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Familiar System Revamp 2020 Questions

Reactions: 3,795
Posts: 684
edited December 2020 in General Chat
Hi Maplers!

As mentioned in our Maple Memo, we are having Familiar System Revamp in the upcoming April update.
We plan to post a webpost guide to further explain the revamp and will review community questions commented here to address them through the post.
If you have any questions about the Familiar System Revamp, please comment below!
*We may not be providing the answers directly on this Forum post.

Reminder: Please use your Familiar Cards prior to our April update.

Thank you.


  • SnizzeSnizze
    Reactions: 1,075
    Posts: 16
    edited April 2020
    1. Are the familiar badges traditional badges, the ones that go in the badge slot, or will it replace the codex slot or something similar? Will they be better or at least competitive with pottable badges?

    2. Will there be a method of checking monster drops similar to how the codex works currently when viewing a monster's information?

    3. Will "Red Familiar Cards" be obtainable on Reboot through non pay2win means? (No NX/MaplePoints/etc)

    4. How will "Familiar Breakthrough Cards" be obtained? Quests/Farming/Cash Shop/etc?

    5. How do familiar potentials work when a familiar is ranked up? Are they re-randomized or do they tier up alongside the rank?

    6. Why are we limited on how many coins "old" Gollux coins we can exchange per week?

    7. Will the merchant that appears at the end of the Gollux fight have a spawn chance or is it guaranteed?

    8. The drop table of Gollux will be adjusted, does this mean removal of pendants/belts from the boss drop pool or just changed chances of dropping?
  • HerptheDerpHerptheDerp
    Reactions: 1,200
    Posts: 65
    edited April 2020
    You mention Familiar Badges. Are these going in the current badge slot?
    If so are they potable?
  • IaraIara
    Reactions: 670
    Posts: 10
    edited April 2020
    Hello there! My name is Iara and I have been playing Maple for quite some years. What has always been my favourite feature is the familiar collection (I am dead serious).
    I came back 14 days ago when I've read that there was going to be a revamp on this system, and I truly wish we can all work hard on it for it to be as good as it can be.
    I have some key questions:
    1. The crusader codex as the "collector" set of medals. As of right now, most of these medals are unobtainable and have been bugged for quite a time. Could the new Familiar system please award these medals as well?
    2. The Maple Memo does not mention what will happen with vitality, as well as current familiars with vitality. Will vitality still be a feature? What about multiple familiar cards used in this current system?
    3. Will this change, in any way, affect the drop rate of familiar cards?
    4. Thew new change makes familiar rank very vital. Will there be any way of increasing the rank of any of our current familiars? I do not know if this feature is being taken from any other region of Maplestory, but I think that some changes would be nice. Such a change would prevent us having to choose "meta" legendary familiars and instead be able to use whichever we like. If I like, for example, the Red Snail Monster... Will it be stuck in "Common" rank or can said rank be increased? Or can I use a familiar as "display", yet use the effects of others? Personally I feel a "vanity familiar" feature would be neat. Specially for extreme collectors like me who would like to show off their rarest familiars.
    5. Familiar Red Cards. Will they be available on Reboot? They seem like a huge component.

    The familiar system is really near and dear to my heart. I have had multiple accounts before (iara0 and iara1) and I have always favoured familiar-catching over anything else. I wish I can help in any way, even if it's just giving my input.
    Hopefully, once we settle this, we can talk about some familiar pet-peeves and oversights. Particularly on booster packs and the like. I seriously think that, if a familiar can rank up, we could be able to have Familiar Booster Packs in reboot for NX or mesos.
  • RexaarRexaar
    Reactions: 3,655
    Posts: 927
    edited April 2020
    Will drop rate of familiars change or stay the same as before?
  • HHG1HHG1
    Reactions: 5,986
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited April 2020
    With the requirement to register more familiars to get the Familiar Badges, will there be a search function or favorites-tab to keep it from getting cluttered? Will these Familiar Badges have the same effect as the current sets?

    Will vitality orbs and familiar duration remain the same for those who expanded the vitality orbs of their familiars prior to this update? If not, will the additional familiar cards used prior to this update be compensated for? (ie Wolf Underling being one of the more valuable cards)

    It says that every familiar can be ranked up to Unique by using familiar points, but are Red Familiar cards required to go to Legendary or how is Legendary obtained?
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
    Reactions: 6,160
    Posts: 748
    Member, Private Tester
    edited April 2020
    Are you able to reveal all possible stat boosts the new familiar potential system will have? Ex. boss damage, buff duration, etc

    Will there be an option to hide familiars? Each player having three active familiars sounds like a lot of screen clutter.
  • ZyxsstZyxsst
    Reactions: 500
    Post: 1
    edited April 2020
    Will any unused familiars disappear after the update?
  • MastahiroMastahiro
    Reactions: 1,370
    Posts: 56
    edited April 2020
    Will the new familiar system fix Jett's several year old bugs?
  • AllowedAllowed
    Reactions: 1,045
    Posts: 83
    edited April 2020
    Zyxsst wrote: »
    Will any unused familiars disappear after the update?

    They won't disappear but they will get the new ability

    So if you don't activate current familiar with drop rate for example the drop rate will be changed to something else,

    If you activate before the revamp you will keep the drop rate etc etc.
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    What day is the revamp scheduled to take place?
  • ColoursonColourson
    Reactions: 630
    Posts: 6
    This familiar system looks promising, thank you you. However, please make familiars affected by transparency (including pets as well), I'm not looking forward go into boss fights with 15 Giant Snail familiars covering the boss.
  • IdolmasterIdolmaster
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    Do we need to complete the Masteria content to access Gollux or will we still be able to get there via the Dimensional Door?
  • TurtlesRockTurtlesRock
    Reactions: 1,845
    Posts: 95
    edited April 2020
    Is no one paying attention to the new level 180 entry requirement?

    This makes making an 8k legion much harder. The entry limit use to be 140, then 170, and now 180?!? You have to level up a whole one hundred eighty levels before accessing gollux? It's total BS.

    And is no one paying attention to the new once per day entry limit?

    There will be hardly any hellux semis available because everyone will be doing hellux for themselves. And not just until they finish the set, but non-stop because of the weekly resets.

    I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be much more difficult to obtain gollux accessories either. I don't trust nexon one bit with this update.

    To Nexon: Please don't butcher this update. Do not increase the gollux entry level. Do not lower the entry limit. Most importantly, nexon, DO NOT TOUCH OUR POTABLE BADGES.
  • ShadEightShadEight
    Reactions: 3,110
    Posts: 381
    edited April 2020
    "we don’t have plans to change the stats or specifications of Gollux equipment"

    I'm guessing they aren't going change the flame tier of gollux equipment....
  • IssylIssyl
    Reactions: 500
    Posts: 3
    edited April 2020
    Will unobtainable familiars (not event familiars, but those which don't 'technically' drop such as Cygnus and Pink Bean) now be obtainable after the update?
  • BeefBeef
    Reactions: 2,560
    Posts: 219
    edited April 2020
    Please no server/p2w gate Familiar, give Reboot these familiar and not gate reg server players.
  • BobbyWeaveBobbyWeave
    Reactions: 1,615
    Posts: 31
    edited April 2020
    I'm yet another player who spends a considerable amount of time hunting familiars and monster cards (762/752 monster cards, 310 familiars, currently level 259 in Reboot).

    Right now the only way to know which monsters drop which items to look through the crusader codex. Monster cards that you've collected in the codex will display, among other useful information, the drops for those monsters. For certain items with extremely low drop rates such as the Daiwa Sword from Leader A, world boss familiars like Lyka, and instanced boss familiars like Lord Skeleton, this is the only way to verify the existence of their drops with absolute certainty.

    Will we see a new source of truth for drops to replace the codex?

    Secondly, in JMS there are many more monsters that drop familiars. Currently in GMS it is impossible to obtain familiars from Arcane River through drops. Familiars that do not drop from monsters MUST be obtained through the cash shop and are only obtainable on non-Reboot servers.

    Will all the monsters that drop familiars in JMS also drop familiars in GMS?
  • IaraIara
    Reactions: 670
    Posts: 10
    edited April 2020
    BobbyWeave wrote: »
    I'm yet another player who spends a considerable amount of time hunting familiars and monster cards (762/752 monster cards, 310 familiars, currently level 259 in Reboot).

    Right now the only way to know which monsters drop which items to look through the crusader codex. Monster cards that you've collected in the codex will display, among other useful information, the drops for those monsters. For certain items with extremely low drop rates such as the Daiwa Sword from Leader A, world boss familiars like Lyka, and instanced boss familiars like Lord Skeleton, this is the only way to verify the existence of their drops with absolute certainty.

    Will we see a new source of truth for drops to replace the codex?

    Secondly, in JMS there are many more monsters that drop familiars. Currently in GMS it is impossible to obtain familiars from Arcane River through drops. Familiars that do not drop from monsters MUST be obtained through the cash shop and are only obtainable on non-Reboot servers.

    Will all the monsters that drop familiars in JMS also drop familiars in GMS?

    WELL I was gonna adress this when we actually get some takes.
    Not even the Crusader Codex is 100% reliable because the Lord Skeleton we have (And all of the Crusader bosses) have a different ID than the ones we see on the Codex Book. As such, their familiars will NEVER drop. This bug has been around since the lastest update to Crusader questline, which was who-knows-how-long ago.
    There are several things to be fixed in the familiar system, and some familiars should be reintroduced. But we need to take this slowly first.
  • TheOnyxSpyroTheOnyxSpyro
    Reactions: 1,030
    Posts: 8
    edited April 2020
    Will arcane river familiars be added? Hopeful that esfera mobs will be available to collect.
  • PirateIzzyPirateIzzy
    Reactions: 5,265
    Posts: 862
    edited April 2020
    In regards to the Crusader Codex being removed and replaced with Familiar Badges, will these work the same as Familiar Sets in JapanMS? JapanMS's rework replaced Codex Sets with Familiar Sets, which serve the same purpose (albeit with some different bonuses); therefore, are Familiar Badges just a renaming of Familiar Sets?