3,385
    Posts: 245
    edited January 2017
    @Saygo Could we please get the 'Cash Shop - Requests, suggestions, etc.' board back on the new forums? At the moment we only have the 'Suggestions, Feedback and Requests' one and everything just gets lumped together. Any cosmetic requests get pushed down if there aren't as many responses or too many other game related topics.
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
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    edited January 2017
    This is why we really need a community manager, and why canning our previous one out of nowhere was a terrible decision on someone's part.

    As it stands, we get OneLetter or Saygo popping in to make announcement threads and then leaving again because, hey, they have their own job responsibilities, and managing our community isn't one of the priorities for them. It feels like we have absolutely no input on things like this, because you guys just come in, post a thread, and then never seem to acknowledge it again.
  • AlexisShionAlexisShion
    Reactions: 905
    Posts: 39
    edited January 2017
    We still stuck, the issue is probably related to Error 38 and V matrix. And yet, they dont know **** about error 38 cause them all are newer on the companie than this bug. You ask costumer support and they dont know anything about it.

  • MaryseMaryse
    Reactions: 6,640
    Posts: 531
    edited January 2017
    Bye memories :(
  • xsuperDxsuperD
    Reactions: 210
    Posts: 8
    edited January 2017
    Don't do this. The old forums have lots of memorable posts and also guides such as Tower of Oz etc which I sometimes refer back to for example.

    If you want to close the old forums, please port it to the new forums.
  • NeospectorNeospector
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    edited January 2017

    To paraphrase what I wrote on the subreddit, if you wish to back up a guide, *please* do so. It would actually help us mods out a lot to have more information available, and that's why this thread was created in the first place; to give people a chance to back up older threads.
    Rather than relying on an archived version of an old forum, it would be incredibly useful to back up the older information to the newer forums. Would probably load a lot faster too.

    FYI, Tower of Oz guide has already been ported over by SkyTheDestroyer:
  • MegaScienceMegaScience
    Reactions: 3,795
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    edited January 2017
    It was also announced with the new forum that the old forum would become unavailable at a point in the future. While there was not a hard deadline until now, priority has always been bringing over any relevant threads/information to the new forum. The chance is there, so why not take it?
  • ChukkiChukki
    Reactions: 1,525
    Posts: 181
    edited January 2017
    Typical Nexon.

    Removing history that we all love.

  • TubaTuba
    Reactions: 3,175
    Posts: 373
    edited January 2017
    I'm starting to get really annoyed seeing all these horrible changes being made with no notice to the players, so can you guys please get it together. On a side note I really don't know why you wouldn't have a new CM in mind to take the place of the old one wtf???
  • ChukkiChukki
    Reactions: 1,525
    Posts: 181
    edited January 2017
    Tuba said:

    I'm starting to get really annoyed seeing all these horrible changes being made with no notice to the players, so can you guys please get it together. On a side note I really don't know why you wouldn't have a new CM in mind to take the place of the old one wtf???

    I love the new forums.

    I don't understand on why there is a NEED to remove the old forums.

    What's the point of removing old forums? It's called REMOVING HISTORY.

  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited January 2017
    @Neospector @MegaScience
    It's not a matter of this or that guide.
    I often search the old forums for old bug reports and workarounds, old suggestions, what previous CM's had to say about various topics, etc. (It helps that the old forums actually had a working "Search" function, not like the joke that passes for "Search" in these new forums).
    I can't know ahead of time what threads would be of use to me in the future. I guess I should second Deathmobs' idea of copying everything over.

    And as for guides: due to text formatting and images currently not working, copying over a guide is bound to result in an illegible wall of text, that would have to be revisited whenever we have formatting restored (a month? a year? whenever we move to still newer forums?).

    What harm are the old forums doing, just sitting there being a resource?
  • BooberpuppyBooberpuppy
    Reactions: 3,415
    Posts: 322
    edited January 2017
    Damage control
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited January 2017
    I believe the old forums would be very useful to our next CM, as well.
    The old forums should not be removed before we get a new CM and *they* decide that they don't need to see anything more than 4 months old.
    I know that KThxBaiNao often used old threads that were linked to in newer threads on recurring topics, and also asked us for references to various things we remembered happening.

    I'd also like to point out that having the history there can help Nexon's image, too, not just hurt it. For example, when people got all up in arms about the "new line in the forum CoC that forbids CM's to help players," it was easy to show that the line had been there for years in the old forums.
  • jasonxddjasonxdd
    Reactions: 1,340
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    edited January 2017
    just apply to new jobs already instead of trying to cover up XD
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited January 2017
    Deathmobs, they didn't say we can make requests. They said we can "save or bring over" anything we want. By ourselves. Translating formatting from BBcode to HTML (blindly, because HTML formatting doesn't currently work), figuring out some way to present different people's posts in a discussion thread, etc. Perfectly doable, right?
  • NeospectorNeospector
    Reactions: 9,760
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    edited January 2017

    As I said, again, this post was made specifically so that you could preserve what you wanted. Please stop attributing conspiracy theories to what's probably just reducing space on the server.


    I don't know what search function you're using, but the new search function works just as well as the old forums, and the new forums allow you to search on Google. So that's out of the picture entirely.

    I'm not sure why this was met with such negativity, personally. This is like a store, long since moved to another location, announcing that they're tearing down their old, abandoned, unoccupied location only to be met with claims that they're removing history. No, everything still exists and I invite you to use every tool at your disposal including migrating old threads, recreating old threads, and making use of the internet archive to preserve pages you do not want to lose.
    Again, this has nothing to do with "covering up" or "removing history"; that's ridiculous and everyone here knows it.

    Hell, if you give me a list of any guides you wish to move over *I'll* "blindly" copy them over if you refuse to. But this has been warned about since the very day the forum migration was announced, you had plenty of time and were actively encouraged (even when the HTML was active) to move over existing topics of discussion. I don't want to sit here listening to people blabber on about conspiracy theories, despite the fact that this thread very existence contradicts them all, all for the sake of preserving an outdated (and half-broken) archive of things like a jam vs jelly debate:

    I'm sorry, but no. Everyone saw this coming when the forums were migrated. I've even had reports of a couple people who didn't even know you could browse the old forums. If you don't want to see information disappear, seize the opportunity and save it. Complaining about the removal of the old forums, which are full of lag and bugs and can't be searched in Google anyway, is just counterproductive.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited January 2017
    @Neospector ,

    Regarding Search: the old forums had "Advanced search" which allowed you to search by user name, dates, and keywords. The new forums have a search which, as far as I can tell, can only search by keywords which are "OR"ed, meaning that if I want to search for "magnus glitch" I will get all posts with either "magnus" or "glitch" in them. And there's no way to specify user name. Google is nice but since it views the page as a whole it also can't associate a poster or date with the content of a post.

    The difference with your store analogy is that the old store is actually a warehouse still full of goods. It is far from empty. There are no new deliveries into that warehouse, but that doesn't mean things already there are all worthless.

    Again, I am not talking about guides. I'm talking about things like bug reports and suggestions, of which there are tens of thousands.
    Want to copy all of those over for me, since you volunteered so nicely? Or just archive them in a searchable form?
    And then, since most meaningful discussions actually took place in General, that section needs archiving too.
    Also, please copy over every thread that a Nexon staff member commented in, except in the Off-topic section. In particular, Tech Support might come in handy.