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It's time for a change.

Reactions: 1,295
Posts: 78
edited December 2017 in General Chat

So I've seen a lot of people talking about a lot of things, and that made think like, why nobody is talking about the critical things which can actually change the entire game (for the better of course).

Ask yourself, does talking about "revamp the Equipment UI Tooltip", really gonna help us that much? make the game a lot more easier and fun for us?

For example, why almost nobody is talking about the most important things, such as taking care of all these botters/hackers/mesos sites sellers in the game?
You know, thanks to all these botters/hackers/mesos site sellers, every single item/perm nx is like 9,999,999,999 in the FM.

The great advantage of no longer getting any botter in-game is the items cost. It will drastically decrease so players loaded of nx, meso and worthful items to sell will be forced to drop price, so everyone can afford buying stuffs. Isn't it marvelous?!

So I say, let's WAKE UP start talking about these kind of stuff!

When it comes to botters/hackers, I got a lot of ideas, here's 1 of them but before that, it's really important to mention that we seriously must take action now, look at the game, look at the economy, everything is just so bad, and that's why we need to take action now, not tomorrow, not next week, not next month, but right now! so yeah that's just very important to mention that we really need to do something about this problem, called Botters/hackers/mesos site sellers/mesos sellers in the game.

Alright so, the first idea, let's call it, the "Censored Idea".

First of all, you need to know which sites they're adverstating, for example, if the site called "MesosSale", make it so like every person who write all these letters in 1 time (doesnt matter if he put space or other letters or sings such as $ % ^ &), everything he'd say would be censored, so in this case, even if someone is saying "Hi, I mesos need now sale dude", or even "Hey, M4te,s,o,s, dude, S43a,l,e" everything that he wrote right now (the entire sentence) would be 100% censored. why? because the words/lettres Mesos and Sale were in his sentence.

Also, 10B should be way more valuable then it is right now, we can thank botters for that, in KMS the 30B meso increase (KMS recently changed their mesos cap from 10B to 30B) is more then enough, because mesos there are just that much more valubale.

GMS 1 Billion Mesos = 1.3/1.4 Maple Points/NX/USD (1B=1.3$)
KMS 1 Billion Mesos = 66.3/66.4 Maple Points/NX/USD (1B=66$)

Do you see the different now? and why is it like that? because Botters barely exist (if at all) in KMS.

If we only didn't have any or as much botters, though it's not an easy task to kill them off, but when 1 Billion in game currency is worth jackshit, that's when you know you got a problem with your in game currency, and that you must take action NOW!

Mesos should become way way way way way way more valuable in GMS then they currently are, because that hurts everyone, or should I say almost everyone (95% or so).

Another idea by Roni777 (credits goes to him)

"Ban phone number" = when you make a new account you have to write down (your) phone number, after you accept it, that phone will get a message with a code which you have to write in order to make the new account that you're trying to make (exactly like Google and Youtube).
So when a hacker get perm ban, it's not only his account which got perm ban but also that phone number, which means everytime a hacker get perm ban, he won't be able to make a TON of accounts (of course they'll probably be able to make some accounts with their family's phone numbers and such, BUT at least they might have a limit and won't be able to make TON of accounts for hacking purposes 24/7 and in anytime they want to)

Do you also have an idea? please share it here, thank you :)
  1. Should we take action now and take care of Botters?54 votes
    1. Yes, absolutely.
       87% (47 votes)
    2. No, because I'm a botter myself.
       13% (7 votes)


  • MageOfBattlesMageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
    Posts: 576
    edited November 2017
    I feel like I just read a flyer for my next city council election.

    Jokes aside, you can't expect there to be just one team that deals with all the issues in maple, right? There's multiple teams to deal with different issues.

    Look at Maple like a cracked mirror, yes it's important to take care of the big cracks quickly, but if you don't deal with the numerous little cracks, the mirror's going to break regardless. It's called quality of life for a reason. Just because there are more pressing matters to deal with, doesn't mean that other suggestions or issues shouldn't be brought to light.

    I'm not saying that these large issues shouldn't be treated as such, but the solutions aren't as easy as you're letting on. Also, the censor is not used for the purpose you want it to be. The censor is for profanity or other inappropriate terms. It's not something to try to fight meso sellers with. Not to mention that most bots don't advertise like in your example.

    The point is, these issues that you, and others have brought up don't have easy solutions. But brushing aside all other issues to find said solutions is counterproductive.
    scholar624pandabunniesDarkPassengerSherriJulyLotusBlackIvangoldShadowParadoxSlimestricky01and 1 other.
  • GomenasaiGomenasai
    Reactions: 1,295
    Posts: 78
    edited November 2017
    I feel like I just read a flyer for my next city council election.

    Jokes aside, you can't expect there to be just one team that deals with all the issues in maple, right? There's multiple teams to deal with different issues.

    Look at Maple like a cracked mirror, yes it's important to take care of the big cracks quickly, but if you don't deal with the numerous little cracks, the mirror's going to break regardless. It's called quality of life for a reason. Just because there are more pressing matters to deal with, doesn't mean that other suggestions or issues shouldn't be brought to light.

    I'm not saying that these large issues shouldn't be treated as such, but the solutions aren't as easy as you're letting on. Also, the censor is not used for the purpose you want it to be. The censor is for profanity or other inappropriate terms. It's not something to try to fight meso sellers with. Not to mention that most bots don't advertise like in your example.

    The point is, these issues that you, and others have brought up don't have easy solutions. But brushing aside all other issues to find said solutions is counterproductive.

    Trying to be funny and making jokes, doesn't and won't really make you right to be honest, in fact, it's just proves the opposite.

    Please, do not take my words out of context, I've never ever said that we should focus only on this problem and forget about everything else, what are you doing right now is simply getting things out of context, why? who knows, but it definitely seems fishy. it's very clear that some people in here won't agree with what I said in here, why? there could be a lot of reasons, but 1 thing we all know for sure, at least 90%-95% of maplers would absolutely agree with me.

    What I said is that instead of talking about all those small problems non stop, we should wake up quickly and starting take care of the BIG issues.

    Also, as a mapler, it none of my business, if it's "hard" or "easy" (although I'm 100% sure it simple and there are a LOT of solutions to this problem), as maplers, we simply need the game to be in a good economy, as maplers, we don't want to see botters in every single map, as maplers we're getting tired of all those spammers who spam their mesos sale sites in FM and Henesys.

    As maplers, we simply want this game to be in good shape as much as possible, and of course, as fast as possible.

    As maplers, we're getting tired of waiting months until nexon fix something (if they even bother to fix it).
  • SuperSaiyan3SuperSaiyan3
    Reactions: 985
    Posts: 60
    edited November 2017
    I feel like I just read a flyer for my next city council election.

    Jokes aside, you can't expect there to be just one team that deals with all the issues in maple, right? There's multiple teams to deal with different issues.

    Look at Maple like a cracked mirror, yes it's important to take care of the big cracks quickly, but if you don't deal with the numerous little cracks, the mirror's going to break regardless. It's called quality of life for a reason. Just because there are more pressing matters to deal with, doesn't mean that other suggestions or issues shouldn't be brought to light.

    I'm not saying that these large issues shouldn't be treated as such, but the solutions aren't as easy as you're letting on. Also, the censor is not used for the purpose you want it to be. The censor is for profanity or other inappropriate terms. It's not something to try to fight meso sellers with. Not to mention that most bots don't advertise like in your example.

    The point is, these issues that you, and others have brought up don't have easy solutions. But brushing aside all other issues to find said solutions is counterproductive.

    You either lying or absolutely didn't read what he said.
    Gomenasai is right, he has never said to ignore the other issues, he just said we should focus more on the huge issues that we have at the moment.
  • SherriSherri
    Reactions: 3,375
    Posts: 309
    edited November 2017
    You do know why Korea has like no hackers right? Compared to here, they have a lot more security in place.
    To make an account, you have to give your phone number and I believe some other stuff too.
    I only know this from following the development of MS2 and hearing how other people got into the Korean game.
    I might be a bit iffy about the whole process..

    If GMS were to implement this system, well.. it wouldn't go well.
    One side you got the kids with no phones (even though there isn't many without one).
    Another side you got hardcore Americans, shouting it's 'a breach of our privacy and rights'..

    Though in general, I do agree. We need to get rid of these annoying bots.

    While you're at it, Nexon, PLEASE take care of the gold sellers on Mabinogi too.
    Oh and I am sure other games of yours have them as well. -.-
  • MageOfBattlesMageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
    Posts: 576
    edited November 2017
    Gomenasai wrote: »
    Trying to be funny and making jokes, doesn't and won't really make you right to be honest, in fact, it's just proves the opposite.

    Please, do not take my words out of context, I've never ever said that we should focus only on this problem and forget about everything else, what are you doing right now is simply getting things out of context, why? who knows, but it definitely seems fishy. it's very clear that some people in here won't agree with what I said in here, why? there could be a lot of reasons, but 1 thing we all know for sure, at least 90%-95% of maplers would absolutely agree with me.

    What I said is that instead of talking about all those small problems non stop, we should wake up quickly and starting take care of the BIG issues.

    Also, as a mapler, it none of my business, if it's "hard" or "easy" (although I'm 100% sure it simple and there are a LOT of solutions to this problem), as maplers, we simply need the game to be in a good economy, as maplers, we don't want to see botters in every single map, as maplers we're getting tired of all those spammers who spam their mesos sale sites in FM and Henesys.

    As maplers, we simply want this game to be in good shape as much as possible, and of course, as fast as possible.

    As maplers, we're getting tired of waiting months until nexon fix something (if they even bother to fix it).

    You can take my joke how you like, but don't assume my intentions with it.

    Why are you constantly suspicious that those that disagree with you are "being fishy" or planning something? I said repeatedly that these issues should be taken care of, but you're directly questioning the prevalence of a suggestion here on the forums, how else would one interpret that? Especially when you didn't explain any further. So I ask, how am I taking things out of context?

    You're all gung ho about fixing all of these large issues in Maplestory, but you clearly don't understand what it's going to take to fix them. Getting over these large problems we have isn't going to take a flimsy censor change. This isn't the first time that these issues have been tried to be fixed either. What do you think people have tried to do in the past? Just take the Kanna bans we had for example, that was an attempt to ban hackers. It'll work too, if Nexon can work out the kinks.

    Look, I'm not against this effort to fix the major issues within Maplestory, but I am against how you're going about it. You need to stop thinking that when someone disagrees with you, they're out to get you in some way. That method of thinking isn't going to get us anywhere.
  • ArwooArwoo
    Reactions: 17,755
    Posts: 498
    edited November 2017
    Because the people that buy NX are also hackers/botters.

    This is extremely rare as most hackers know that from the moment they hack, they risk losing their account. Most hackers are smart enough not to make investments into a sinking ship.
    And that's why nexon listens to ban appeals that mention the phase of "buying NX", "I bought NX", etc. If they IP banned those people, they would lose a lot of money and will be forced to shut this game down.

    You're right when you say that some players try using the fact that they spent as part of their appeal message. However, I can say that it doesn't make a difference. While most hackers typically don't spend a dime on the game, that dime's not going to save them if they get caught.
    nexon America will never change the process to sign up for a new account and ask for personal info like phone numbers and stuff because they don't want to spend any of their money for extra security. Remember the MTS leak?

    There's a lot to factor with setting up extra security measurements on our end compared to KMS. This is because we service many regions and not just one country. One big concern is that if a new process is introduced, how many existing players will be unable to play because they don't meet that criteria or can provide such private information?

    This game is doomed and nothing will help it recover. You'll just have to accept it and play with hackers, botters and meso sellers.

    We haven't given up against hackers and botters. While some of our recent attempts may not have been the best, we're trying our best to keep taking new approaches to address the illegitimate players.
  • GomenasaiGomenasai
    Reactions: 1,295
    Posts: 78
    edited November 2017
    Gomenasai wrote: »
    Trying to be funny and making jokes, doesn't and won't really make you right to be honest, in fact, it's just proves the opposite.

    Please, do not take my words out of context, I've never ever said that we should focus only on this problem and forget about everything else, what are you doing right now is simply getting things out of context, why? who knows, but it definitely seems fishy. it's very clear that some people in here won't agree with what I said in here, why? there could be a lot of reasons, but 1 thing we all know for sure, at least 90%-95% of maplers would absolutely agree with me.

    What I said is that instead of talking about all those small problems non stop, we should wake up quickly and starting take care of the BIG issues.

    Also, as a mapler, it none of my business, if it's "hard" or "easy" (although I'm 100% sure it simple and there are a LOT of solutions to this problem), as maplers, we simply need the game to be in a good economy, as maplers, we don't want to see botters in every single map, as maplers we're getting tired of all those spammers who spam their mesos sale sites in FM and Henesys.

    As maplers, we simply want this game to be in good shape as much as possible, and of course, as fast as possible.

    As maplers, we're getting tired of waiting months until nexon fix something (if they even bother to fix it).

    You can take my joke how you like, but don't assume my intentions with it.

    Why are you constantly suspicious that those that disagree with you are "being fishy" or planning something? I said repeatedly that these issues should be taken care of, but you're directly questioning the prevalence of a suggestion here on the forums, how else would one interpret that? Especially when you didn't explain any further. So I ask, how am I taking things out of context?

    You're all gung ho about fixing all of these large issues in Maplestory, but you clearly don't understand what it's going to take to fix them. Getting over these large problems we have isn't going to take a flimsy censor change. This isn't the first time that these issues have been tried to be fixed either. What do you think people have tried to do in the past? Just take the Kanna bans we had for example, that was an attempt to ban hackers. It'll work too, if Nexon can work out the kinks.

    Look, I'm not against this effort to fix the major issues within Maplestory, but I am against how you're going about it. You need to stop thinking that when someone disagrees with you, they're out to get you in some way. That method of thinking isn't going to get us anywhere.

    I'll make it very short and simple.

    What I'm trying to say in this thread is that WE (not including you) want nexon to take care of hackers/botters SOMEHOW, we don't really care how, but we just want them to fix this problem as soon as possible and WE know that they can do that, we have no doubts that nexon can fix this huge issue.

    Also, someone on Basil has posted once a few screen shots of Henesys in 2007, 2008, 2009, etc... including 2017, and guess what all these screen shots showed?
    That's right, botters spamming 24/7 in Leafre, FM, Henesys, etc, botters botting 24/7 in every single map, in other words, NOTHING has changed, it was always like that and yet, it still like that.

    Do you know what is the different between us? that I, unlike you, love this game so much, and I just want that the economy would get better, and that everyone else in this game will be able to have fun and would finally be able to purchase stuff for reasonable prices.

    My general statement is very simple, we (nexon) must be 100% serious and take action now.

    If you don't like it, then let me tell you this, that's your problem, so far, only 2 people voted "No, because I'm a botter myself", and I wonder why....
    And yet, over 10 people Voted "Yes!" why? because we're sharing the same pain, we feel each other, and at the end of the day, we will be the winners!

    By the way, since you're keep on taking my words out of context and lying (probably for your own interests), please do not quote me again, in case you're going to quote me again, I won't read it.

  • SherriSherri
    Reactions: 3,375
    Posts: 309
    edited November 2017
    Gomenasai wrote: »
    Gomenasai wrote: »
    Trying to be funny and making jokes, doesn't and won't really make you right to be honest, in fact, it's just proves the opposite.

    Please, do not take my words out of context, I've never ever said that we should focus only on this problem and forget about everything else, what are you doing right now is simply getting things out of context, why? who knows, but it definitely seems fishy. it's very clear that some people in here won't agree with what I said in here, why? there could be a lot of reasons, but 1 thing we all know for sure, at least 90%-95% of maplers would absolutely agree with me.

    What I said is that instead of talking about all those small problems non stop, we should wake up quickly and starting take care of the BIG issues.

    Also, as a mapler, it none of my business, if it's "hard" or "easy" (although I'm 100% sure it simple and there are a LOT of solutions to this problem), as maplers, we simply need the game to be in a good economy, as maplers, we don't want to see botters in every single map, as maplers we're getting tired of all those spammers who spam their mesos sale sites in FM and Henesys.

    As maplers, we simply want this game to be in good shape as much as possible, and of course, as fast as possible.

    As maplers, we're getting tired of waiting months until nexon fix something (if they even bother to fix it).

    You can take my joke how you like, but don't assume my intentions with it.

    Why are you constantly suspicious that those that disagree with you are "being fishy" or planning something? I said repeatedly that these issues should be taken care of, but you're directly questioning the prevalence of a suggestion here on the forums, how else would one interpret that? Especially when you didn't explain any further. So I ask, how am I taking things out of context?

    You're all gung ho about fixing all of these large issues in Maplestory, but you clearly don't understand what it's going to take to fix them. Getting over these large problems we have isn't going to take a flimsy censor change. This isn't the first time that these issues have been tried to be fixed either. What do you think people have tried to do in the past? Just take the Kanna bans we had for example, that was an attempt to ban hackers. It'll work too, if Nexon can work out the kinks.

    Look, I'm not against this effort to fix the major issues within Maplestory, but I am against how you're going about it. You need to stop thinking that when someone disagrees with you, they're out to get you in some way. That method of thinking isn't going to get us anywhere.

    I'll make it very short and simple.

    What I'm trying to say in this thread is that WE (not including you) want nexon to take care of hackers/botters SOMEHOW, we don't really care how, but we just want them to fix this problem as soon as possible and WE know that they can do that, we have no doubts that nexon can fix this huge issue.

    Also, someone on Basil has posted once a few screen shots of Henesys in 2007, 2008, 2009, etc... including 2017, and guess what all these screen shots showed?
    That's right, botters spamming 24/7 in Leafre, FM, Henesys, etc, botters botting 24/7 in every single map, in other words, NOTHING has changed, it was always like that and yet, it still like that.

    Do you know what is the different between us? that I, unlike you, love this game so much, and I just want that the economy would get better, and that everyone else in this game will be able to have fun and would finally be able to purchase stuff for reasonable prices.

    My general statement is very simple, we (nexon) must be 100% serious and take action now.

    If you don't like it, then let me tell you this, that's your problem, so far, only 2 people voted "No, because I'm a botter myself", and I wonder why....
    And yet, over 10 people Voted "Yes!" why? because we're sharing the same pain, we feel each other, and at the end of the day, we will be the winners!

    By the way, since you're keep on taking my words out of context and lying (probably for your own interests), please do not quote me again, in case you're going to quote me again, I won't read it.

    First, people voted no because there was not an option suited to them (focus on something else, no it's risky, etc.)
    A bias poll.
    Second, nagging Nexon to do something won't get you anywhere. You really think they aren't trying already?
    Not to mention now you are resorting to attacking somebody on the forums.. pretty sad.
  • ArgentArgent
    Reactions: 3,090
    Posts: 272
    edited November 2017
    The call to address hacking isn't new, it goes back to the very launch of the game. Demands that Nexon "take action now" and comments about "hackers are ruining the economy" are likewise not new. I'd wager we get topics like this posted every month or so and this particular thread hasn't added any additional value to the subject.

    The fact that after 15 years or so, there are still hackers, botters and meso sellers shouldn't indicate that Nexon's team has just been idle or complacent but that the enormous task of dealing with these issues has no clear and easy answer. Perhaps Nexon could do better with a swifter rollout of patches and implementing new tools to combat hackers but those take time to develop and test. We've seen what happens when things don't quite go according to plan.

    Nexon may not have always put forth their best effort toward cyber security but I don't think they are unaware of the problems or are not trying to address these issues.
  • CatoooloooCatooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited November 2017
    Do you want to know why nexon doesn't IP ban?

    Because the people that buy NX are also hackers/botters. .

    LOL that's the most false statment in this thread.
    nexon dont IP ban because the hackers/ botters dont use their real IP anyway, they use a proxy tool that's built into their hack tool, so IP bans are completely useless for the real problem makers.
  • ShadEightShadEight
    Reactions: 3,110
    Posts: 381
    edited November 2017
    This should be in the suggestion section
  • Roni777Roni777
    Reactions: 1,180
    Posts: 256
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2017
    They do spend in game because most of cash item are moveable like those cash item. Most of them buy with NX on their hacking char and move the cash items to their main or do gifting to their main account. Because they know now that Nexon is weak against people who bought NX. Long time ago, I did know some rich people who is working at software field and still spend dollars from their pocket for NX. They hack coz they don't have enough time to play. They work most of the day. But they want to be the best, so they hack. They hack not because they can't spend NX. They hack because they can and they want to.

    My best suggestion is to use Video call service as to talk with the people who appeal for account who get banned. nowadays, doing video call mostly is free using the internet. they can uses app like whatsapp, Line or any other apps. If they argue they don't have phones or can't use those app, it is a lie. They can use computer, they have internet to play maplestory, but they argue, don't have phone, that is a big lie. Or at least they can borrow phones from others. I believe there should be also apps for PCs or laptops for video call. People can make thousands of account for hacking purpose, but they cannot fake their face. Nexon should put 1 requirement for Ban appeal to do Video Call or Video Recording and send them via email. In this way, if they made a lot of hacking account, Nexon can easily recognise them. This is not aginst privacy rights too. Because you are not asking for any of their private materers. You just collecting their identity and of course their face recording that proves that they are the one who appeal for certain account. It is similar if you are doing any other appeal, of course you have to show your face and give out your identity. You can't do appeal while hiding your trueself annonymous.. The most top troublesome to solve the hacking problem is because they can hide under annonymious name. They can hide and noone knows who they are. That is why they dare to make 1 or even more hacking account. More and more hackers will show up because they can ran off without being caught. Even if in the end their account getting banned, they can just make another account. If someone appeal for innoncence once in a while is okay,. But if they keep getting banned and doing appeal hundreds of times, it is obviously a lie. But under annonymious, they can just appeal thousands of times. That is the problem. And it affect the whole community of maplestory. And through times, all of those hackers will be multiplied and more and more are coming because the old hackers are still there with their new account while the new one joining in.

    I wrote those up because hacker does affect your legit players. You lose customers because of those hackers. So many of yuour players/customers seen hackers everywhere, getting discouraged. You lose millions of dollars because of those hackers discourage your customers/players and made them quit the game. Legi players play so hard to get better, while hacker just hack their way to be top players. So then your customer/players quitting because you fail to combat the hacker issue. Korean maplestory is still famous because people care about the game and think that they are treated fairly and noone are allowed to hack. But me myself, so many times i feel discouraged on continue playing maplestory global, because so many hackers levleling up or getting a huge amount of mesos simply juts by hacking. I believe there are eo many players out there smililary feeling discouraged like me and just decide to quit. You really need to combat this hacker problems, otherwise you will keep losing players.

    Another way was the suggestion i made few month back. It is to make a Force close on other application when playing maplestory. Players either to choose, to play maplestory, or use other appication. Only some application such as browser or microsoft words and similar apps are allowed. Before doing the force close, maplestory can give a warning message and give option to player to choose whether they want to close the other application or close maplestory. If it is the player decision to close the other application, maplestory will not break any rule since it is the player decision and under user permission. If they player doesn't want to close other application, then maplestory client will be force close. Those application will be targeted to most of hacking tools or botting tools. It is similar to windows where windows can force close other apps but with the user permission.

  • GomenasaiGomenasai
    Reactions: 1,295
    Posts: 78
    edited November 2017
    Roni777 wrote: »
    They do spend in game because most of cash item are moveable like those cash item. Most of them buy with NX on their hacking char and move the cash items to their main or do gifting to their main account. Because they know now that Nexon is weak against people who bought NX.

    My best suggestion is to use Video call service as to talk with the people who appeal for account who get banned. nowadays, doing video call mostly is free using the internet. they can uses app like whatsapp, Line or any other apps. If they argue they don't have phones or can't use those app, it is bullshit. They can use computer, they have internet to play maplestory, but they don't have phone. Or at least they can borrow phones from others. I believe there should also app for PCs or laptops for video call. People can make thousands of account for hacking purpose, but they cannot fake their face. Nexon should put 1 requirement for Ban appeal to do Video Call or Video Recording and send them via email. In this way, if they made a lot of hacking account, Nexon will easily can recognise them.

    Another way was the suggestion i made few month back. It is to make a Force close on other application when playing maplestory. Players either to choose, to play maplestory, or use other appication. Only some application such as browser or microsoft words and similar apps are allowed. Before doing the force close, maplestory can give a warning message and give option to player to choose whether they want to close the other application or close maplestory. If it is the player decision to close the other application, maplestory will not break any rule since it is the player decision and under user permission. If they player doesn't want to close other application, then maplestory client will be force close. Those application will be targeted to most of hacking tools or botting tools. It is similar to windows where windows can force close other apps but with the user permission.

    Yeah, the "Ban phone number" idea is really good, because after they got banned, they'll have to make a new account and at this point, they'll have to get a new phone number (they'll get a message where they must replay or something like that, so they can't just write down of some phone numbers that they doesn't even know, just like Google and Youtube).
  • SorrowSorrow
    Reactions: 2,780
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    edited November 2017
    What happens to players that don't own a phone? Will they be able to play their account?
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
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    edited November 2017
    Roni777 wrote: »
    They do spend in game because most of cash item are moveable like those cash item. Most of them buy with NX on their hacking char and move the cash items to their main or do gifting to their main account. Because they know now that Nexon is weak against people who bought NX. Long time ago, I did know some rich people who is working at software field and still spend dollars from their pocket for NX. They hack coz they don't have enough time to play. They work most of the day. But they want to be the best, so they hack. They hack not because they can't spend NX. They hack because they can and they want to.

    My best suggestion is to use Video call service as to talk with the people who appeal for account who get banned. nowadays, doing video call mostly is free using the internet. they can uses app like whatsapp, Line or any other apps. If they argue they don't have phones or can't use those app, it is a lie. They can use computer, they have internet to play maplestory, but they argue, don't have phone, that is a big lie. Or at least they can borrow phones from others. I believe there should be also apps for PCs or laptops for video call. People can make thousands of account for hacking purpose, but they cannot fake their face. Nexon should put 1 requirement for Ban appeal to do Video Call or Video Recording and send them via email. In this way, if they made a lot of hacking account, Nexon can easily recognise them. This is not aginst privacy rights too. Because you are not asking for any of their private materers. You just collecting their identity and of course their face recording that proves that they are the one who appeal for certain account. It is similar if you are doing any other appeal, of course you have to show your face and give out your identity. You can't do appeal while hiding your trueself annonymous.. The most top troublesome to solve the hacking problem is because they can hide under annonymious name. They can hide and noone knows who they are. That is why they dare to make 1 or even more hacking account. More and more hackers will show up because they can ran off without being caught. Even if in the end their account getting banned, they can just make another account. If someone appeal for innoncence once in a while is okay,. But if they keep getting banned and doing appeal hundreds of times, it is obviously a lie. But under annonymious, they can just appeal thousands of times. That is the problem. And it affect the whole community of maplestory. And through times, all of those hackers will be multiplied and more and more are coming because the old hackers are still there with their new account while the new one joining in.

    I wrote those up because hacker does affect your legit players. You lose customers because of those hackers. So many of yuour players/customers seen hackers everywhere, getting discouraged. You lose millions of dollars because of those hackers discourage your customers/players and made them quit the game. Legi players play so hard to get better, while hacker just hack their way to be top players. So then your customer/players quitting because you fail to combat the hacker issue. Korean maplestory is still famous because people care about the game and think that they are treated fairly and noone are allowed to hack. But me myself, so many times i feel discouraged on continue playing maplestory global, because so many hackers levleling up or getting a huge amount of mesos simply juts by hacking. I believe there are eo many players out there smililary feeling discouraged like me and just decide to quit. You really need to combat this hacker problems, otherwise you will keep losing players.

    Another way was the suggestion i made few month back. It is to make a Force close on other application when playing maplestory. Players either to choose, to play maplestory, or use other appication. Only some application such as browser or microsoft words and similar apps are allowed. Before doing the force close, maplestory can give a warning message and give option to player to choose whether they want to close the other application or close maplestory. If it is the player decision to close the other application, maplestory will not break any rule since it is the player decision and under user permission. If they player doesn't want to close other application, then maplestory client will be force close. Those application will be targeted to most of hacking tools or botting tools. It is similar to windows where windows can force close other apps but with the user permission.

    If thats the case, Im sure theres a log that shows who has gifted to whom on Nexon's end.
  • thrakkesthrakkes
    Reactions: 2,135
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    edited November 2017
    Arwoo wrote: »
    Because the people that buy NX are also hackers/botters.

    This is extremely rare as most hackers know that from the moment they hack, they risk losing their account. Most hackers are smart enough not to make investments into a sinking ship.
    And that's why nexon listens to ban appeals that mention the phase of "buying NX", "I bought NX", etc. If they IP banned those people, they would lose a lot of money and will be forced to shut this game down.

    You're right when you say that some players try using the fact that they spent as part of their appeal message. However, I can say that it doesn't make a difference. While most hackers typically don't spend a dime on the game, that dime's not going to save them if they get caught.
    nexon America will never change the process to sign up for a new account and ask for personal info like phone numbers and stuff because they don't want to spend any of their money for extra security. Remember the MTS leak?

    There's a lot to factor with setting up extra security measurements on our end compared to KMS. This is because we service many regions and not just one country. One big concern is that if a new process is introduced, how many existing players will be unable to play because they don't meet that criteria or can provide such private information?

    This game is doomed and nothing will help it recover. You'll just have to accept it and play with hackers, botters and meso sellers.

    We haven't given up against hackers and botters. While some of our recent attempts may not have been the best, we're trying our best to keep taking new approaches to address the illegitimate players.

    Any plan to actually hire a GM who patrols a server, in the continents we find lot of botters in several maps and pratically all chs? I remember to tell a GM on live chat when reporting a meso seller checking in these maps. There are just too many of them to report in-game all of them 1 by 1. Also botters in Arcane River are mostly found when an elite boss spawned but cc when i enter in their map,

    Most bots in Herb Town and Mu Lung are Blaze Wizard characters. I remember to see a few of them in Perion in stumpy map, maybe Boars maps and the excavation site as Kanna bot. As well as Ulu City and Singapore, mostly in Mysterious Path 3. I have to check if there is any in Ninja Castle still. I can also say Orbis cloud park.

    There could be even more if we check in Eos Tower in Ludibrium. They basically love very big maps. Can't Nexon detect an abnormal speed leveling on their PCs and look at these IGNs? Would be nice to know.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
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    edited November 2017
    They need to nerf the classes that botters and hackers seem to gravitate to.
  • bazzybazzy
    Reactions: 1,525
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    edited November 2017
    Sorrow wrote: »
    What happens to players that don't own a phone? Will they be able to play their account?

    parent? home phone?
  • bazzybazzy
    Reactions: 1,525
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    edited November 2017
    They need to nerf the classes that botters and hackers seem to gravitate to.

    we dont need anymore nerfs. Look at kannas. Besides, if they nerf classes that hackers use, it wouldn't be fair for those who play that class legit. Even if they nerf classes like kinesis or blaster or blaze wizards, they can just hack on another class.
  • GoldAdventurerGoldAdventurer
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    edited November 2017
    I agree, as the one who started the discussion about the revamp Equipment Tooltip UI.
    The issue with the highest priority is the one where there are Hackers, Botters and a critical inflation which makes the game's economy to be unstable, too much expensive for everybody.

    I'm DEFINITELY saying that the game is not fun anymore, when prices are too high, when it's hard to sell/buy a lot of items and more.

    As a player of Luna, last year I was able to buy a lot of items for fair prices which I could earn by myself.
    Somehow, since these times, everything now is super expensive and super hard to earn (the prices are 10 times or more than how it was).
    Maybe the best chance to earn something really good you want is to spend a lot of NX and hope to be lucky to earn something
    valuable enough.

    However, it doesn't mean that it's bad to talk about possible revamps to the Equipment Tooltip UI.
    I used to see other regional services and I found that every another service (if not most of them) got the Equipment Tooltip UI revamps including being able to see the missing stats of certain equips in Luna which were obtained prior the Europe service migration.

    I would like to see that "The Voice of Mapler" is listened and efforts are done to make the game more fun and more comfortable to play.