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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Thoughts on Kanna and Fury Totem Changes
furywild totems 20% less effective, but only made them 10% cheaper. Why not make them 20% Cheaper as well?continuing with the MEMO there are important parts and that we must consider in the future to think .. THE JOB literally in the end will have 3 worst fates yes or yes
FIRST literally the job kanna will die and be like the job priest or bishop BT or simple buff warrior ... yes ... other skill of minimum exp ... or buff of attack ... whit anyones changes in skills already known
SECOND is remove the job gradually as BT or zero without any change in kishin (but obviously this will not be the case, because the memo tells us about more future and harmful changes not only to kanna but also to bt and some classes) remember the MEMO " The main purpose of these changes is to reduce the gap in efficiency between classes in a way that highlights the playing style of each class. This is something we’re continuously doing for our game to be more balanced in relation to updated content and classes and these changes as part of our efforts to make the game balanced and healthy. We will continue working hard to bring content that players
THIRD point is remove the job completely, delete them from the game .. and only keep active current 60 level kanna players and drastic changes remove kishin, nitghtghost (eye this skill unbalances the effect of exp and drop more than any other job. and well nexon or anna do not like the progress of many players in the game to today)
NEXON ..AND ANNA .. at once I should seriously explain the future of this job kanna and job BT also because it is a job that has also passed a horrible quarantine with changes but bugs ... and more bugs ... ... and more bugs ... by the way she doesn't explain anything about the bugs of the game in skills mmm until the game is in quarantine a long time ago ... YES OR YES people me and the nexon company decided these !! why more childish memos ... more dead memos .... more memos where one's money in the end is in vain for bad decisions .. it leads to the point that the company is preferring more $$$$ in the end, I I ask something, does nexon think of people who have no money in the game? Is it more lawful for them to agree with those who spend and spend money and it is easy to equip themselves better than other players without suffering ?, NEXON thinks of a better game when their game is unstable from the game launcher and in the juice itself ?, NEXON Do you think new players will spend money on game that has ridiculous changes?
misguidedhope that Nexon will actually listen to us for once.Before kannas the 2-PC meta was having a HS mule. This was broken and unbalanced af because this one character changed the meta drastically. They balanced this correctly by nerfing HS but also giving us decent HS as well as other ways to get free exp buffs (monster park Sundays, spirit pendants, fairy bros giveaways, mercedes/evan link, bonus exp legion and hyper passives, rest exp coupons, etc) so players don't feel like they need HS is the first place.
Kishin is the exact same way. Its existence, no matter how much they nerf it, is toxic to the meta. Its effect needs to be widely accessible without using 2-PCs. The base spawn rate needs to be increased for the whole game and the spawn effect for kishin and fury need to be removed altogether for this to truly be balanced. This isn't even something that needs to go through Nexon Korea because KMS doesn't have kanna and they have a different spawn algorithm anyway. Nexon America was all 'we can't do that because of server stability' when we know that's nonsense. When kishin was glitched and its effect was permanent the servers were fine. It's not the spawn rate that's putting a strain on the servers, it's the fact that for a large portion of the population, there are two accounts logged in for one person because they're using a kishin mule.
Balance is not simply nerfing kishin and totems with nothing on the other side of the equation upping the spawn rate. Balance would be to remove kishin, AND increasing the base spawn rate. Or if they refuse to increase the base spawn rate they need to do the same thing they did for HS and nerf it so it only benefits the caster, while making it a decent skill and providing spawn rate buffs.
Not even gonna address frenzy because it's busted on a whole other level. Ideally i'd like to see the spawn effect removed and replaced with something equally desirable so people who have one already don't feel shafted.
As far as Beast Tamer goes, I sincerely hope they do not "fix" the one thing that seems to be helping them so much currently. I'd much rather see the class actually get new skills and get % damage buffs, and possibly some new passives to help them stay more competitive.
No comment on Fury Totem, however, since I don't see how that'll ever be a good thing when they absolutely refuse to even mention the bigger problem with frenzy totem *still* having 70% respawn time.
increase the channels to 30 at once ... if nexon applies this it is obvious that the increase in the popular areas will be greater if or if
annihilated hs and priests in party, only bishops are now effective in party for lotus for up in bosses, pqs, training ... the same with beast tammers ... they were the most abused and worse with bugs ... now kishin .. It is time for these ridiculous memos to be more serious and also fix the game once it is the worst today in maintenance, bugs, delay. gamelauncher and the instability that is the real problem .. the malfunction but for money $$, a miracle comes, there many will smile at the company and more those who have purchased equipment. everything easy in the game, a technical service only to them, and those who do not have a dollar or do not have the necessary time in the game and worse, to play maple a super cpu .. a 2d game .... but anna and the technical service there total mutis
An entire class does NOT need to be deleted.
don't worry they'll go right to that direction... nerfing kishin to 30% spawnrate or just deleting kishin and granting wild totem a 30% spawnrate
you guys shouldn't even bother posting this things, they are not and will not listen to us ever in the duration of GMS or what is left of it
how a self buff would work? you can't just make more mobs appear only to you lol
guess you haven't been in gold beach for a while have you ? lol
Yeah I haven't, can you elaborate on that?
its instanced so kishin only affects your mobs despite being able to see other people in the map. thier mobs are unnaffected :P
i noticed this when i tried using my kishin mule on my newest legion target and was like .. well crap time to leave lol
Nexon does not play their own game.
Nexon does not care about their forums.
Nexon does not care about the reddit.
Nexon does not care about feedback.
Nexon does not care about their playerbase.
Of course they are out of touch.
This is why we get awful updates. Nexon would rather let GMS die slowly than to listen to their playerbase.
not Rise update, it's Rise frenzy
RIP reboot world 2015-2020
lol ouch
Ladies and gentlemen, 3 PC meta is born.
I agree so sincerely with this entire statement. The fix to all of this isn't to punish everyone who doesn't play Kanna by making it harder for them to train. The best and healthiest way to adjust the 2PC meta has always been to make spawn rate increasing much more accessible to all players. If people had no reason to build a second account just to level past a certain point or didn't feel shoehorned into playing a singular class in order to progress, then people absolutely would. If Kishin was turned into a V Node like Decent Holy Symbol, started at ~50% uptime at level 1 and increased to 100% by the time you got it to max, the servers would be much more stable, people could play any class OTHER than Kanna without being punished for not having one. Totems, as they exist now, could be used as an aid for lower level training or could be used to bridge the gap until the V Node is leveled, thus opening up Totem use for other characters players might want to level. The best part about all of that is that Kanna would remain great and efficient at her job, but people would be able to progress at similar rates with their OWN classes. It would open the possibility for farming to happen naturally.
The only "problem" I could see with V Node Kishin is that people could opt to make a "Kishin mule" for characters below level 200, but... let's be real. 1-200 is essentially the tutorial for any class you're playing and the effect would be so minimal that people wouldn't really bother unless they were absolutely tryharding to level as fast as possible. It wouldn't be an issue at all, and instead of using monthly totems on mains, they'd be used on alts anyways, so even that problem wouldn't be as egregious as anyone would believe it to be.
The worst part about all of this is that Nexon won't read a single word of it, and it's disappointing. They fixed this same problem before with Bishops and 2PC, but refuse to do the exact same thing with this and make everyone's lives much easier. If anything I posted here could reach the higher ups and make a difference, it would mean so much. I truly believe making Kishin a Nodestone skill would fix virtually everything, reduce the reliance on 2PC, and maintain Kanna's identity with Kishin with these current changes that reward active play VS AFKing.