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Arlong endorses Donald Trump


  • Member xparasite9
    Reactions: 2,000
    Posts: 189
    edited October 2016
    a triple-post.
    this guy is really going all out.

    I mean he's really really upset.

    What, you think I'm surprised? Women have overwhelmingly voted for the D for the past several decades.
  • Member WillScarlet
    Reactions: 1,225
    Posts: 229
    edited October 2016

    a triple-post.
    this guy is really going all out.

    I mean he's really really upset.

    What, you think I'm surprised? Women have overwhelmingly voted for the D for the past several decades.
    still it shows that not only Trump is NOT winning majority of non-whites... he is also losing gender battle as well... he only gets support from "Red necks''
  • Member Arlong
    Reactions: 4,645
    Posts: 424
    edited October 2016
    I didn't see a refutation of my accusation that you didn't watch the video so I'll assume I caught you red handed and you lashed out. lol
    Had you watched and maybe even properly read my comment, you would know that I don't hate Muslims. I'm aware most of them are peaceful and would never harm you or I. The problem is that there is a large minority of them that are problematic and it's people like you that call anyone who dares criticize the holy perfect religion of Islam as islamophobic that are giving terrorists a free pass.

    Because women overwhelmingly vote based on feelings and not reason. Liberals are masters are manipulating your feelings so that's why women vote left usually. Women also contribute less in taxes but overwhelmingly benefit from it so it is in their monetary benefit to vote left. Because why work for your own money when you can get the government sugar daddy to pay?

    ^omg I love Steven Crowder
  • Member WillScarlet
    Reactions: 1,225
    Posts: 229
    edited October 2016
    Because women overwhelmingly vote based on feelings and not reason.
    "why did we EVER gave them right to vote! It was better back in good old 1950's when women did as they were told! They should not be given say in politics! Us men know better than these women! We are not emotional! We can do better"
  • Member xparasite9
    Reactions: 2,000
    Posts: 189
    edited October 2016

    Because women overwhelmingly vote based on feelings and not reason.
    "why did we EVER gave them right to vote! It was better back in good old 1950's when women did as they were told! They should not be given say in politics! Us men know better than these women! We are not emotional! We can do better"
    you know Arlong is female right
  • Member WillScarlet
    Reactions: 1,225
    Posts: 229
    edited October 2016


    Because women overwhelmingly vote based on feelings and not reason.
    "why did we EVER gave them right to vote! It was better back in good old 1950's when women did as they were told! They should not be given say in politics! Us men know better than these women! We are not emotional! We can do better"

    you know Arlong is female right

    even more baffling then... why would someone vote for someone who stands only for red necks who hates Non-Whites and Woman...
  • Member xparasite9
    Reactions: 2,000
    Posts: 189
    edited October 2016



    Because women overwhelmingly vote based on feelings and not reason.
    "why did we EVER gave them right to vote! It was better back in good old 1950's when women did as they were told! They should not be given say in politics! Us men know better than these women! We are not emotional! We can do better"

    you know Arlong is female right
    even more baffling then... why would someone vote for someone who stands only for red necks who hates Non-Whites and Woman...

    because that's a complete mischaracterization???
  • Member Arlong
    Reactions: 4,645
    Posts: 424
    edited October 2016
    Once again putting more words in my mouth. Hmm maybe because Trump doesn't stand for only white male rednecks? Or is that outside the realm of possibility?
  • Member WillScarlet
    Reactions: 1,225
    Posts: 229
    edited October 2016
    Arlong said:

    Once again putting more words in my mouth. Hmm maybe because Trump doesn't stand for only white male rednecks? Or is that outside the realm of possibility?
    When has he EVER said something postive about woman and non-whites and Islams? For so many negative things he MUST say something positive in order to balance it out.
  • Member Arlong
    Reactions: 4,645
    Posts: 424
    edited October 2016
    He compliments women all the time. He owns Miss Universe and owns most of Miss USA and has said plenty of great things about women. I remember he came to the defence of Carrie Prejean when she was attacked viciously by the media for her answer to a question. He called Rosie O'Donnell a fat slob and she deserved it. Why? Because Rosie was saying horrible things about Tara Conner who was Miss USA for underage drinking and drug abuse. Donald Trump gave her a second chance and that's when Rosie went after him. And so the feud began. Barbara Res was the first female in history to construct a skyscraper. Donald Trump hired her. The Trump organization is one of the few companies where more of the executives are female than male. Of course that might have to do with him wanting to be around beautiful women but that is the absolute opposite of hating women. Someone who hates women would probably be gay and would refuse to hire any women.

    Clubs in Palm Beach Florida to this day still discriminate against blacks and jews. Trump's Mar-a-Lago insisted on letting blacks and jews in and he sued the city for discrimination when they didn't want his club to be open for blacks and jews.

    He's never said anything positive about Islam, that's a good thing.
  • Member xparasite9
    Reactions: 2,000
    Posts: 189
    edited October 2016

    Arlong said:

    Once again putting more words in my mouth. Hmm maybe because Trump doesn't stand for only white male rednecks? Or is that outside the realm of possibility?
    When has he EVER said something postive about woman and non-whites and Islams? For so many negative things he MUST say something positive in order to balance it out.
    The word is "muslim", not "islams", you backwater racist pig.

    and yeah, he has no problem with muslims.
  • Member WillScarlet
    Reactions: 1,225
    Posts: 229
    edited October 2016
    Arlong said:

    He's never said anything positive about Islam, that's a good thing.
    and why is it a good thing? Not all Muslims are power hungry cartoon villains you know.
    There are Muslims who wants peace like rest of us...
    like this girlhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malala_Yousafzai
    and you did not answer my question about non-whites.
  • Member Arlong
    Reactions: 4,645
    Posts: 424
    edited October 2016
    Not all Germans were power hungry cartoon villains either. Most of them wanted peace. Most soviets wanted peace. Most Japanese imperialists wanted peace. I've said twice already that I'm aware most Muslims are peaceful. Islam needs a reformation, right now its leaders and the islamic culture has nothing worthy of praise. Moral relativism is a cancer. There is a difference between Islam as an ideology as Muslims as a people. I can hate on Islam, there is nothing wrong with hating on an ideology. Hating people on the hand is not something I do, and neither does Trump. Malala is exactly the kind of Muslim people I actually support. The problem is that you think she represents mainstream Islam. She doesn't. She has to fight for women's education because islamic culture treats women so horribly. Had you watched the prager university video I linked, at the end it talks about how we need to be supportive Muslim reformers who recognize the many problems in Islam and want to change it for the better. You protecting Islam by outright ignoring the problems women face in Muslim countries only helps to perpetuate the second class citizenry of women in these countries. But you know, I'm the sexist one.

    And I did answer about non-whites. The Mar-a-Lago thing?
  • Member WillScarlet
    Reactions: 1,225
    Posts: 229
    edited October 2016
    Most of them wanted peace. Most soviets wanted peace. Most Japanese imperialists wanted peace. I've said twice already that I'm aware most Muslims are peaceful.
    but Trump dose not see that. Trump wants ALL Islam... both peace loving and intelligent to violent ones... OUT of America. In his mind he thinks that All Muslims must support ISIS... and to him there is NO peace loving Muslims ... for him only Muslims are terrorist Muslims... otherwise why would he suggest kick all Muslims out?
  • Member xparasite9
    Reactions: 2,000
    Posts: 189
    edited October 2016

    Most of them wanted peace. Most soviets wanted peace. Most Japanese imperialists wanted peace. I've said twice already that I'm aware most Muslims are peaceful.
    but Trump dose not see that. Trump wants ALL Islam... both peace loving and intelligent to violent ones...
    uh-huh. and exactly how do you differentiate between the different kinds of Islam in the vetting process?
    Should we try to use some kind of religious test, which people are already decrying, or even worse, just let everyone in with no vetting?

    Or should we do as Calvin Coolidge did (and no one complained or alleged it was unconstitutional) and shut down immigration from specific countries for some time?

  • Member Arlong
    Reactions: 4,645
    Posts: 424
    edited October 2016
    No he doesn't. He never said he wanted to kick all Muslims out, he said he wanted to stop future ones from coming in. Big difference. He has said many times that Muslims need to work with us in defeating terrorism. Ever notice how liberals can make up all sorts of false accusations but when a conservative slips up even once with their facts, liberals freak out like "HAHAHAHH stoopid conservative git yur facts strait."

    best video ever
  • Member WillScarlet
    Reactions: 1,225
    Posts: 229
    edited October 2016
    Arlong said:

    No he doesn't. He never said he wanted to kick all Muslims out, he said he wanted to stop future ones from coming in. Big difference. He has said many times that Muslims need to work with us in defeating terrorism. Ever notice how liberals can make up all sorts of false accusations but when a conservative slips up even once with their facts, liberals freak out like "HAHAHAHH stoopid conservative git yur facts strait."

    best video ever
    Also just how can he stop Muslims com coming in? How can one tell? There are non-Arab Muslims so how can he tell unless he is targeting specifically for Arabs ( even though there ARE small number of non-Muslim Arabs...)
  • Member Arlong
    Reactions: 4,645
    Posts: 424
    edited October 2016
    He said he would have extreme vetting. That is a fair criticism and frankly I don't think it's feasible to ban Muslim immigration nor do I agree with that plan. But I agree on his plan for refugees, don't bring them here, set up safe zones for them in nearby countries. I'm pretty sure I read or heard that his plan was that he would stop immigration from people who are from Muslim majority countries. Although that would also stop Christians, yazidis, kurds, Jews and atheists from those countries who are heavily oppressed by Muslims. Of course most Muslims don't like Trump. They're voting for Clinton because she's connected to the Muslim Brotherhood just like them. You know which group is heavily for Trump? Former Muslims. Former Muslims who have seen and know the horrors of that barbaric religion and don't want it brought here.
  • Member WillScarlet
    Reactions: 1,225
    Posts: 229
    edited October 2016
    Arlong said:

    s. Former Muslims who have seen and know the horrors of that barbaric religion and don't want it brought here.
    again you imply that only good Muslims are ones that give up on the faith of Muslims... why is it so HARD for you to understand that there are peace-loving Muslims who keep to their faith AS WELL AS love the world peace...
  • Member Arlong
    Reactions: 4,645
    Posts: 424
    edited October 2016
    This is the first time I mentioned former Muslims so don't say 'again'. For the third time I DO recognize that there are peaceful Muslims in the world. You however seem to think there is nothing wrong with Islam. There are plenty of bad Muslims just like there are plenty of bad catholics. And just like how catholics keep their pedophiles on the down low, Muslims keep their terrorists on the down low. The difference is that the terrorists are fundamentalists and they base their actions directly from the Koran. There is no catholic that would justify pedophilia and they know they are doing wrong. Fundamentalist Muslims however think they are doing right. Former Muslims and Muslim reformers would say similar things that I've said. They criticize and point out the major problems in the religion because they want to change it. You think Islam is fine the way it is because there are a Muslims in the west, many of whom are westernized, that act civil but if you go to Muslim majority countries like Iran it's a whole different story. If Muslims want to change Islam and change what Mohammed said and follow religious practices that are different from what Mohammed originally said to fit with modern times I have no problems with that. But right now you can't bring in people that think women should be covered or they deserve to be raped, you can't bring in people that think stoning gays is appropriate, you can't bring in people that have child brides. That isn't fringe Muslim belief, that is mainstream Islam. You don't see it here because Muslims here are westernized. But look at what fresh third world Muslims are doing to Europe. If that makes me islamaphobic so be it. I'd rather be labeled islamaphobic than risk getting raped.
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