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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
GMS-Raising Star Cap, Rebirth Flames & Neb Revamp?
Without flames being craftable there are only 2 options, gachapon and events. On EMS at least they decided to just use the event option so you arent forced to spend money in order to reroll AO.
Or we could get the KMS system which is completely different but you dont seem to want that one.
It doesn't matter if GMS players are weaker by design (no 22 stars or MEEs). This is a cultural problem of Nexon Korea thinking that Western cash whales are the same as the hardcore Korean whales. P2P games are really common in Asia and they don't mind it, while Western players will scream when there are P2P elements introduced in F2P games.
There are few Korean players who have spent over 100k on Maple. No one in GMS's history is close to spending that much on a goddamn MMORPG, the closest is Santa. Who has Leg Pot and Bpot on every equip, godly lines on every equip, A neb on every equip and 15 star tyrants.
Pro tip, bosses like Lucid and future bosses aren't meant to be and can't be solo'd. Nexon America is surprisingly creative when it comes to how to milk this game. They don't need to rely on a new gimmick to squeeze dry some extra cash.
tl;dr This game has an obvious power gap and it's a serious problem. Nexon should address power gap first before catering to the very funded players. Yeah Flames is one solution, but it's not the best and doesn't really solve the problem. It's really just a roundabout fix, once someone is satisfied with the enhancements from Flames on all his equipment, he will hit a wall again (getting decent Bpot, starforce Tyrants to 15 star etc). And in the end, all you did was power-creep the game more because flames benefits all players.
Current GMS needs balancing changes that benefit low and medium funded players more. Things such as lowering overall exp needed to reach 200, starforcing from 1-10 cheaper for all non-superior items, starforcing 1-5 Tyrant equips cheaper instead of flat 55mil per starforce, bringing back stat diversity on every equips. At the moment, most equips are so perfectly average. If a Tyrant glove has 1 or 2 less stats than a normal one, that would be much cheaper. While +1 or +2 would cost far more and high funded players will aim for the best if they want to maximize damage.
"tl;dr This game has an obvious power gap and it's a serious problem. Nexon should address power gap first before catering to the very funded players. Yeah Flames is one solution, but it's not the best and doesn't really solve the problem. It's really just a roundabout fix, once someone is satisfied with the enhancements from Flames on all his equipment, he will hit a wall again (getting decent Bpot, starforce Tyrants to 15 star etc). And in the end, all you did was power-creep the game more because flames benefits all players. "
No one has arrived at a solution to Nebulite. Everyone suggested Bonus Cubes in the reward shop already. I am skill pissed off that some people are worried of the power gap. I understand people complained about about it increase the gap between the funded and unfunded, but If Maplestory were rock climbing, we should pay attention on where we are look up and plan on what to grab onto. Looking at the person above you and measuring his lead in front of you is just stupid (can cost you your life in reality.) Remember that games are fun and there are winners and loser. If you are hate competition because you are behind for whatever reason, don't play.
I am against the Gachapon part; the only reason of Gach is so Nexon doesn't think they are getting nothing out of the system. What is wrong about gaining range if we are actually work for it by daily crafting and bossing?
Let's imagine we had a nice 50-meter cliff to climb.
Some people can barely get off the ground. Some others climb up 10 meters, or 20, or even 30. But more and more people are able, by buying the right equipment at Nexon's convenient shop, to reach the top of the cliff. And they get itchy. They say, "man, with this gear, I can climb a kilometer! why is this cliff only 50m tall?"
So Nexon said, "Oh? Well, then." And they made the cliff 10 kilometers tall. Or was it 100km? Much much higher than they thought anyone could possibly climb. And what's worse, they put all the good rewards at least several hundred meters up.
Meanwhile the people down below, who can barely make it up 20m, are crying. "How do you expect us to get up there?" So Nexon allows them to craft a few pitons to get them up to 40m or 50m. But there's nothing to do there, either, because all the fun stuff is a kilometer away, where only the people who pay pay pay can get.
Now do you see the problem?
As long as the damage cap was set at 50m, I supported AO because I saw it as moving the floor up, and helping the unfunded.
Now that the sky is the limit, AO raises the floor but it raises the ceiling, for paying customers, a lot more. It leaves the unfunded even further from ever being able to take part in real endgame.
"Meanwhile the people down below, who can barely make it up 20m, are crying. "How do you expect us to get up there?" So Nexon allows them to craft a few pitons to get them up to 40m or 50m. But there's nothing to do there, either, because all the fun stuff is a kilometer away, where only the people who pay pay pay can get."
If you cannot stand being behind, don't climb. If Nexon gave you resources to go up to 40m or 50m, it is better than what then what they had initially which was 20m. In 5th job, we are getting a new mountain. Without AO and Nexon throws the new mountain at us, the low people who were at <20m would be at around 30m with cores and such and those who were camping waiting 50m would have been at 200m. With Flames, the 30m could have jumped to 50m, but the 200m dude would be around 400m unless they are struggling with crafting. The people who were at <20m should be happy at least be happier that they made progress, not be jelly that the funded are half way to a billion after AO. If you don't like being down even with the crafting, you can always craft more. If you cannot use money, dedicate time instead.
If Flames were dropping from almost all bosses but cannot be used on endgame gear or needed a lot to get a good result due to the picky nature of the equips (filling a small car vs filling a SUV with gas,) wouldn't the system cater to those who follow people on bossing runs? If Flames weren't in the Nexon's convenience store and is just your own wear and tear (like how my moisture made my Rubik's cube very fast,) wouldn't that be fine? Reflaming gear is like switching the lubricants (if bosses dropped lube) around until you find the best one. The effects from AO aren't like water and metal which can lead to rust (I got a Carbon Steel Knife and I tend to keep it dry to avoid chipping.)
There was also that garden analogy I had at the beginning of the thread. You will always get supplies/ flames as long you do daily bosses or even outside for grinding (for preset flamed gear from mobs.) Assuming the flames are ONLY available via bossing and crafting, the players who are active more benefit more.
If you have a garden, you can use the food to feed yourself, or sell leftovers to your neighbor who ran out of crops for the day (selling to people who are buying flames for materials.) A third option is to offer your daily or accumulated harvest(s) to the gods of your server (the people who have 15 star tyrants and are looking for insane results.) Since they are most likely perfectionists, they will have the most restrictive items (RIP Absolab users because you need a high level crafting in Accessory Crafting) to flame and they won't stop until they hit something godly, and you can just keep supplying them and get paid because of their immense project. Players would benefit as long as they remember to harvest from their garden before it gets dark (do all your boss runs before 3am PST)
Even if you have the strongest gear, they require the hardest flames to customize its stats.
Most of the dropped flames are available on low level geared. It is suitable for players making mule gear for the race. Items such as CRA and tyrant need more time since they can acquire at most 2 a day from Hard Hilla and Chaos Pink Bean. Items like sweetwater and Absolab require a profession as an accessory craftsmen. There will be time in flaming where you won't find your result yet. If you don't have money to spend, the key here is work and patience. The time is system will fail if players lack those.
I, like dax, am in favorite for incorporation flames into the game because it would make crafting more useful. I would like a 4% all stat on a boot before potential, scrolling or nebs. I find progress from grit very important in growth even if the funded will take advantage of it.
If you are fuse two nebs of different tiers, you should be guaranteed a neb that is at least the same tier as the lowest tier that you fused. You shouldn't be guaranteed an A rank neb from fusing an A rank and a B rank neb, but you should be guaranteed to at least get a B rank neb out of it.
Also, I would just as soon remove the D tier nebs entirely, as every single one of them is junk
Point in question:
This isn't an open-ended "we are not currently considering this"; this is a final "this will not happen".
If ao isnt happening, they could do the 25 star cap or do hekaton which didn't receive their final response.
Don't bother shutting me up, you cannot change my mind or silence me.
But that's why we have community managers and forum moderators! They can shut you up!
I would greatly appreciate if i get criticism on flames and nebs ideas than have people throw tomatoes at me for speaking.
I was sarcastic about watching them sink, but i am hoping someone can touch up nebulite availability and make crafting a tool again as well as allow easy income for players finishing their fourth job advancement and of course gain "strengergy"
I would appaude if you and the others can tackle these issues with 1 idea. I just felt kms had the answer. Oneletter or michael can always re use this idea if they are out of ideas for stability.
I believe that as long as the forum isnt spammed with "Gib AO Pl0x" threads and comments on the subject are contained to the same thread, then campaigning for it, even if it has been declined should be fine.
as long as Dax trys to get support without derailing threads that are for improving an already in place system or making new proposal threads for AO, they can campaign for AO all they want.
but making like 10 threads a month and derailing/ hijacking other threads is not the way to go if you want support.
Increasing star caps would allow users to make make use of Absolab and the ridiculously difficult to obtain Umbra equipment worth getting. The raw attack obtained of the weapon, set attack and high stats obtained from stars above 16 can surpass Tyrants and the CRA combo.
Players who choose to use high level and plan to enhance it to their liking would dedicate more time crafting. Players using lower level geared no more than level 150 shouldn't have to much trouble reconfiguring their gear considering their items are more compatible with dropped flames from bosses. I kind of like this trade-off where players who use higher level items need more maintenance where it can help other players because he/she is asking them for materials and their support.
This system is not really for power, but is to make a community that can help one another.
I also forgot, Flames stack like potions and there are only 5 main types that can stack since Maplestory is also about chair collecting