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Anyone else think the wonderoid thing is too hard?


  • SorrowSorrow
    Reactions: 2,780
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    edited May 2017
    It's really easy. Just practice more.
  • FennekinFennekin
    Reactions: 2,941
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    edited May 2017
    There should really be checkpoints between floors... I appreciated that they're trying something a lot more interesting than collecting spammy event drops, but goddamn lol.

    I dunno, maybe we're complaining too early? I remember a lot of people complaining about MMF, but it turned out there were a lot of cheesy tricks you could do to fudge your way through it lol. Granted, each MMF level was only 2 mins, while these seem like they take longer per attempt...

    Also, are the wondroids voiced? Are they the generic "You must be my boss! teehee" ones? If they have unique voices, I might need them...
  • KurtKurt
    Reactions: 1,160
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    edited May 2017
    Ladysio wrote: »
    The event would not be so hard if the dang damage done by everything minus the mobs did not OHKO you its stupid to then eject you back to the stair well to slog up those steps and do it all over again like it was said before a check point would be greatly needed cause doing this another 14 times to get the event rewards is going to have some people break a few keyboards/controllers.

    They really should decrease the damage done by the lasers and gas. That way most people at least have a good chance of clearing.
    JettLuvsUHakufuthatplantAgent_DragonfuryIts2Sharp4UIvangoldMisterKrekelKlaraVimiPissedOffand 3 others.
  • HolyGiraffeHolyGiraffe
    Reactions: 1,460
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    edited May 2017
    Oh yeah, frustratingly hard... I quit early enough to enjoy seeing others break later.
  • MetaRaidMetaRaid
    Reactions: 1,360
    Posts: 14
    edited May 2017
    Options Nexon could make the jump quest easier. You can leave and come back after clearing a stage, similar to black heaven or heroes of maple. Add a checkpoint halfway through each level. If 50+ attempts are made you have the option to skip and beat the mission for the first android you save but you won't get any coins.
  • ShinewindShinewind
    Reactions: 470
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    edited May 2017
    I tried for a solid hour, I can't even beat B4. Granted I'm new and I've had alot of trouble with jump quests I've done.

    The fact that you have to start over if you make a small mistake is just driving me crazy. Why isn't there a checkpoint right before the hard bits. Going to wait for a good youtube video where someone shows me how to do it right and I'll give it another hour but that's literally all I'm willing to commit to this event.

  • thatplantthatplant
    Reactions: 765
    Posts: 26
    edited May 2017
    I've been in B1 for 5 hours. Took a nap. Then tried again for another 1 hour and I'm afraid to leave. Someone left on stream and it warped them back all the way to the first stage. I can't believe this event. It's testing a lot of people's patience / sanity. I would love to see them do this on stream or if there's a super secret path way we can take that'll make this a lot more easier for us. I agree though, I wish they would do something with the damage taken from the steam + lasers so that way we can get things done instead of being stuck here basically forever. I wish there were checkpoints as well.

    Taking 1 hit KO from the steam / lasers is enough but thinking you've finally made it to the end of the stage, only to go back to where you've started is just not enjoyable at ALL. When I found that out I was super upset that Nexon would do this to us. I feel like for future events they need to think about an event that everyone can do without losing their damn minds.
  • HeinekenHeroHeinekenHero
    Reactions: 2,060
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    edited May 2017
    haha its a new jump quest the next android
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
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    edited May 2017
    And to add insult to injury...

    You can't do the Investigation part without completing Rescue at least once.

    Good job Nexon... Remind me again why I DON'T spend money on this game?

    Events like this...are the validation to my "No buyign RNG boxes and that" policy
  • SorrowSorrow
    Reactions: 2,780
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    edited May 2017
    This should help, it's not that bad honestly...
  • LadysioLadysio
    Reactions: 1,725
    Posts: 95
    edited May 2017
    So now we have a new problem seems when you try to farm coins in investigation mode if someone that is oh say 200+ enters the map all mobs will be to their level and if you are below that then well your crap out of luck.

    Smart idea, bad in practice XD
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
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    edited May 2017
    Ladysio wrote: »
    So now we have a new problem seems when you try to farm coins in investigation mode if someone that is oh say 200+ enters the map all mobs will be to their level and if you are below that then well your crap out of luck.

    Smart idea, bad in practice XD

    and then..those of us with JQ difficulty aren't even there yet...-I groan angrily-
  • BunnySakiBunnySaki
    Reactions: 1,185
    Posts: 77
    edited May 2017
    It just goes to show Nexon doesn't think before releasing new content. And when people start pointing out the issues they go into maintenance and then extended maintenance.
  • SlyElementSlyElement
    Reactions: 970
    Posts: 34
    edited May 2017
    I'm just happy i'm not alone. I cannot get past the laser thing. I cannot see a way past it either. I have racked my brain. I give up.
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited May 2017
    thatplant wrote: »
    I've been in B1 for 5 hours. Took a nap. Then tried again for another 1 hour and I'm afraid to leave. Someone left on stream and it warped them back all the way to the first stage. I can't believe this event. It's testing a lot of people's patience / sanity. I would love to see them do this on stream or if there's a super secret path way we can take that'll make this a lot more easier for us. I agree though, I wish they would do something with the damage taken from the steam + lasers so that way we can get things done instead of being stuck here basically forever. I wish there were checkpoints as well.

    Taking 1 hit KO from the steam / lasers is enough but thinking you've finally made it to the end of the stage, only to go back to where you've started is just not enjoyable at ALL. When I found that out I was super upset that Nexon would do this to us. I feel like for future events they need to think about an event that everyone can do without losing their damn minds.

    I lost my mind when I made it past a laser for once...only to die to the next one. They don't have much window for fudging up.
  • Agent_DragonfuryAgent_Dragonfury
    Reactions: 590
    Posts: 24
    edited May 2017
    I'm not opposed to difficult jump quests existing, but the core of your content can't be what 75% of the game's population would consider unplayable. It's just not sustainable.
  • StallbenStallben
    Reactions: 1,245
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    edited May 2017
    After a frustrating amount of time, I was finally able to rescue Aster thanks to numerous Youtube videos. The investigation map is a godsend and there doesn't seem to be any daily limits on it like the rescue part. I wanted to try again, but apparently the jump quests change with each android. I tried it with Rhea and the map was different. Has anybody rescued any androids after Aster? Any tips or videos? Are the other androids really locked out until you rescue them? I'm looking at the shop and they are all listed there. If that's true then you're forced to rescue X amount of androids until you get the one you want. I was only after the glittering heart and sets, but now I kind of want an android too.
  • xNailKaiserxNailKaiser
    Reactions: 2,450
    Posts: 118
    edited May 2017
    Okay Sorrow please just stop. We know people have done it, but here's the problem you aren't getting, and we don't care about the videos and practicing... Its a bit insulting!!!

    No two people can effectively duplicate the same actions precisely as the next person.
  • RexaarRexaar
    Reactions: 3,655
    Posts: 927
    edited May 2017
    The timing for the moving laser in the roof of B1 is too strict, it just too harsh when combined with the fact that it take 4 minute just to get back to the roof for each attempt.
    Could only do it after using snow shoes to increase my acceleration and decceleration.
  • SorrowSorrow
    Reactions: 2,780
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    edited May 2017
    Walk with the moving laser until there is an opening.