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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
MapleStory Community Survey Results and Plans
What is going on nexon it wasn't this bad a year ago.
I see many questions and concerns I'd like to address, but some can better be answered by what we do as opposed to what we say. For topics related to hackers and ban appeals, we'll discuss with our appropriate teams such as the Customer Support and Investigations team again before providing more insight into the topics.
Being removed from our platform wouldn't stop individuals from continuing their behavior on other platforms. However, if a platform supports public defamation, harassment, and abuse, it would be difficult for us to have presence on such platforms. We've seen that this is not the case for many of the fan sites and while some rules may differ, as long as they do not condone attacks on individuals we have no issues with having presence on those platforms.
Before I answer these questions, I'd like to provide more insight into what the official MapleStory Discord would entail.
The official Discord's purpose is to create a space for the community to engage with staff and other Maplers.
Maplers shouldn't expect the official Discord to be a channel to report players, bugs, or seek account related support.
We cannot rely on a real time chat for documenting bugs or feedback players wish to provide. For this very reason, we wish to direct more players to use our forums for documentation.
We plan to utilize the channel for:
Of course, this list is bound to grow and be refined as we continue to explore our experience with the channel.
1. How much actual Nexon staff presence will be there?
We're currently in discussion with our various teams for a full list of Nexon staff members who will have presence on the channel.
For now I can confirm that the community, production, and QA teams will have presence on the channel.
2. Who will be running it on a day to day basis?
I will be managing the channel with the support of the VFMs.
3. Will the rules be exactly the same as the forum?
Some of the rules have been revised to better suit a live chat environment. We want to be more lenient with Maplers who participate on the channel. However, just like our forums, this will not be a channel to contact our Customer Support or post Customer Support related inquiries.
Why are you planning an official one when there are several unofficial ones already?
Overall, we want to open up a direct line of communication between Maplers and the MapleStory staff. We'd like to achieve this without playing favorites to any particular non-official channel.
Thank you Maplers for delivering us your feedback from the results of our survey.
We'll be sure to keep everyone updated with further developments to our plans for improving our communication.
I have another question. In the first post there was feedback regarding transparency in what bugs are known but you do not say anything further on it.
Is there anything planned so that players can know which bugs have been officially confirmed?
So, if "an extreme case" happens, you'll have to take it up with the moderators or administrators of the platform where it occurred.
Why leave the "If a ban is placed it will only be due to an extreme case" clause in your post, then?
And what purpose is served by Aggraphine's continued ban from the forums?
If I understand this correctly, what this means is that when staff show up on the Discord and are (predictably) spammed with a variety of issues, they'll spam back with links to the forum and the customer support site?
Responses in bold.
No offense, but all these teams are supposed to have a presence on the forums, and none of them (except the CM) ever has time for it. At least not visibly (i.e., they never post). I really don't expect anyone to be on the Discord either. And if they do have time to talk to Maplers, in my humble opinion it's better that they use that time to answer relevant posts on the forums, than to go on Discord and tell people, "yeah, that sounds like a problem; make a Bug Report post and I'll make sure someone looks at it".
Will you have time for this, on top of your other duties?
As with the other staff, I'd rather you make useful posts on the forums (and reddit) than moderate and chit-chat on Discord. There are so many issues on the forums that get no official response whatsoever. I think you should figure out how to get Nexon to give the forums the attention they deserve, before you go spreading yourselves thin to yet another platform on which no meaningful answers will be given and no significant feedback can be collected beyond "Everyone on the Discord is screaming about this new bug" - which happens on the forums and reddit too, when a new patch breaks stuff.
And how do the VFMs feel about the added workload?
Again: we supposedly already have a direct line of communication between Maplers and the MapleStory staff. It's these forums. Staff is supposed to be here responding to issues. If they don't have time for this, they won't have time for the Discord, and would just be wasting their time there trying to wade through spam and redirect people to the right places for cheater reports, bug reports, feedback and suggestions.
Bottom line:
I recommend you talk to those of your GMs who participate in GM events in-game or otherwise go visible in game sometimes. Ask them what Maplers say when given a "direct line of communication" (while remembering that players in-game might fear the GM would ban them if they get too aggressive).
Think long and hard whether this is what you want staff and VFMs spending their time on.
I still got a couple of questions left related to this and the way I filled it in.
1. In the case of transparancy, would it be possible to get total amount of bans like now, divided per server?
2. How many GMs do we have for Maplestory and how much time do they spent online on servers (GM events excluded)?
3. Are our GMs for Maplestory only working on Maplestory or also on other games?
4. If I see obviously someone breaking the rules of the game and report him, why do I get answers back that further investigation is needed and when this exact same person is insulting GM's at a later time, by using smega's during a GM-event why was there no action taken (Luna, 30 April 2017)
5. I saw Combat Arms a different Nexon game has User Reports, since its the same company why can't we have something like that on our Maple forum?
6. Would it be possible for the GM's to be more known when they online? Our previous EMS GMs used to smega when they were online, banning hackers as well as helping out any players which needed their help.
Coming back to the survey again, I would rather have someone say "we cannot give an answer for this right now but will come back in x number of days and give you an update." and then have that person come back when they said they would and give an update then to keep things the same. I notice with a lot of people they have a hard time telling what happened to their question, why their question could not be answered, if their question is being looked into or something else. More players could be willing to visit if they had higher expectations that their concern would actually get through to someone.
Bug fixes, and small updates to encourage a more social experience are more important. Expand the buddy lists so we can interact with more people and bring back party based areas.
This is a solo game at this point unless you have a frenzy you may use a Kanna (usually a mule or someone you pay) to afk. There's little to no reason to interact with others except for bosses like Lucid.
There is no benefit for players to "team up" nowadays it's just funded players being nice and helping weaker players through more difficult bosses (carrying). It's not a team effort just 1 person killing and the others repeaning the rewards.
Also merging some regular servers would be nice since Reboot took over and old school players who've worked on their characters for years and enjoy the trading aspect of the game are being left behind.