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Players unable to log in on specific characters


  • zz2020zz2020
    Reactions: 920
    Posts: 32
    Member, Private Tester
    edited January 2017
    What's wrong with giving maple points instead of the cubes and coupons
  • OccireOccire
    Reactions: 1,935
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    edited January 2017
    OneLetter said:

    Hi all,

    We would like to apologize that some of you have been unable to access your characters, as observed across our forums and Customer Service portal. We posted an update last week that we have been investigating the issue, and today we’d like to let you know that this should be fixed during our next scheduled maintenance on January 12th. We thank you for your ongoing patience while we looked into this issue.

    We know it’s frustrating that some of you have been unable to log in for a few weeks; as a result we would like to offer the following compensation for those affected:

    - Six 1-hour 2x EXP Coupons
    - Six 1-hour 2x Drop Coupons
    - Two Red Cubes
    - One 7-day Hired Merchant
    - 3 Black Cubes
    - 100 V Coins

    If there are any changes to this plan we will let you know.


    The MapleStory Team
    Is there any possibility you'll reconsider the compensation? I mean, I was 220 when I got locked out last week and I missed out on 8x Arcane Symbol: Vanishing Journey and 15x Arcane Symbol: Chu Chu Island per day since then, I've been doing the dailies for them every day since they opened up, and Arcane Symbols are a pretty big deal in Arcane River :(
  • NoSkillKidNoSkillKid
    Reactions: 1,725
    Posts: 43
    edited January 2017
    There's not much faith when Nexon says "we’d like to let you know that we are making every effort to resolve this issue during our next scheduled maintenance" and "this should be fixed during our next scheduled maintenance", I won't be relieved until I log into my main successfully.
  • CaravelaCaravela
    Reactions: 510
    Posts: 14
    edited January 2017

    There's not much faith when Nexon says "we’d like to let you know that we are making every effort to resolve this issue during our next scheduled maintenance" and "this should be fixed during our next scheduled maintenance", I won't be relieved until I log into my main successfully.
    So true though. I cant even count the amount of times nexon has said they would fix something and it ends up not being fixed.
  • JohnsunnyJohnsunny
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 2
    edited January 2017
    Looking for some arcane symbol compensation
  • SorrowSorrow
    Reactions: 2,780
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    edited January 2017
    Classic MapleSorry lol
  • KeyslessKeysless
    Reactions: 710
    Posts: 11
    edited January 2017
    OneLetter said:

    Hi all,

    We would like to apologize that some of you have been unable to access your characters, as observed across our forums and Customer Service portal. We posted an update last week that we have been investigating the issue, and today we’d like to let you know that this should be fixed during our next scheduled maintenance on January 12th. We thank you for your ongoing patience while we looked into this issue.

    We know it’s frustrating that some of you have been unable to log in for a few weeks; as a result we would like to offer the following compensation for those affected:

    - Six 1-hour 2x EXP Coupons
    - Six 1-hour 2x Drop Coupons
    - Two Red Cubes
    - One 7-day Hired Merchant
    - 3 Black Cubes
    - 100 V Coins

    If there are any changes to this plan we will let you know.


    The MapleStory Team
    Please, do not call that a compensation. Although our characters got stuck, our brains are not stuck.
    Do not use that ???? to insult players.
  • MewsMews
    Reactions: 800
    Posts: 21
    edited January 2017
    At least HOPEFULLY they fix this problem. The compensation is of course not in comparison to the 3 weeks I've been stuck for and for some other people who have been stuck longer than that. I'm just glad that they actually plan to have a fix. If it doesn't work then, more waiting...
  • AlexisShionAlexisShion
    Reactions: 905
    Posts: 39
    edited January 2017
    HAHAHAHA that compensation though. We all are 220+ So patethic that made me laugh hard
  • LovingNightLovingNight
    Reactions: 610
    Posts: 5
    edited January 2017
    CommonS3nseG / 233 / Bowmaster / Scania / Jan 8th / Changing channels
  • PIggyBankPIggyBank
    Reactions: 220
    Posts: 25
    edited January 2017
    Hey OneLetterHi what about our NX items that expire on that 2 weeks of when we are stuck you didn't say anything about that
  • AlexisShionAlexisShion
    Reactions: 905
    Posts: 39
    edited January 2017
    So we lost over 200 chuchu island symbols, over 100 vanishing journey symbols (just on dailies) and the chances to even try Lachelein and no compensation about this? Not to mention the expiring nx we had on our accounts, and the daily coins we lost that are way higher than 100 stupid coins.

    Are you guys serious?
  • ApuloeApuloe
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 6
    edited January 2017
    Lmao told u we were getting a shitty compensation.
    Like level 230+ people are anything with 2x coupons (when there's lucky/enjoyable winter) and some stupid cubes when most of our gear is perfected already.
  • jasonxddjasonxdd
    Reactions: 1,340
    Posts: 22
    edited January 2017
    Im just happy ill be able to log my main again. For those who lost a lot of stuff (3~7 day expiration bundle cubes/hired merchant), i sure hope nexon will do something about it.
  • PetePete
    Reactions: 560
    Posts: 14
    edited January 2017
    Pete / 224 / Dual Blade / Scania / 09/01/2017 / Changing channels
  • bumbertyrbumbertyr
    Reactions: 6,610
    Posts: 1,167
    edited January 2017
    Glad to see this is all getting sorted out, and with compensation for the players! 2x exp coupons, im jelly!
  • PigggyPigggy
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 25
    edited January 2017
    Come on Nexon must of the people that are stuck have full drop gear why would you give us drop rate coupon and exp coupon. Do you think we are poor and can't afford the exp coupon from cash shop. Mostly everyone one have a wolf familiar this such a joke to us for losing 50k+ nx and getting this crap reward back. If your like that might as well not give us any compensation instead we don't need those pity junk rewards
  • woodbangwoodbang
    Reactions: 1,260
    Posts: 9
    edited January 2017
    Pigggy said:

    Come on Nexon must of the people that are stuck have full drop gear why would you give us drop rate coupon and exp coupon. Do you think we are poor and can't afford the exp coupon from cash shop. Mostly everyone one have a wolf familiar this such a joke to us for losing 50k+ nx and getting this crap reward back. If your like that might as well not give us any compensation instead we don't need those pity junk rewards
    Could you please stop? Better be happy that you're atleast getting some kind of compensation. They didn't have to give us anything at all and yet you and others keep and keep complaining. I bet you would've cried your ass off aswell, if they decided not to compensate us, so please stop trash talking.

  • AlwreckAlwreck
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 7
    edited January 2017
    Too bad there is no unilke button for this.. srsly.. you have a fix and you not going for unscheduled maintenance?


    Probably not even a 100% fix............ :(
  • surisuri
    Reactions: 635
    Posts: 31
    edited January 2017
    I think it will be 100% fix unless something unexpected goes wrong otherwise they would not have announced it IMHO.