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Potential Badges

Reactions: 770
Posts: 10
edited May 2020 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
It's obvious that there is an unfair advantage that older users have over newer users with having the sengoku and ghost exorcist badges.

My suggestion to balance this would be to reskin and put either of the two badges into GMS custom shops such as the commerci shop or the gollux shop so that new players can play GMS custom content that is already exists and can have access to the GMS exclusive badges that can be enhanced and that have potential.

If that is seemingly too much effort, just create a quest at lv 150 or 160 for ALL characters similar to the lv 100 emblem quest and automatically give all characters either of the reskinned badges.

Both suggestions require MINIMAL effort with programming as these equips already exist in game and can easily be thrown into prexisting GMS content that has not been gotten rid of.

  1. Should badges with potential be added to GMS exlusive content coin shops such as Gollux or Commerci?58 votes
    1. Add either badge to the gollux shop for gollux coins
       26% (15 votes)
    2. Add either badge to the Commerci shop for denaro
       60% (35 votes)
    3. No, badges with potential should not be brought back
       14% (8 votes)


  • PeepPeep
    Reactions: 3,950
    Posts: 355
    edited May 2020
    They should just bring the other badges back. I don't know why they haven't yet. Absolutely disgusting. I feel sorry for all the people without one honestly.
  • PirateIzzyPirateIzzy
    Reactions: 5,275
    Posts: 862
    edited May 2020
    Pottable badges were restricted due to orders from KMS not wanting us to have better badges than the KMS meta. Why go for the Black Mage badge when we have Ghost Ship Exorcist, and all that. I agree that it was a poorly thought out decision, but honestly the only way I see them returning is if KMS makes them the new meta.
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
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    edited May 2020
    PirateIzzy wrote: »
    Pottable badges were restricted due to orders from KMS not wanting us to have better badges than the KMS meta. Why go for the Black Mage badge when we have Ghost Ship Exorcist, and all that. I agree that it was a poorly thought out decision, but honestly the only way I see them returning is if KMS makes them the new meta.

    Which will never happen. That would entail admitting that the genesis badge is, as we all know it to be, utterly worthless.
  • ProphetieProphetie
    Reactions: 915
    Posts: 82
    edited May 2020
    Sadly, the issue is not that new players don't have GSE or Sengoku badge.
    The issue is that older characters have them and were able to maintain all of their Star Force and Potential.
    It would've sparked outrage if they removed those and gave compensation but as we seen in the last memo, game balance and player feedback are not exactly things they care about.
    Perhaps they could've made them lvl 1 items with matching SF and Potentials.
  • PugLifePugLife
    Reactions: 770
    Posts: 10
    edited May 2020
    PirateIzzy wrote: »
    Pottable badges were restricted due to orders from KMS not wanting us to have better badges than the KMS meta. Why go for the Black Mage badge when we have Ghost Ship Exorcist, and all that. I agree that it was a poorly thought out decision, but honestly the only way I see them returning is if KMS makes them the new meta.

    Gollux is better than the KMS meta of meister earrings/ boss pendants. By that logic Gollux equips should also be removed..

    The black mage badge is a rare drop for the boss set but people black mage for the genesis weapons anyways. It's just like the dreamy belt or the damaged heart from lotus (since the face can be BIS) or even the verus hilla pendant. Some of those boss equips do offer different options for the dark boss set to be used but most of them are overpriced and not even a best in slot equip.
  • ResetReset
    Reactions: 1,585
    Posts: 54
    edited May 2020
    If they just allowed every badge to be potted and starred instead of removing access to pottable badges altogether, they wouldn't have created this whole "old players have a bigger advantage" problem in the first place. In other words, by doing that, they created an even bigger problem in doing so.

    I've never seen an MMORPG let old players have a permanent advantage over new ones like this before. Those people who have pottable badges will always be stronger than those who don't so you'll never be stronger than them in things like dojo for example. Which means you can't get into this game and try to be a top player since you're gated from ever being that.
    SlicedTimekaopiVyrtaePugLifeLaudierCutieMikuGenkaiX1EikaheDarkanomalypat159and 3 others.
  • VyrtaeVyrtae
    Reactions: 875
    Posts: 13
    edited May 2020
    I've said it before and will say it again. Nexon always mentions in their memos that they are pushing towards better game balance, while simultaneously doing the complete opposite. Removing something like this from the game while having older players keep it, is giving a permanent advantage to the older players. It's only creating imbalance if anything. I'd like to see the badges brought back, or as others said, make it so that you can starforce and pot the currently obtainable badges.
  • LaxrsiLaxrsi
    Reactions: 1,115
    Posts: 62
    edited May 2020
    PirateIzzy wrote: »
    Pottable badges were restricted due to orders from KMS not wanting us to have better badges than the KMS meta. Why go for the Black Mage badge when we have Ghost Ship Exorcist, and all that. I agree that it was a poorly thought out decision, but honestly the only way I see them returning is if KMS makes them the new meta.

    Nexon needs to start realizing that different geographic areas have different playstyles and needs to stop seeing whats better or not in terms of gameplay but in terms of their playerbase.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited May 2020
    If Nexon wanted new characters to have potential badges, they could simply re-run the Sengoku High event. All the code for it is already in the game, all they need to do is set a start and end date and everything will run as it did many times before. It's clearly not "programming effort" that is the problem.
  • darikdarik
    Reactions: 3,270
    Posts: 603
    edited May 2020
    PirateIzzy wrote: »
    Pottable badges were restricted due to orders from KMS not wanting us to have better badges than the KMS meta. Why go for the Black Mage badge when we have Ghost Ship Exorcist, and all that. I agree that it was a poorly thought out decision, but honestly the only way I see them returning is if KMS makes them the new meta.

    This makes no sense, you will still go for black mage for the weapon, so having a better badge before black mage is fine , theres no issue with that, they should improve BMs badge, not remove the ghost ship.
  • PirateIzzyPirateIzzy
    Reactions: 5,275
    Posts: 862
    edited May 2020
    PugLife wrote: »

    Gollux is better than the KMS meta of meister earrings/ boss pendants. By that logic Gollux equips should also be removed..

    The black mage badge is a rare drop for the boss set but people black mage for the genesis weapons anyways. It's just like the dreamy belt or the damaged heart from lotus (since the face can be BIS) or even the verus hilla pendant. Some of those boss equips do offer different options for the dark boss set to be used but most of them are overpriced and not even a best in slot equip.

    Except that two badges having potential, compared to every single other badge in the game without potential, is a lot more of a dealbreaker than an equipment set that's better than an existing mid-game meta (of which GMS made more difficult to obtain anyway). Gollux accessories are also mitigated by not having boss-tier flames. The Pitched Boss Set also has certain accessories that can be used simultaneously with Gollux accessories, even with the upcoming changes to the set.

    If Nexon was genuine with the "botter" excuse for the removal of Singapore, they would have still allowed players to obtain pottable badges, but considering they removed Singapore (and still haven't brought back Sengoku high) while the Black Mage patch was on the horizon, most players put two and two together.

    Also slight nitpick: Gollux and Commerci aren't GMS exclusive; they came from CMS and currently exist in CMS, TMS, and JMS.
  • HuskyDMHuskyDM
    Reactions: 3,745
    Posts: 378
    edited May 2020
    PugLife wrote: »
    PirateIzzy wrote: »
    Pottable badges were restricted due to orders from KMS not wanting us to have better badges than the KMS meta. Why go for the Black Mage badge when we have Ghost Ship Exorcist, and all that. I agree that it was a poorly thought out decision, but honestly the only way I see them returning is if KMS makes them the new meta.

    Gollux is better than the KMS meta of meister earrings/ boss pendants. By that logic Gollux equips should also be removed..

    The black mage badge is a rare drop for the boss set but people black mage for the genesis weapons anyways. It's just like the dreamy belt or the damaged heart from lotus (since the face can be BIS) or even the verus hilla pendant. Some of those boss equips do offer different options for the dark boss set to be used but most of them are overpriced and not even a best in slot equip.

    Global already made it so it takes 4 to 7+ months to get fully enhanced Superiors, probably will run with the "nobody was playing this so we removed it" excuse like they have done with the rest of their non-KMS, dead on arrival content.

    And seriously, would it take KMS such a blow to their pride to admit pottable badges were a good idea? Because that seems to be the only reason why badges aren't pottable. Why aren't badges pottable in the first place? Three lines of potential won't completely break your game more than what GMS balancing already do.

  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
    Reactions: 6,160
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    edited May 2020
    Black mage badge being an argument is wrong. It's not even bis.
  • PirateIzzyPirateIzzy
    Reactions: 5,275
    Posts: 862
    edited May 2020
    JushiroNet wrote: »
    Black mage badge being an argument is wrong. It's not even bis.

    Tell that to Nexon Korea, who created it as a drop from the Black Mage in the first place. You would think that they would make a badge dropped by the strongest boss in the game better than it currently is.
  • LatemasterLatemaster
    Reactions: 1,780
    Posts: 139
    edited May 2020
    Well black mage badge should have potentials so that would be real BiS.
    And gms BiS doesn't differ that much from kms actually.
    Kms just got ring and ears for pitched boss set and when you count the set effect for full pitched set it's better than sup gollux set so there's just few items that differ in the end. Those items are 1 superior pendant in gms (kms uses dominator+source of suffering), and ring combo, kms uses pitched ring+ meister+ noble ifia+HT ring where gms BiS will be after pitched upgrade pitched+BoD/Glona+superior+reinf/meister.
  • JackBanditJackBandit
    Reactions: 625
    Posts: 22
    It's ridiculous that new players are shafted.

    I think the ONLY fair solution would be to either Remove pottable badges from ALL players OR put them back in game so that EVERYONE has access to them.
  • CannonizeCannonize
    Reactions: 605
    Posts: 17
    edited May 2020
    Vyrtae wrote: »
    I've said it before and will say it again. Nexon always mentions in their memos that they are pushing towards better game balance, while simultaneously doing the complete opposite. Removing something like this from the game while having older players keep it, is giving a permanent advantage to the older players. It's only creating imbalance if anything. I'd like to see the badges brought back, or as others said, make it so that you can starforce and pot the currently obtainable badges.

    I don't perceive it as an advantage, because if you play and earn an in-game item, why should you lose it just because of game balance? You spent your time and perhaphs money on getting it, so you deserve it. Long time ago there was an event for beta-players, where they could acquire cool maple bandanas called "Mark of the beta". Would you give them to every new player even though the beta period is over? Another one example can be "Family system", where you could add to "family tree" a player and gain points for his progression, which could be then exchanged for 1.5 EXP coupons. The family system has been removed, and following your reasoning, we should downgrade those players who lvled up using 1.5 EXP coupons.

    I observed that many players make their gameplay enjoyment dependent on items that boost their damage like there was nothing interesting to do beyond repetitive grinding. Quests have been forgotten and I guess nobody is doing regular quests anymore. As an advice to the Nexon team I would suggest to improve on quests and encourage players to play together and socialize through party quests. I think that the old MS was magical when it comes to playing together with others.
  • CannonizeCannonize
    Reactions: 605
    Posts: 17
    edited May 2020
    It is also worth mentioning that balancing a game is an extremely hard task to accomplish. In my opinion, inbalance is caused by exp/drop/atk buffs. I can imagine that every class has some kind of damage curve. Each of them should have the same start- and endpoint, but different shapes. In my opinion, it would be reasonable to adjust the number of targets for a specific active skill according to the shape of the damage curve. A class with lower damage could either hit more targets or perform faster attacks. The cumulative damage for all the different classes would then equalize.
  • GasteroGastero
    Reactions: 670
    Posts: 11
    edited May 2020
    The difference is that you can still reach level 275 regardless of having used 1.5x exp cards in the past, but pottable badges are completely unobtainable by new characters. Also, this thread isn’t about class-balancing, but about the imbalance between old and new characters.
  • PugLifePugLife
    Reactions: 770
    Posts: 10
    edited May 2020
    Gastero wrote: »
    The difference is that you can still reach level 275 regardless of having used 1.5x exp cards in the past, but pottable badges are completely unobtainable by new characters. Also, this thread isn’t about class-balancing, but about the imbalance between old and new characters.

    Agreed =).

    All players should have access to the same equipment. It's wrong that older players have an extra potential equip that can also be starforced for stats.

    Why should newer players have to miss out?