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Closing old forums 1/31/2017


  • Member Tuba
    Reactions: 3,175
    Posts: 373
    edited January 2017
    AKradian said:

    @Neospector ,

    Regarding Search: the old forums had "Advanced search" which allowed you to search by user name, dates, and keywords. The new forums have a search which, as far as I can tell, can only search by keywords which are "OR"ed, meaning that if I want to search for "magnus glitch" I will get all posts with either "magnus" or "glitch" in them. And there's no way to specify user name. Google is nice but since it views the page as a whole it also can't associate a poster or date with the content of a post.

    The difference with your store analogy is that the old store is actually a warehouse still full of goods. It is far from empty. There are no new deliveries into that warehouse, but that doesn't mean things already there are all worthless.

    Again, I am not talking about guides. I'm talking about things like bug reports and suggestions, of which there are tens of thousands.
    Want to copy all of those over for me, since you volunteered so nicely? Or just archive them in a searchable form?
    And then, since most meaningful discussions actually took place in General, that section needs archiving too.
    Also, please copy over every thread that a Nexon staff member commented in, except in the Off-topic section. In particular, Tech Support might come in handy.
    Kradian I agree with you 100% and Neospector doesn't get it so I don't think you can reason with him. I would say more, but I'm just going to leave it at that because they have already given me 3 warnings for very "reaching" reasons and I'm not trying to get banned today lmao.
    @Neospector if "everyone saw it coming" why are so many people here pissed off? You and I both know that's not true.
  • Member Its2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
    Posts: 884
    edited January 2017
    @Neospector what about topics that are banned?

    We can't recreate threads like these because most if not all the posts are from former players or one time posters which will probably never come back to contribute. Along the fact that the topic is COMPLETELY BANNED. I understand it was due to nostalgia reasons, but even so it had more ideas than the occasional threads.

    That's just one thread out of many.

    A majority of us forumers did not expect the old forum would actually close. Hints to such were vague because at the point it felt more of an archive of information. What benefit will come from deleting a mass amount of ideas that were already in the graveyard? This just goes to show how "relevant" our comments really are.

    In-game, or forums it feels as us the community always gets the short end of the stick and we're always fighting for a better Maple when poor decisions are made by our publisher for reasons we are not disclosed or able to tune into until "the decision is final". The lack of transparency is just so high up there that it frustrates us as a community from ever trying to do anything because it feels as if it results into nothing.

    Just look at a majority of the official posts between Nexon employees and the community. There is a disconnect and we don't feel like we're treated as human, we don't feel as if the responses are human. The only one who accomplished that feat was our former Community Manager KThxBaiNao.

    I guess I'll do whatever I can to salvage, there's no point in arguing if they won't budge like in most situations.
  • Member Tuba
    Reactions: 3,175
    Posts: 373
    edited January 2017
    This game deserves a better staff of people.
  • Member genji123
    Reactions: 1,120
    Posts: 140
    edited January 2017
    Define closing down. They should just archive the old board.

    Also lol what is up with this forum and terrible analogies. Stop making such a big deal of the history of this forum. There are better old guides on BasilMarket not to mention most of them are outdated now, Southperry has more information because they do extractions. All the theory-crafting and data testing comes from the reddit community.

    NA Nexon is not a developer, they are a publisher. Compiling a list of suggestions isn't going to mean anything. The NA staff doesn't care, or maybe they forward it to Korea only to get a no. Shout out to Nexon NA who took credit for all the QoL and optimization in the new 5th job update on their dev blog. Not like the suggestions on this forum were unique and amazing. Most of the suggestions that have been posted here have been suggested 100s of times in various other forums.

  • Member MomTeresa
    Reactions: 1,585
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    edited January 2017
  • Member Its2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
    Posts: 884
    edited January 2017
    @genji123 Sorry but the last part I won't agree you with.

    MapleStory Reddit and whatever fan-site community out there can't take credit for "every single suggestion before the MapleStory Forums". That's not how the world works. In fact most suggestions aren't unique at all, they have little to no merit of "claiming" such which basically destroys your own words:

    "Not like the suggestions on this forum were unique and amazing. Most of the suggestions that have been posted here have been suggested 100s of times in various other forums."

    Everyone can have the same idea but not know that others have ever thought of it.

    Alright lets go back to the previous part of your comment. Just because one community has "such" doesn't make another community completely irrelevant. "Better old guides", outdated is outdated it proves little to no use besides being an archive of old outdated content. Southperry on the other hand has stopped major extraction releases for awhile now, which again proves to be less useful then during their peak times. MapleStory reddit is the most active community I've seen, but that doesn't mean they have their ups and downs.

    Even with that all said we both know the Official Forums are still going to be here, but that doesn't mean these forums are completely useless. We have our own community here with several individuals who also have several traits beneficial to our own community. You don't have to be famous in order to help out someone or to contribute. You just do it.

    If you want to brag about being on fan-sites which are better in whatever value you see fit, fine that's an opinion. But don't try to use that as an argument "oh because our community is much better" and boast beyond oblivion. Just because one may be better than the other doesn't make it irrelevant.

    What makes it irrelevant is when you are in the wrong. I hope you see where I am pointing towards.
  • Member FringeGMS
    Reactions: 460
    Posts: 23
    edited January 2017

    FYI, Tower of Oz guide has already been ported over by SkyTheDestroyer:


    I'm sorry but how blind are you? That tower of oz guide can't hold a candle to the one on the old forums. I am so glad that all of you are losing your jobs. You don't deserve them.
  • Nexon bumbertyr
    Reactions: 6,610
    Posts: 1,167
    edited January 2017
    FringeGMS said:


    FYI, Tower of Oz guide has already been ported over by SkyTheDestroyer:


    I'm sorry but how blind are you? That tower of oz guide can't hold a candle to the one on the old forums. I am so glad that all of you are losing your jobs. You don't deserve them.

    no need to be rude, he was just showing that there is in fact a guide. Also who said that they're losing their status as volunteers? Try to avoid spreading the FUD if possible.
  • Member Chukki
    Reactions: 1,525
    Posts: 181
    edited January 2017

    Re-link the new forums to the old forums and keep the old forums in a different section where players can check for old history for valuable information. (It is not hard at all.) This way everybody who click the "forum" link on the website will be led to the new forums.

  • Member Ivangold
    Reactions: 2,985
    Posts: 588
    edited January 2017
    I didn't use much time in the old forums, but they should wait the next CM to analyze it better.
  • Member PlasticHolly
    Reactions: 2,140
    Posts: 125
    edited January 2017
    just another example of nexon making an announcement and no follow up discussion, seriously someone needs to train you people on the art of customer relations. I have no idea what the justification for closing old threads are, i doubt it's a conspiracy but it's probably about being cheap, since everything at nexon seems to be about money- including shoddy testing, QA, poorly trained customer care and support staff, and the constant and endless money grab advertisements
  • Volunteer Forum Moderator Neospector
    Reactions: 9,860
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    Volunteer Forum Moderator
    edited January 2017

    We have already had an old maple thread in the very early days of the new forum and, as I pointed out when moderating it myself, the rule concerning it still applies.
    Old maple server suggestions = banned
    Nostalgia threads = not banned

    This is seriously the most bizarre thing I have ever witnessed. It makes no sense from any logical perspective to be defending the old forum so adamantly. It's old, it's outdated in numerous aspects, it's slow, it's buggy, everyone complained about it. Now we have new forums and the minute old forums are about to be cleared, which is very probably the most mundane task you can do with a server, everyone goes ballistic because reasons.
    I have never seen anyone defend a broken archive that most people don't access for their information at all be defended to the death like this. I can't claim to vouch for anyone but myself, but...seriously? This is what gets everyone riled up? Not the lag from the haste event or the fact that I reported like 4 bots trying to take over Future Heneseys to abuse the haste event or anything that's an actual issue, but the deletion of old threads? I can think of a million things to be angry about. This isn't one of them.

    I won't be arguing further, but personally I think this is just ridiculous. SaptaZapta even compared it to the burning of the library at Alexandria. Being completely honest, I have never seen people overreact so badly to something so silly.
    The negative feedback has been noted and forwarded either way.
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited January 2017
    @Neospector , maybe you don't use the old forums, but I do.

    Just because you don't need something, doesn't mean others have no use for it.

    And neither you nor Nexon have provided any good reason for wiping it. The space it takes up is negligible, since it's all text. It can't be saved to the Wayback Machine (I get a "too many redirects" error when I try, even on a single thread), and it's way too much to manually move over. If you wipe it, you're taking a resource away forever, from however many (or few) people do or will use it. Including the future CM.

    I am mad about the lag, and the people locked out of their mains, and the many other bugs and issues with the game. But those are up to Nexon Korea, and we can only complain so much before we realize they'll either fix it or not at their own pace.
    The old forums are in Nexon NA's hands. Unlike your reported hackers, the old forums aren't an unconquerable problem, a multi-headed hydra or something. They're just a terabyte or two of information quietly sitting out of the way doing nobody any harm and some people some good. Why is it so wrong to try to convince Nexon (assuming anyone from there ever reads here... at least I have hope that my first post in this thread, and its 20+ Likes, might get seen) to leave those forums be? Why are you, personally, so adamant on wanting them gone?
  • Member Uzume
    Reactions: 2,525
    Posts: 173
    edited January 2017
    I dunno why it's silly to want to keep track of old information. I think it's perfectly fine and reasonable to want everything to be archived, because information will be useful forever. It could even help Nexon, if they actually look at the feedback for things in the past and try not to do that same thing and cause backlash.

    (Also, I can only find it a bit funny you mention how buggy the old forums were, when we've dealt with ten times worse on these new ones. If anything, I kinda prefer the old forums. At least I could have an avatar and post pictures there.)
  • Member, Private Tester Sorrow
    Reactions: 2,780
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited January 2017
    Fix our current forums..........
  • Member Chukki
    Reactions: 1,525
    Posts: 181
    edited January 2017

    I don't want to argue any further either.
    If there is a problem in the future then don't tell us that we didn't give you feedback.

    Good luck with the team of discussing this. (If you do)
  • Member, Private Tester Sorrow
    Reactions: 2,780
    Posts: 314
    Member, Private Tester
    edited January 2017

    This is seriously the most bizarre thing I have ever witnessed. It makes no sense from any logical perspective to be defending the old forum so adamantly. It's old, it's outdated in numerous aspects, it's slow, it's buggy, everyone complained about it. Now we have new forums and the minute old forums are about to be cleared, which is very probably the most mundane task you can do with a server, everyone goes ballistic because reasons.
    I have never seen anyone defend a broken archive that most people don't access for their information at all be defended to the death like this. I can't claim to vouch for anyone but myself, but...seriously? This is what gets everyone riled up? Not the lag from the haste event or the fact that I reported like 4 bots trying to take over Future Heneseys to abuse the haste event or anything that's an actual issue, but the deletion of old threads? I can think of a million things to be angry about. This isn't one of them.

    I won't be arguing further, but personally I think this is just ridiculous. SaptaZapta even compared it to the burning of the library at Alexandria. Being completely honest, I have never seen people overreact so badly to something so silly.
    The negative feedback has been noted and forwarded either way.

    This post is a bit rude for being a Volunteer Forum Moderator. You should consider all forms of feedback good or bad.
  • Member OneLetter
    Reactions: 6,380
    Posts: 129
    edited January 2017
    With regard to these current forums, we'll have some updates / fixes in the very near future, as we've been working on it since the day we disabled HTML, and are currently in testing / adjustments with our updated plan. We want the functionality back just as much as the rest of you, as your feedback is very important to the team here.

    Also, thank you for the comments regarding the old forums. Part of the reason we're providing everyone with so much notice is so that you can grab any threads that you would like to bring over to the new forums.

  • Member Tuba
    Reactions: 3,175
    Posts: 373
    edited January 2017
    Sorrow said:

    Fix our current forums..........
    But putting all their energy into something as pointless as closing an old forums is more productive. #checkurpriorityprivledge
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited January 2017
    @OneLetter ,
    Did you read any of what I wrote in this thread?

    The issue is not specific threads. The issue is the entire repository of information.
    There are 23,280 threads containing 105,045 posts in the Bug Reporting section of the old forums. I could not copy them all here. I could not even realistically look them all over to see which ones might possibly be relevant sometime down the line. If they stay where they are, I (and others) could search through them for certain keywords, and use the information in them to help solve new or recurring bugs, at any time in the future.
    And that's just one section.

    Can you please explain WHY it is necessary to delete the old forums?
    And more specifically, why it is necessary to do so BEFORE the new CM for Maplestory can look them over and decide whether they are a valuable resource or pure garbage?