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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Can we get flames/additional options in GMS, pretty please?
Or at least in Luna, so the newer players can compare to the older ones with flamed gear?
It's pretty much a must in Reboot too..
That sucks.
Luna (Kradia/Demethos pre-merge with GMS) had flames and star enhancements limit of 20 before the merge with GMS.
Now we don't have flames anymore. Equipment that was flamed or had over 15 stars kept the old stats, which are basically superior because they're not obtainable anymore..
I still don't see how people think nebulites are fair in comparison to flames.
Well, RIP. I hope Luna gets its stuff back. Sounds super unfair.
Also, I don't think there really is anyone satisfied with nebulites.
I've read that they could really use a revamp, but that probably won't happen soon.
I was told that a GM confirmed it, but then again, that is just hearsay.
If it is just speculation, it's likely correct, as there would be no other logical reason to not include it.
Do you know if there is any reasoning given in official capacity?
Because it boggles my mind that it could be anything other than "LOL, you have the inferior system in the form of nebulites, so you don't need it"
Thanks for providing the links.
It's still disappointing that Luna doesn't have them anymore.. I don't understand the idea behind it.
I'd like to see the reasoning behind it from Nexon. Especially when Reboot in KMS has this system and GMS Reboot doesn't (+ we don't have >15 stars either, KMS players have easier time in the endgame).
Unfortunately, Nexon America is not in the habit of justifying their decisions to us.
If any clear reasons were given (which I honestly can't recall), it was when we were supposed (by the timing of KMS update ports) to get Additional Options. If we still had access to the old forums, I could try to find the relevant discussions, but...
I know the MLC discussed it. I wasn't there so I have no idea whether they actually made a resolution and passed it on to Nexon, nor what kind of response they received, if any.
Never got to Nexon due to lack of approval by council at that time.
I haven't looked at these threads for about 4 months already and I thought people gave up on the topic because I was told "no" many times from users.
I don't think I have a reason to give up on flames in Luna (that we lost, which greatly inflated prices for flamed items) unless an official MapleStory staff lets me know what's the reason behind it.
The whole point behind the EMS-GMS migration is that the European server runs the exact same programs as the North American servers.
If you want to make it do different things, like generate (drop) equipment with Additional Options, drop flames, give flames as event rewards, and on the flip side not have nebulites, then that's a third server version that the GMS team has to maintain (normal and Reboot being the existing two), and I assume they don't consider it worth the effort. They also don't want American players migrating to Luna for extra power, and then complaining of latency-induced lag or server overload.
As for why they let existing equipment keep the AO (and extra stars), creating an imbalance in the market and a distinct advantage to veteran Lunatics, my guess is that they decided it would be less painful (for Nexon) than facing overwhelming user rage, especially from the strongest and most funded ( = highest paying) players, and having to make huge compensations.
Those are my guesses.
But it would be interesting to hear or read our new CM explaining why GMS in general, and Luna in particular, shouldn't have these features.
The drop rate of Nebulites is absolutely awful outside Alien Visitor. The stuff we find for free is usually junk and the best results are B. Finding a Nebulite Box is rare, but finding anything above D is very unlikely. Not everyone has the luxury on pouring money on Gachapon in hopes on getting an A Nebulite. Replacing a Nebulite costs NX because you need to remove the existing one. Working with Nebulites is also something that costs NX because fusing anything above B requires fusion tickets(s).
Flames doesn't the storage issues nor the availability issues that Nebulites have. Additional would also benefit players who craft.
Unless some of us don't think this system would benefit the players (I don't count whales), I would like to go more about the subject on what could happen if GMS were to consider implementing something that has been disapproved months ago.
We can try, but @Arwoo isn't too familiar with the game (from what it seems) so I'm not sure if he can actually agree with us about the matter.
And I really don't think they're planning a revamp - there's been NO NEWS about this since ever.
The whole nebulite system is a big cash grab and can never benefit free2win players. They literally implemented an "Alien Cube" before (in 2012), where you could buy cubes to re-roll nebulites.. if Nexon wants to profit from GMS, then at least give us what we want - not shitty systems that only benefit rich players.
I rather have them co-exist with each other, access to both Nebulites and Flames of Rebirth. Yes that's probably power-creep but looking ahead of the KMS patches I find it hard to believe that we don't have the Star Force Expansion. It would be better for us to have more upgrade options rather than fighting for one against the other. Lotus and Damien are out of reach for most people. Throw Lucid and future bosses into the equation and you'll see a part of my perspective. As far as I recall, GMS can differ between regions and by possibly having different content.
But for the many things that people have discussed in the suggestions have lead to almost nowhere. It's to the point where they don't even care about what they sell in their Cash Shop. It's one thing to ignore the cries of a better Maple, but it's another to sell items that most people don't even want.