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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Closed Changes to Drop Rate Formula Confirmation
you realize this change is already through in kms and has been for the pass 6 months right? It does make a difference regardless of what drop% you have. Especially if you have more.
implying this statement makes any sense.
Yes, I am aware. Im not a new player. Neo said though that if it only affects the equipment, the spider and other drop modifiers wont be affected by the changes.
Well hes wrong. And you also completely ignored my point.
Does that include boxes and those already low drop rate Ramen/Coffee/Rice Cakes event things...?
Nexon thinks it is ok to screw the entire playbase because ^ percent of the people keep funding them so that they can support more games and introduce more pay to win items.
Every improvement to this game always takes a giant leap backwards because of these erratic changes like nerfing drop rate.
Thank god I was taken off rankings permanently for a petty ban. Led me to stop caring about this game indefinitely. Even with 180% drop gear farming for anything (even nodes) was a pain in the ass because I don't want to obtain a 2nd computer for a Kishin mule. Now you're going to make it even worse? Like it was out of control or something? Now botters have increased drop rates for them to saturate the market and actual legit farmers are going to have it worse. Is that the gap Nexon wanted to shorten?
Makes sense. /s
Sidenote - I pity the people who spent real money on drop gear in main servers, all to have Nexon cuck you and lower the return on your investment.
Don't worry guys, they'll implement a new way to increase drops. Prepare your wallets.
u need to farm 240 droplets and with 200% drop rate + Kish + DHS u hardly see 1 per hour and some times nothing
You won't be able to boss for cubes really in 6 months when bosses entry limit is changed to 1 entry a day/week. Honestly I really hope all maplers see that this will hurt all players.... Not that it will help much nexon already has it's mind made up
"A gap " doesn't really exist especially in Reboot as you party at bosses WITH those people when people give out carries. As well as in regular servers you party with people at bosses....... it makes 0 logical sense. Heck people even party at end game to do dailies and people help fresh new level 200 players with quests at Arcane River...
Make some quest rewards give drop rate gear then reverse this stupid change as well as any other hated changes like kishin nerf ect.
The end game progression is slow enough and you are making it even slower. We have more progression coming with Moras.
MapleStory is a great game why do you insist on running it in to the ground with negative changes in every update? Instead of nerfing buff up all classes equally, buff things STOP NERFING.
By one hand I agree that once you hit 180% drop the game... well, it becomes a way too easy and flash quick to cap absolutely everything bar the last area symbol and droplets. It removed a lot of challenge and success satisfaction, events and quests feel a way too light as well. x2.9 drops is just a way too high from 0% to 180%, and maybe the worst part is that there is not gradual progression: you can't get, let's say, 10% drop on Unique, you can only get drop after you get the accessory to Legendary: that is extremely steep, which makes most players to play for months or years with 0% drop... and then, surprise, if you get enough NX (or you mesofarm hardcore in Reboot for a while) you can easily jump from 0% to 180%!
I also agree that the current drop rate for 0% is awfully terrible for many drops and events. You're pretty much excluded from events such like Moon Bunnies one without drop %, but then you can easily finish them in a breeze with 180% drop. It wouldn't be that bad if you would gradually increase your drop rate, but nope, you need to hit Legendary tier first, and common players struggles already to get UNIQUE, so yeah, stuck with 0% aside whatever Big Spider gives.
But there is a problem. While I agree that some nerf was required for the game balance for 180% drop or higher folks, KMS tests seems to show that the nerf is a massive 50% slash for 180%+ drop. That is just plain a way TOO harsh. Also Arcane Droplets are not getting their base drop rate increased, which means Arcane Umbra equips are literally impossible to obtain now aside buying Droplets from botters in regular servers (and rip Reboot). Not only that, but KMS tests seems to also show that baseline drop rate actually decreased, which implies Nexon over there lied about getting it increased, so this is not benefiting folks with 0% drop gear, it is just hurting everyone almost equally.
Yet, it might be possible that GMS might alter the rates compared to KMS, so we still gotta see how things will fare. I can totally acept this if:
- Arcane Droplet baseline rates are increased so that endgame players at least preserve current rates with 200% drop gear.
- 180%+ drop gear gets 10-20% (Reboot) / 20-30% (Regular) nerfed for events/nodes/symbols.
- 20%-60% drop gear remains largely not altered or sightly buffed.
- 0% drop gear gets 15-25% (Reboot) / 10-15% (Regular) buffed events/nodes/symbols.
- We get the KMS update quick that makes impossible to get nodes not useable by your class when opening nodestones.
But I feel pessimist the update will be really be like something like that.
I'm sorry Arwoo,
As much as I appreciate the work you are doing for the community this change is not a good one overall. I also want to mention that this is not directed at you but at the people who work on and create the game.
First I should start by saying that when this was released in Korea, almost all Koreans were not on board with it. The feedback was basically 100% negative yet it still got pushed through?! I'd like to think community feedback is taken into consideration when making changes but for this change I can't see that at all. Nobody was complaining about drop rate and yet Nexon feels the need to modify it.
The visible line as you have mentioned is always apparent in MMOs, but in Maplestory you have to understand why that visible line is there. It's there because the game has been p2w for such a long time. With cubes readily available in the cash shop and limited in game and with cubes not being as good as the CS ones you can clearly see why a gap exists. Why is it you feel the need to hinder hardcore progression to cater to casuals? Hardcore players will ALWAYS be ahead. That's just a fact people need to deal with when it comes to MMOs. If you aren't willing to put the time in to progress then you don't deserve it. These days, at least in my server it is not too difficult to get the standard 180% drop rate from gear. If you want it you can definitely achieve it over time even if you are casual.
What you are effectively doing with this change is screwing over the people who invested money and time into getting drop gear to balance and cater to people who don't have drop gear. So our investments are worthless.
If you wanted to balance the gap what you guys should have done is make cubing more accessible. Add even more ways to get cubes and perhaps even buff in game cubes so they're as good as the cash shop ones. This would also fix the "gap" that exists.
Hardcore players have already done the math and studied this change. We know exactly what's coming and so many tests have been done in Korea for this change. Overall for hardcore and even casual players this is a big fat nerf to drops and gains in general. I want to make that absolutely clear. You say the drop rate of nodestones is higher in this patch but it's not really because of how drop rate is calculated now. At least before hand the casuals could have bought drop rate gear and still got more with as low as 60% drop than they would be getting after this change.
I'm so disappointed, as is the majority of the community, not just in our version but in others affected by this change too that our feedback wasn't taken into account for such a huge issue. It feels like you did this for a reason. Perhaps money is behind it? I don't know but I can't think of one good thing this change brings to the game. It doesn't solve the gap issue and it most certainly doesn't make progression any faster. If anything this change benefits the hackers the most as they will now be able to push the prices up as time/drop isn't an issue for them since they can hack 24/7. You still fail to clean up the shops in FM so this is going to affect the game more than anything.
You haven't studied the change like most of the hardcore players have. This isn't a buff that you seem to think it is. Don't read into buff so easily and actually figure out what's going on. There have been many tests done and the overall gains per hour is far lower for the majority of items. Symbols aren't being increased as far as I know so it will be even worse now with or without drop gear.
Also I said in my post...
"At least before hand the casuals could have bought drop rate gear and still got more with as low as 60% drop than they would be getting after this change."
and you think this change is going to help you farm faster? lol
iSIingGunz covers it fairly well here but the data is all over the place. Go check out Insonya etc and many KMS tests on Youtube showing actual factual data.
No offense, but you sound like "increased' drop rate is going to do anything. Don't get your hopes up. Also it's not hard to get spider for starters.
I'd be surprised on what those reasons are hmm.
Many forget we're getting changes to nodestones. Where we will only receive skills we can equip. You won't have as many nodes you can't use to upgrade existing nodes so much less nodestones will be needed to level up as the chance for you to get nodes you can upgrade with will be much higher. No more pulling mana overload when I could be getting weapon aura, as a warrior. Higher chance to pull tris I can upgrade my current tris with? Yes please.
Now, I'm not saying this change is nothing but lollipops and rainbows. It isn't. I'm just looking at the good parts rather than focusing on the bad. We must adapt to changes like these, even if they are unfair. Not everything stays as great forever. Especially since people were farming 50-100 nodestones per day. Nexon did not change this to upset everybody and make people quit. They did this to make drop gear better even though it results in less rates. (Who wants over 200% worth of equips in drop gear? And good luck rolling 2 line drop if you manage to.)
Just remember, we will always have it better than KMS. They don't have other drop buffs outside of drop gear like we do (lucky winter, big spider, etc) and they don't have the blessing that is kishin. So our drop rates will still be better than seen on KMS.
Yet they had no problems shoving tyrant gloves into Marvel etc did they?
It's all bad news. You only need 60% to start seeing decent returns for nodestone farming. You probably are not aware but those changes to the nodestones isn't all great. Sure we get the skills we need which is good but most people don't get is they also increased the amount of exp required to lvl by a pretty decent amount. This doesn't make drop gear better. Not sure how you came to that conclusion.