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False bans back again?


  • Member Apocalyptian
    Reactions: 2,330
    Posts: 142
    edited June 2020
    I wonder the same. Why don't they trust us if we had our accounts for well over a decade and in good standing the whole time up until now?
    Isn't that in itself suspicious, so many legits losing thier accounts for alleged hacking?
    Furthermore, the fact they just gave us the ban hammer with no warning, and no explanation is the worst. At least let us know what's wrong and give us the opportunity to fix it if we mistakenly did something. Owning up to mistakes is what adults do and we work things out by open communication.
    At this point nothing really makes sense with them. We can only hope enough of us have made this clear to them that they must listen. Then again if this continues eventually they will run away thier clientele and poof no more MapleStory (that would be a sad day indeed)
    I never had such a time that I felt like I wanted to quit so badly, but it's just got to get better. We all got to hang in there just a while longer.
  • Member riza
    Reactions: 3,140
    Posts: 642
    edited June 2020
    DeathsLie wrote: »
    This happened the other day to my best friend. We've been playing together for the last like 13 years and recently she has been logging and having to afk alot because she is a new mom and has to take care of her baby. She is getting the run around from nexon. They are basically not helping her nor looking into it. Her husband says if they cant get her unbanned then he is quitting too so I'll be losing both friends in the game. I'm super bummed about it. I've been playing this game since it was released and I love it but I have lost faith in nexon as a company I feel like they only care about making money and dont care about their longtime faithful players. I think if she doesn't get her account back I'm finally gonna give up on maplestory. It's unfair how they are treating this and I'm terrified I'll end up banned because I lag so much since I live in a rural area and have use my mobile hotspot as internet. Good luck to those who are affected. Hopefully if there is enough outcry they will be forced to listen to people.

    This has been happening to many people and I have to say the same thing a lot of legit players have been getting ban and like her husband, I feel the same way the only way they listen is if we stop playing period when they falsely ban people. I stand with the maplers and voices in this game.

    If they can ban legit players and not the hackers or botters then it a game I have no business playing period. That is where I stand rn as a lot of people I know who been playing legit for the same amount of years as your friend had been ban.

    So I stand with the legit players who been hit with the bans and already am ready to leave if that's how they doing it.
  • Member riza
    Reactions: 3,140
    Posts: 642
    edited June 2020
    I also stand by the "I am Legit" campaign to support all legit players hit by this ban. "I AM LEGIT" should be our echo and cry during this huge false ban wave as many of us are and I am in support of legit players and not botters or hackers.

    "I AM LEGIT!!!!"
  • Member Algodona
    Reactions: 1,005
    Posts: 13
    edited June 2020
    We are legitimate and we have dedicated a lot of time, effort and love to MapleStory, it is not fair that this type of thing happens and we are not heard !! In short, this is a lack of respect for all players whether or not they have this problem.

    No more false positives !! And if for some reason they forbid me for this type of comments, it means that they are reading us and they are not acting.

    "I AM LEGIT !!!!"

  • Member IlliumAura
    Reactions: 210
    Post: 1
    World: Elysium
    IGN: Rainylim
    Level: 221

    It is not possible that they have such a horrible system to detect hackers and the only thing I do is ban people who play in a legal way, I have been playing this for 7 years, I do not even have reasons to use third-party programs, and seeing the answers that Supporters only show that they are not interested in keeping their players.

    It is 10 hours since I sent the ticket to nexon and I still do not receive a response, although I clearly know what they are going to tell me, that they can not do anything and that it was my problem to "use" third-party programs when at no time use Something like that, so it only remains to say that if this continues, GMS will die faster than it already is.
  • Member QQNinjato
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 6
    World: Reboot
    IGN: QQNinjato
    Level: 216
    Class: Dual Blade

    I was also false banned on reboot for "third party program" and I am on that ban data covering: 06/11/2020 - 06/17/2020. Literally can't even AFK without fear of being banned.

    I honestly thought it was just me and after sending in 3 tickets and getting the generic response I just gave up, but seeing that other people are getting falsely banned in the same time frame for literally nothing it gives me hope, I also play Valorant a lot when not on maple and I heard that Riot's anti-cheat could be a factor in nexon's anti-cheat.

  • Member Hiryuki
    Post: 1
    Another victime bites the dust.

    IGN: Marsfour
    World: Reboot-NA
    Guild: Heto
  • Member, Private Tester chaoscauser
    Reactions: 4,840
    Posts: 596
    Member, Private Tester
    edited June 2020
    So my first ticket from a regular GM has done nothing, i asked for a senior GM and then i just received another copy and paste answer.. they don't even investigate.
  • Member Nairassoy
    Reactions: 795
    Posts: 13
    edited June 2020
    So my first ticket from a regular GM has done nothing, i asked for a senior GM and then i just received another copy and paste answer.. they don't even investigate.

    This is the response I got too. I submitted my ticket around 9 pm last night. I've gotten two replies overnight that were automated. It's interesting how they somehow "thoroughly investigate" our accounts in a matter of hours overnight when no one is actually working.
  • Member Apocalyptian
    Reactions: 2,330
    Posts: 142
    edited June 2020
    My husband and I are still waiting on a response from the senior gm but on the more positive side, I been making posts about this issue on Facebook under thier incessant hype about Adele coming out.
    I about laughed my butt off at this..but this morning I woke up to a notification I have a "top fan" badge for thier MapleStory page in Facebook! I'm like...gee thanks? Oh the irony right?
    Now once again, I ask...is that the actions a hacker would make? To try and raise awareness of this problem to help others suffering the same fate? I think not!
  • Member KillerPigeon
    Reactions: 210
    Post: 1
    edited June 2020
    Used to play MS quite some time ago, recently returned and started enjoying the game again. Randomly got banned on Friday for "third party programs". No real details, they say they done a thorough investigation but that doesn't seem plausible and their replies are just general cookie cutter statements that seem like they were typed out automatically by a bot.

    Not really sure what to now :/

    On the one hand it's nice to see that I'm not alone in this but on the other hand it's pretty disgusting to see the degree of ignorance/incompetence/indifference towards their customers.
  • Member jettSpecial
    Reactions: 780
    Posts: 3
    edited June 2020
    World: Bera
    Ign: Abraham
    Level: 257
    Guild Leader of Impera
    On Saturday June 13th at 3pm I was banned permanently doing nothing, I had lag, dc and crashed issues since the last Rise patch. When I tried to get in it came out that I had been banned, I don't train more than 2-3 weeks. It would be crazy or very stupid to hack the game, when I have spent a lot of money on my account, apart from being the Leader of the Guild Impera, we were Rank 2 before the last Guilds Revamp, as it may take so long to solve this problem that has affected to many high-ranking and highly reputable players, I hope you can solve this problem that not only affects me, it affects many players from all servers, I request that GMs stand up and not hide behind an unsolvable ticket , many no longer want to enter the game or spend nx cash in the game for fear of losing everything.
  • Member Apocalyptian
    Reactions: 2,330
    Posts: 142
    edited June 2020
    My husband and I lead the guild Akashic in Elysium. It's one of the oldest guilds still active from Broa. I made it back in like 2008 or 2009. Been so long I don't even remember anymore. We were 19th before the guild revamp and went up to 7 before we had to kick a few inactives for more space. That rank thing is a funny thing in itself. It restarts every week. I read too once you get your guild to level 30 you don't even show up on the rankings at all anymore...so odd right?
    Also did you get to do guild PQ? It's so easy and you only get points for it (when it's not glitched of course) we don't even get a fun rewards room like before. I think I like the old one better it was like a puzzle and we all had to come together to solve it. They could have just expanded on that idea ya know?
  • Member herchel1990
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    Region: NA
    server: Reboot
    level: 235
    well i guess maple just want to people stop play, my brother get ban for just stay afk while playing other game and get ban and their response its just the same copy paste, i just dont want to enter the game for the scare to get banned too
  • Member ElxArk
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 6
    World: Aurora
    Class : Ark
    Level: 201
    Where: In Rise Salon afk in my little chair. It's ridiculous that we are getting this treatment. I would be okay with a rollback to get my account back. I wasn't even doing anything. I went to go eat and came back to getting banned. Like everyone I got the copy paste response.
  • Member wollus
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 8
    edited June 2020
    10 year more legitimate playing for recieve this before this last minor patch? thanks nexon for tease legitimate players
    Greetings Mapler,

    Thank you for contacting Nexon Player Support, and I apologize for the delay.

    I understand you are inquiring for more details about the ban placed on the account. However, please know that all of the information available regarding it has already been discussed to you.

    Please take note that a thorough and strict investigation has been conducted before placing the decision, and we found no error or inconsistency with the checking. Also, we would like to inform you that we are unable to disclose detailed information. The sanction will stand on the account and we will be unable to release it. As always, players are required to follow the rules. Feel free to read through our Terms of Service and Code of Conduct for more information.

    Should you have any questions or concerns in regards to another matter, please do not hesitate to submit a new ticket with a detailed explanation of the issue.
    GM Midochie
    Nexon Player Support
  • Member FrozeNet
    Reactions: 710
    Posts: 10
    edited June 2020
    World: Bera
    Class : Ice Lightning Archmage
    Level: 242
    Where: While sitting on a mount in three doors map for celebrating my friend 250, I suddenly got disconnected.
    When I tried to relog, I got the ban notice which I've used ilegal third party software.
  • Member DeathsLie
    Reactions: 765
    Posts: 13
    edited June 2020
    So many people are being effected by this and it's so heartbreaking.
    As of today we still have not heard any news. I been checking on the site and also left the moderator of the ban list posting a message underneath that in hopes they can find out something or even look into it. The sooner they give my account back the better I will feel. It would be peace of mind if anything since I did nothing wrong to deserve such harsh treatment and punishment when I am an innocent among many other high leveled legits.
    If they don't get it figured out by the time Adele is released it would be an even more crushing blow. I'm so close to 7000 legion it's not even funny :( with all the work and time put into that account and about 1.5mil contribs in our guild I would say the evidence speaks for itself. A hacker wouldn't have any of those things, only a legit who loves thier guild and stays in it forever.
    I still am at a loss for words. 4 days and no solution...only silence and finding more people with this same problem. It may take time, but something has to give I can't give up my account means too much to me, and the people I have gotten to know and love while playing on it. (I'm talking to you DeathsLie, love you girl from the bottom of my squirrelly heart)
    I will check back later tonight and see what's going on again. And as always good luck on your tickets and your accounts. Keep me posted on updates too. We are all in this together now. Your not alone, and don't forget that!

    <3 You definitely don't deserve this. you have invested so much time and money into Maplestory over the years and have been a pretty consistent player. Now that you have the baby you don't need this added stress either. I am sure all these other people don't deserve it either. I am sending you lots of good jujus. love you my Yammypajammy.
  • Member Algodona
    Reactions: 1,005
    Posts: 13
    edited June 2020
  • Member Ghiblee
    Reactions: 3,795
    Posts: 684
    edited June 2020
    Hi Maplers,
    We are aware of the recent false ban reports in the Community and are investigating the issue.
    We temporarily disabled banning accounts with this criteria and will continue to monitor during the investigation.
    If you were affected by the recent bans, please submit a ticket to our Customer Support (https://support-maplestory.nexon.net/).
    If you've already submitted a ticket, there is no need to submit a ticket again.
    Thank you for the patience!
