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Thoughts on Kanna and Fury Totem Changes


  • SorrowSorrow
    Reactions: 2,780
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    edited May 2020
    It's a shame that such a great game like this is being run into the ground by a team that doesn't listen to its customers.
  • EuropaEuropa
    Reactions: 750
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    edited May 2020
    this company HATES people who didn't spend to buy frenzy, huh?
  • TurtlesRockTurtlesRock
    Reactions: 1,845
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    edited May 2020
    I dont know why nexon insists on making GMS more like KMS. GMS has always been GMS and KMS has always been KMS until now.

    I think I speak for all of reboot when I say that GMS does not want to be like KMS. KMS reboot is a farming prison where players have to work a lot harder to reach their goals.

    Clearly "we're trying to bridge the gap between classes" is complete BS. They choose their words carefully and say "classes" instead of "players," but if they are so concerned with gaps then why do they ignore the gap between new and old players? Old players (reboot) have hearts and potable badges. They also have the utah's farm advantage for legion. On top of that, they have a huge advantage from all the farming hours they put in back when meso and drop rates were A LOT better. Nowadays the meso and drop rate is painfully slow.

    (Don't point at me and claim biased, I enjoy these perks. But there is a gap, and it is unfair to new players.)
    Reactions: 1,040
    Posts: 18
    edited May 2020
    I think this change should be cancelled, the fury totem/Kishin is almost essential at training past level 200. Nerfing it will cause a serious detriment to anyone who isn't using a Frenzy totem. This change will only benefit anyone who has Frenzy Totem as they can decide to sell service for it at ridiculous rates, which is also really bad based on the current meso prices skyrocketing (I'm in Scania, and prices are going 1B/14k nx).
    The only way I would merit this nerf if the spawn rates increased overall, or increased experience of all mobs by at least 10-20%.
    Also if Fury Totem is getting nerfed, you have to nerf Frenzy Totems as well, it's not fair for players who can't afford to spend thousands of dollars on a Frenzy Totem or don't have friends who have one.
    I would appreciate it if the Nexon team actually played the game, they would see that it's a necessity when they see how this will impact themselves.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,620
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    edited May 2020
    I think I speak for all of reboot when I say that GMS does not want to be like KMS. KMS reboot is a farming prison where players have to work a lot harder to reach their goals.

    I believe I have been summoned to speak against that. I won't pretend that lying to consumers and what Nexon is doing is okay.
    But I will repeat for the millionth time that I do want a 1:1 GMS:KMS service.
  • AaronHuskyAaronHusky
    Reactions: 2,485
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    edited May 2020
    Fuhreak wrote: »

    I believe I have been summoned to speak against that. I won't pretend that lying to consumers and what Nexon is doing is okay.
    But I will repeat for the millionth time that I do want a 1:1 GMS:KMS service.

    It's actually better if we don't become a 1:1 copy of KMS. If that were to happen, we'd lose out on Gollux and Sweetwater equips, items that make it much easier to get stronger in our server vs Korea. We'd also lose out on tier 4 potentials (13% and 10% stat rolls), which have their stat boosts add up fast. Our attack speed cap would also be changed to 2, which is a huge loss in DPS.

    We'd also lose out on our higher tier rates than KMS too. Progressing would become much more difficult unless you whale or grind your brains out.

    We'd also have to lose the four classes that KMS doesn't have. They don't have Hayato, Kanna, Jett, or Beast Tamer. And removing them from the game would be a sure fire way to make players quit.

    KMS is popular, and well run, but the MMO culture over there is different from the West. Western players aren't as willing to spend copious amounts of time or money on an online game.

    If we want the benefits of KMS, especially in a 1:1 server, we'd also have to inherit the downsides of playing KMS too. And I think at this point, the cons of being 1:1 with KMS far outweigh the pros.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,620
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    edited May 2020
    I know exactly what a 1:1 KMS copy would look like. There's no need to tell me.
    I mean exactly what I said. I'm not suggesting that Nexon does this, I'm simply saying that I'm okay with the idea.
    Or in otherwords, Not EVERYONE is against Nexon on these things.
  • AaronHuskyAaronHusky
    Reactions: 2,485
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    edited May 2020
    I know. And I can't force you to be against it, but I can explain why I don't think it'd be a good idea.

    I never said everybody was against Nexon either.
  • HishotodoHishotodo
    Reactions: 960
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    edited May 2020
    This game is actively being ruined by a brick wall who wants to simplify their job by making the servers they own identical.

    We are not KMS and we aren't the Korean playerbase. Nobody in their right minds on our server wants Kishin nerfed. Balance is fake. It's not a real thing in Maplestory in 2020, especially in GMS. It's a fake reason given to falsely justify the change to make management easier for certain employees at Nexon.

    Maplestory has only gotten worse since SavageAce left. Grass is greener I suppose. All they had to do was increase the spawn rate in all of the maps to live-kishin levels and literally EVERYBODY would be happy. Every. Body. Braindead company. Nexon's been living in the short term for Maplestory for the greater part of a decade, yet the game keeps coming back in short, lucky spurts of popularity that quickly and efficiently get neutered by changes like this.

    If these Kishin changes go through I'm done with Maplestory. Imagine being the producer for a game and consistently only bringing bad changes and bad news for it since you were put into the position.
  • ArlongArlong
    Reactions: 4,645
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    edited May 2020
    I'm an old as heck player and hardly even grind and I returned to forum JUST to say I think this change is horrid. Here's a better change, nerf frenzy to be equal to fury/kishin. It's still a great item since you dont need to buy the item from reward shop or have a second computer/pay a kanna. So the people who bought it from years go still benefit greatly. Then either reduce the cost and increase buy limit of fury totem OR make the totem last longer, say 3 days. That's an actual balanced change.
  • KanukovKanukov
    Reactions: 415
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    edited May 2020
    Can someone explain me in which alternative covidless universe you can reduce the Gap between A and B by applying the same nerfs to both? ITS STILL THE SAME GAP, NEXON!!!! , holy god , they really think their playerbase is stupid .... if you want to do something good , reduce the cost of totems to 500 RP or make it buyable with mesos.
    Reactions: 3,370
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    edited May 2020
    so much hypocrisy by community and nexon ameirca
    I hope you consider these changes as part of our efforts to make the game balanced and healthy.
    why even make kish/fury/frenzy totem in the first place instead of fair normal spawn for all?
    what is balanced ?
    haveing exclusive rights to be so broken and reach endgame by spending money ? that makes the game healthy ?
    is this nerf a part of boosting the great frenzy return sale ?
    endgame items from paid $ lootboox only its healthy and balanced?

    and the community that talks about GMS being 1:1 KMS ... if that was the case we wouldnt have kish,frenzy,the ring of torment,lucid Earr,firestarter ring,breath of divinity.... all the broken items aswell as content like familiars,golux.... all the bugs, "maintenance" that are done almost every other day and do nothing while other ms servers has short,rare and usefull maintenance

    GMS its better to be KMS 1:1 or some other world ( a world or game that works and proven by numbers and gameplay)
    its not about culture difference we are all same players dont be be racist, i have seen so many players that play or stream KMS that are not korean and enjoy or that play MSEA and enjoy more then GMS
    sure GMS its less populated but thats not a race or culture issue... players wont stay in GMS with such incompetence

    there is reason why i only log in GMS everyother day for few min or day after infamous maintenance its announced then i go back to CoD warzone
    i dare you all to go try other game or other maplestory server before you come and say :
    your computer its not powerfull enough
    the game code its old
    the game file its to big
    blame KMS or MSEA for this and that
    crowding lag...
    or some other meaningless excuse
  • MeatMeat
    Reactions: 715
    Posts: 36
    This move further incentives players to acquire frenzy totems via illegal transactions. It's baffling how nothing has been done about this game-breaking item (absolutely the main issue outside of Reboot) that players flagrantly violate the ToS to obtain.
  • xDarkraixDarkrai
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    I think I speak for all of reboot when I say that GMS does not want to be like KMS. KMS reboot is a farming prison where players have to work a lot harder to reach their goals.

    I believe I have been summoned to speak against that. I won't pretend that lying to consumers and what Nexon is doing is okay.
    But I will repeat for the millionth time that I do want a 1:1 GMS:KMS service.

    why the heck would you like to be exactly like KMS?
  • RonanKannaRonanKanna
    Reactions: 210
    Post: 1
    This memo shows once again that Nexon is not playing the game and not listening to the community concerns.

    The Kishin/Totem nerf will make frenzy overpowered and give a massive advantage to all the owners while causing a disadvantage if you don't own one.

    The reward points price for the totem is way too expensive and the monthly limitation is too low (there should not be any limitation).

    In my opinion, Nexon should not implement this change because it will create an even bigger gap between the players.

    I'm maining a Kanna, mainly because I like the spells and Kishin, and I would not mind if I had to do something to keep up 100% uptime on Kishin so less people will use Kishin mules.

    What should be done is :

    Don't nerf the kishin/totem spawn rates as it will make a bigger gap with frenzy.
    Keep the Nightghost guide to increase the duration of Kishin so it will nerf the 2 PC meta.
    Reduce the cost of the Fury totem even more, to something like 500-1000 reward points and increase/remove the monthly buying limitation.

    With these changes, more people will be able to use the free totems will leveling, less people will use the 2 PC Meta because it won't be 100% uptime and Frenzy totems services won't ruin the economy.

    I know Nexon will probably not listen to the community as always, and if they keep going in the same direction, a lot of the playerbase will just stop playing after
  • msclover23msclover23
    Reactions: 520
    Posts: 5
    edited May 2020
    The way things are going, it is more beneficial for Nexon to simply nerf the spawn rate to not only decrease progression rates (so that people can keep grinding and continuing on with the system like those Korean players) while also, in regular servers, spend much more on marvel due to the massive kill rate/drop rate increase frenzy totem would be giving.

    You could say, give cheaper fury, keep Kishin spawn rate, however, the truth of the matter is, it is bad in a business standpoint if your players are able to reach a certain level faster as if they reach it, one would most likely think "well what is there to do now?" and simply quit quickly after; at best case, only returning for events or some friends, or updates.

    While with Kishin gone, you are to spend 2~3x longer trying to achieve the same things. If something took 6 months to complete, now it will take a year to a year and a half. Which, at this point, is perfectly giving Nexon a good year and a half buffer. Even if this wasn't the case, you'd need to play for 2~3x longer, which makes it look great for investors to see "Look, x amount of players playing at the same time! This game is so lively!"

    One may also say, people will simply quit; the problem is, not enough would quit, and most likely, the ones that matter anyway, whales and similar would most likely stay. Along with the whales, would be people who play this game for either nostalgia or with friends. These three already make a decent portion of the population, and it would be difficult for these three groups to simply quit at once. And if they did, Nexon will simply shut down MapleStory 1 just like they did with Maplestory 2. (To be fair, we don't even make more than 10% of the total revenue that Nexon in general makes. You can see their quarterly earning reports either through Reddit or another site.)

    As such, from a business standpoint, it doesn't make much of a difference if they wanted to really listen to us and give us our wishes for easier grinding/gameplay if it means much more exposure time, easier processing of updates and a potential increase in revenue. Along with this, although not mentioned, getting more people to normal servers would be fairly ideal for Nexon, as the temptation to open up your wallet or purse to place down a couple of $$ for some sweet progression, even if it is as small as 10$, is always there.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,620
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    edited May 2020
    xDarkrai wrote: »
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    I think I speak for all of reboot when I say that GMS does not want to be like KMS. KMS reboot is a farming prison where players have to work a lot harder to reach their goals.

    I believe I have been summoned to speak against that. I won't pretend that lying to consumers and what Nexon is doing is okay.
    But I will repeat for the millionth time that I do want a 1:1 GMS:KMS service.

    why the heck would you like to be exactly like KMS?

    Different tastes for different people.
    I like the KMS setup. Let's leave it at that so as not to derail the thread.
    I'll just say that even though I want a KMS clone, I still don't think that Nexon needs to do this anytime soon.
    Nexon is taking some risks, if those risks are viable or not is left to be shown.

    I would rather Nexon port the non-KMS classes and content over to KMS with balance applied so that it doesn't break their progression.
    Just because I want a 1:1 KMS clone doesn't mean I want all of the take to be on the GMS side, KMS has to give a little too for that to work.
    Once again, I'm only here to show support for an eventual move to being closer to KMS.
  • KrownopKrownop
    Reactions: 825
    Posts: 31
    edited May 2020
    Either Nexon America really doesn't care about the community at all or they are delusional people, there's no way that this changes are made without either greed or totally lack of understanding of their own game.
    If any part of the Nexon MapleStory Team is reading this, please read this part:
    *KMS is not GMS, the players are totally different and like different things, if you try to make GMS more like KMS you're going to kill the game, simple as that, its not hard to understand that the gaming culture is very different on the west.
    *If you guys are not maliciously trying to milk this game to death then start getting in touch with the community, there's plenty of good suggestions with good feedback in the forums, reddit, youtube and etc. There's no excuse that you can't see backlash coming when you make a decision so crucial without even considering what people actually want.
    *If you guys just want money the answer is not that different, do you think that doing decisions that harm the community in such a way can bring any return? People will not spend money in a bad game. Its also worth noting that Reboot is the biggest community on GMS, making the reboot experience worse is literally shooting yourself in the foot.
    *Please learn from mistakes, nexon has a bad reputation because its maddening how no one learns ANYTHING about past mistakes.
    *Maplestory could have a community at the size of runescape but every opportunity to increase the population via improvements of the game Nexon does the exact opposite and nerfs things so people can't enjoy more, the quarantine was (and still is) the chance to make maplestory relevant again in the west, but the GMS Team is clearly misguided (again, either by greed or by delusions).

    No one that can make a change will probably read this, but at least I want to make the point that Nexon will not care and the only solution is to simply stop playing, I know thats hard specially sinking thousands of hours and dollars in the game,
  • NyongNyong
    Reactions: 360
    Posts: 8
    edited May 2020
    yours are crazy ?? nerf kishin again ! and bt ...... jesus .... FIRST THE player normals and not kanna wouldnt have kish,frenzy totem ,the ring of torment firestarter ring,breath of divinity ok ... I am not going to spend money on a very bad game ... bad in maintenance ... and because a producer always comes up with ridiculous things to improve the game experience when he is most sent to the abyss with these ridiculous changes, once they go out and talk that in the near future the skil kishin will be removed from the game and ready ... and with other ridicules, I am not going to spend 200 dollars for a frenzy totem or more. for a divine liberty ... 500 dollars or 70 for a fs and incidentally buy ridiculous items or events where money is sugar for you but do not think about the progress of the player, in those who have no money in this game .. because no better anna goes home and thinks better about how to improve her game system. the bad maintenance that every week is worse. in this pathetic game launcher compared to the old, ridiculous memos ... nobody sees improvement ... the family system a joke ...

    now they talk about stability ... another ridiculous joke ... all these server problems come from before the big bang and worse after this to today, what solution was there? nothing ... 0 .... 0 ... but if ... they were unjustified ... removing nostalgic places from the game ... they eliminated hidden street places alleging that these places caused damage to the stability of the game years ago. remember ? I think not ... the technical service today? mmm, just when people due to this virus are returning to the game .... these antics and nerfeos and changes in the family system appear .. in bosses ... in bosses it is the most ridiculous thing .. no exp .. no more than 2 tickets per day ... drop low ... etc etc, having better options such as revamps blasters, mercedes, demon avengers, thunder cygnus and some more jobs ... no ... nexon never looked for the progress of all ... only those with $$$$$$$$$. the job kanna causes instability .... and other nonsense ... this kind of ridiculous memo has had consequences in the last hours, people withdrawing from the game and eye .. memos like these will appear and worse later, it should not be ignorant the skill kishin will be finally removed from the game and the kanna job will have a new revamp but without it
  • FlylowFlylow
    Reactions: 760
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    edited May 2020
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    xDarkrai wrote: »
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    I think I speak for all of reboot when I say that GMS does not want to be like KMS. KMS reboot is a farming prison where players have to work a lot harder to reach their goals.

    I believe I have been summoned to speak against that. I won't pretend that lying to consumers and what Nexon is doing is okay.
    But I will repeat for the millionth time that I do want a 1:1 GMS:KMS service.

    why the heck would you like to be exactly like KMS?

    Different tastes for different people.
    I like the KMS setup. Let's leave it at that so as not to derail the thread.
    I'll just say that even though I want a KMS clone, I still don't think that Nexon needs to do this anytime soon.
    Nexon is taking some risks, if those risks are viable or not is left to be shown.

    I would rather Nexon port the non-KMS classes and content over to KMS with balance applied so that it doesn't break their progression.
    Just because I want a 1:1 KMS clone doesn't mean I want all of the take to be on the GMS side, KMS has to give a little too for that to work.
    Once again, I'm only here to show support for an eventual move to being closer to KMS.

    Just curious, do you play reboot or nonreboot? Because if it is reboot you know it's dead in KMS right? and if reboot dies here, then they will most likely shut down GMS just like they did with MS2 since we hardly make them any money and reboot is the most populated server.