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We all want a merge


  • AcgnoliaAcgnolia
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 153
    edited June 2018
    The people here who have suggested for a merge to happen would also
    Cadena91 wrote: »
    JushiroNet wrote: »
    Maybe we could try going down to 3 or 4 worlds first and see how it is.

    4 world solution is easy:
    "The rest"

    3 world solution has some options:

    Then fill in the remaining to Scania and Windia. Depending on how full/empty those two are it could be all three of grazed bacon broni added to windia
    Or maybe grazed and bacon added to windia and broni added to scania..... Etc.

    You see? if DarkPassenger agrees with you, then your idea is not a good idea, lol.

    3 worlds? Bera, Scania, Windia (and then Reboot as well, so 4 in total)
    This is a very bad idea, why?
    Take a look at all those empty worlds right now.... they're wayyyy too dead and empty.
    So let's say that Bera will be the most active world, Scania and Windia will still be and stay as ghost towns as before (maybe just a little bit better than now, but still bad).

    This is exactly why DarkPassenger agrees with you.

    Also, it doesn't make that much of sense, why? hear me out.

    Very few people want an empty server.
    The majority want as many people as possible.
    What do you see here? 2 type of people, right?
    So why 3 worlds? (without Reboot)
    What we need are 2 worlds.

    Bera for those who want as many people as possible
    And Windia or Scania for those who want an empty and dead server. in that server they'd be able to stay alone, exactly as they wished, no smegas, spams, ksers, etc.
    And the last 3rd world would be Reboot.

    So in total, 3 worlds, Bera, Windia, and Reboot, this is the only and the best solution you could ever come up with.
    And remember, if DarkPassenger agrees with anyone, it means it's a very very bad idea, it really seems as if DarkPassenger is a real GM from Nexon (since we all understand that Nexon Does NOT want to merge worlds AT ALL! why? who knows....)

    LET the merge BEGIN!

    I think two non reboot servers would be best, but I also still think 3 isn't a bad compromise. Also, 4 or 5 could work IF reboot wasn't so popular. Apparently in KMS reboot isn't that popular because its the gameplay and economy makes for a fun game in the non-reboot servers (atleast this is what people on reddit say, if they are dead wrong please correct. The guy on the 2nd or 3rd page was trying to make a point, that if there was some changes to be made, people wouldn't play on reboot and would play normal servers instead.

    I haven't played on reboot myself, this is just based on what I read, so I could incorrect.
  • WZrkWZrk
    Reactions: 990
    Posts: 41
    edited June 2018
    Cadena91 wrote: »
    JushiroNet wrote: »
    Maybe we could try going down to 3 or 4 worlds first and see how it is.

    4 world solution is easy:
    "The rest"

    3 world solution has some options:

    Then fill in the remaining to Scania and Windia. Depending on how full/empty those two are it could be all three of grazed bacon broni added to windia
    Or maybe grazed and bacon added to windia and broni added to scania..... Etc.

    You see? if DarkPassenger agrees with you, then your idea is not a good idea, lol.

    3 worlds? Bera, Scania, Windia (and then Reboot as well, so 4 in total)
    This is a very bad idea, why?
    Take a look at all those empty worlds right now.... they're wayyyy too dead and empty.
    So let's say that Bera will be the most active world, Scania and Windia will still be and stay as ghost towns as before (maybe just a little bit better than now, but still bad).

    This is exactly why DarkPassenger agrees with you.

    Also, it doesn't make that much of sense, why? hear me out.

    Very few people want an empty server.
    The majority want as many people as possible.
    What do you see here? 2 type of people, right?
    So why 3 worlds? (without Reboot)
    What we need are 2 worlds.

    Bera for those who want as many people as possible
    And Windia or Scania for those who want an empty and dead server. in that server they'd be able to stay alone, exactly as they wished, no smegas, spams, ksers, etc.
    And the last 3rd world would be Reboot.

    So in total, 3 worlds, Bera, Windia, and Reboot, this is the only and the best solution you could ever come up with.
    And remember, if DarkPassenger agrees with anyone, it means it's a very very bad idea, it really seems as if DarkPassenger is a real GM from Nexon (since we all understand that Nexon Does NOT want to merge worlds AT ALL! why? who knows....)

    LET the merge BEGIN!

    I like how you say that 3 worlds is the only solution when you yourself had a different opinion earlier in the thread (you commented about wanting Bera + Reboot only), and that it is the best solution when we're talking about completely hypothetical situations. Leave the personal bias and irrelevant information out of this thread. There are drawbacks to having 2 regular servers and not 3, such as having bots in a more concentrated world and server stability issues would most likely be worse due to the population being spread out over 2 worlds instead of 3. Again, your solution is not the best (there is no clear best) nor is it the only one.
  • rizariza
    Reactions: 3,140
    Posts: 642
    edited June 2018
    Hello everyone this is RizaSaika best in gms and voice of the people. This topic been a big topic to me and many others. The big question of the day is should ms1 servers have a merge or another transfer event.

    When I say merge I mean merge all the main servers and not reboot as reboot not part of the main servers. Another option can be to make one populated server and one dead server. Or the one choice that will be the easiest would be the give people another chance to choose their servers and transfer on a date when we the people vote on when people are available to transfer again.

    Now the underlining question of the thread is should we have a merge or something equivalent to a merge or transfer? We answer this by selecting yes or no and most can leave comments above. Remember this thread is meant to not become chaotic or a flame page in any way just answer the question.

    What we are asking is should anything I listed above or anything at all be done? If you feel anything just something to happen to help solve this issue vote yes if you like how things are and feel no changes are needed vote no.

    We have the freedom to our opinions and talk and debate this topic peacefully. Remember to keep the comments civil and follow the CoC. The last thing we want to promote is rioting. This will help our cause more if we can come together and resolve this in a peacefully, but professional manner.

    Remember this is so we can show nexon and who ever is in charge the number of people who want a merge and how many people support the idea of fixing this issue. I wont talk about other issues as they can wait, but please feel free to vote and to leave a comment and voice your opinion.

    Riza Saika (bera-Leader of Dragontribe)
    Riza Saika (ms community- Voice of the people) (I am and removing this title won't change that)
  • AcgnoliaAcgnolia
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 153
    edited June 2018
    there is already a 20 page thread on this, why are we creating new topics. This **** is going to be just like the time when people spammed old maplestory server threads , and they weren't ever allowed to talk about it ever again.
  • rizariza
    Reactions: 3,140
    Posts: 642
    edited June 2018
    the other one doesn't have poll, as well as doesn't get to the point. This is just to get the numbers and see who wants something done maybe say some ideas but in peaceful matter. rn its more of us getting together and just getting something done. If we want something done lets vote yes and show them the number of people who are for something to get done and happen for us.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited June 2018
    Why on the forums, we already know the distribution of players on the forum that will vote yes. The poll/voting has already been explained that it isn't accurate or can become skewed when there isn't a large enough sample size to ask. There aren't a lot of players that use the forum.

    Another mistake in your poll is that youre lumping merge and transfer into a yes or no question, which further skews the yes from the no because if someone votes no to a merge but yes to a transfer, there's no option for them to vote transfer, so they'll vote no, or if they do vote yes, itll be like theyre voting to either a merge or a transfer, which skews the results as well.

    tl;dr wording skews results

  • rizariza
    Reactions: 3,140
    Posts: 642
    edited June 2018
    Why on the forums, we already know the distribution of players on the forum that will vote yes. The poll/voting has already been explained that it isn't accurate or can become skewed when there isn't a large enough sample size to ask. There aren't a lot of players that use the forum.

    Another mistake in your poll is that youre lumping merge and transfer into a yes or no question, which further skews the yes from the no because if someone votes no to a merge but yes to a transfer, there's no option for them to vote transfer, so they'll vote no, or if they do vote yes, itll be like theyre voting to either a merge or a transfer, which skews the results as well.

    tl;dr wording skews results


    The point of the thread is to support the idea that something gets done merge or transfer means something is getting done so if you support an action to take place for us to help resolve this issue vote yes if no and things are good the way they are which some people feel that way vote no. Skrews and polls and obama has no place here and isn't part of the discussion. I mean if you want me to fix the voting up so it more specifies what people need send me a list or post it here and i can make the adjustments. But the point of this is to see if anyone wants something done something falls into the category of a action. So the point is to find out if something can or should happen to fix the issue. but yea feel free to post your recommendations if you feel format isnt to your liking.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited June 2018
    That's an article on how wordings on a poll will change the results, but I don't think anyone denies something has to be done, our differences lies in what should be done. So, I would say this poll isn't needed. Everyone on that other thread already agrees something should be done. We just don't agree on what should be done.
  • rizariza
    Reactions: 3,140
    Posts: 642
    edited June 2018
    That's an article on how wordings on a poll will change the results, but I don't think anyone denies something has to be done, our differences lies in what should be done. So, I would say this poll isn't needed. Everyone on that other thread already agrees something should be done. We just don't agree on what should be done.

    yea I can understand that. I feel if we can get the numbers we can discuss all the hacker and other issues after we can get a merge or transfer in place and set a date which we all can vote on. Like Christmas or something.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited June 2018
    There is no need for a new thread, or a poll.
    Nexon is aware of the issue, as evidenced by Arwoo's response:
    Arwoo wrote: »
    World merge has been a request since the previous world leap event and it's been a topic of ongoing discussion.
    As mentioned by AKradian earlier in this thread:
    AKradian wrote: »
    Nexon is well aware of the problem of server populations, and is also aware of all the solutions suggested by members of the community.
    The decision and the implementation are not easy, so it is taking time.

    Trust me when I say that this has been a hot pressing topic for the team and that once we have some solid news to share, we'll be sure to share it with you all.

    Creating a new thread with a poll just to show "everybody thinks something should be done" is pointless.
    Nexon, too, knows that something should be done.
    But Riza's poll does nothing to answer the question of what, exactly, is the best solution.
    All it does is create another thread in which people will offer the exact same arguments that are being made in the existing 22-page thread.
    As such, it has been merged into it.
  • rizariza
    Reactions: 3,140
    Posts: 642
    edited June 2018
    AKradian wrote: »
    There is no need for a new thread, or a poll.
    Nexon is aware of the issue, as evidenced by Arwoo's response:
    Arwoo wrote: »
    World merge has been a request since the previous world leap event and it's been a topic of ongoing discussion.
    As mentioned by AKradian earlier in this thread:
    AKradian wrote: »
    Nexon is well aware of the problem of server populations, and is also aware of all the solutions suggested by members of the community.
    The decision and the implementation are not easy, so it is taking time.

    Trust me when I say that this has been a hot pressing topic for the team and that once we have some solid news to share, we'll be sure to share it with you all.

    Creating a new thread with a poll just to show "everybody thinks something should be done" is pointless.
    Nexon, too, knows that something should be done.
    But Riza's poll does nothing to answer the question of what, exactly, is the best solution.
    All it does is create another thread in which people will offer the exact same arguments that are being made in the existing 22-page thread.
    As such, it has been merged into it.

    you do know what your saying doesn't only not make sense but you just needed a reason to take down the thread. I don't say this in a disrespectful way only stating the truth. I had ask aru and cuddles permission to post this and I wouldn't had done so otherwise. My polls had more meaning and intentions behind it. It wasn't and isnt your job to say what is good for us and whats not. We as people in the community have our means and ways of voicing our opinions and getting things done. What you did was only show us your true colors and what your real intention was. I can understand if you were against a poll your opinion. But we have opinions too and have the right to do so in a peaceful matter. Its the same way how my other threads got taken down in this. This was supposed to be something to fix the community and fix a ongoing issue but there really no point no more if we have people like you who force your own beliefs and personal grudges and issues on people. I hope in the near future you grow and learn from this. and maybe you look back and see how your actions effected people. Remember people I had permission to post the thread and it was approved as I as a member of the community and the voice of the people and the voiceless to speak out and support my people. But yea I hope you feel great over deleting a thread that didn't hurt you or anyone in any way.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited June 2018
    I just explained how it doesn't fix anything since the question in your poll has already been resolved. Everyone, including most importantly Nexon, agrees that something needs to be done. Let's assume for the sake of discussion that your poll has 100 Yes votes and not a single No. Now what?

    It is my job as a forum moderator to clean it up by merging threads about the same topic. Arwoo has not informed me of you being given permission to post a poll (and somehow I doubt you showed him the exact wording to get such permission), and Cuddles has no authority here.

    You may all express your opinions in a peaceful manner in this thread.
  • rizariza
    Reactions: 3,140
    Posts: 642
    edited June 2018
    AKradian wrote: »
    I just explained how it doesn't fix anything since the question in your poll has already been resolved. Everyone, including most importantly Nexon, agrees that something needs to be done. Let's assume for the sake of discussion that your poll has 100 Yes votes and not a single No. Now what?

    It is my job as a forum moderator to clean it up by merging threads about the same topic. Arwoo has not informed me of you being given permission to post a poll (and somehow I doubt you showed him the exact wording to get such permission), and Cuddles has no authority here.

    You may all express your opinions in a peaceful manner in this thread.

    I think your not getting the point. I posted 2 threads one in each ms1 and ms2 now my polls and plan for it I send arwoo the link and thread was for me to do this another way from what they are doing here. Similar to a petition format people fill up the forms and we show the numbers again your opinion made you judge the situation before you even knew it. I bet and I can put money on it if my name wasn't on it thread would not be touched. And remember I got permission and even sent the link so I mean it's another case of a person's opinion making them judge a situation before you knew it. I so for permission before hand cause I had a feeling it would of been taking down or destroyed in some type of way again not cool and yea shows alot. This is what we call freedom in the community. And I posted a similar thread in ms2 forum which i got permission for only slaty help move it in the right place and "Not destroyed it". But yea man no point of posting threads no more while I know you will be around to destroy so much for a happy community. And how are we supposed to speak peacefully if your going to remove it >.< man you don't see how backwards this is tho.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited June 2018
    riza wrote: »
    AKradian wrote: »
    I just explained how it doesn't fix anything since the question in your poll has already been resolved. Everyone, including most importantly Nexon, agrees that something needs to be done. Let's assume for the sake of discussion that your poll has 100 Yes votes and not a single No. Now what?

    It is my job as a forum moderator to clean it up by merging threads about the same topic. Arwoo has not informed me of you being given permission to post a poll (and somehow I doubt you showed him the exact wording to get such permission), and Cuddles has no authority here.

    You may all express your opinions in a peaceful manner in this thread.

    I think your not getting the point. I posted 2 threads one in each ms1 and ms2 now my polls and plan for it I send arwoo the link and thread was for me to do this another way from what they are doing here. Similar to a petition format people fill up the forms and we show the numbers again your opinion made you judge the situation before you even knew it. I bet and I can put money on it if my name wasn't on it thread would not be touched. And remember I got permission and even sent the link so I mean it's another case of a person's opinion making them judge a situation before you knew it. I so for permission before hand cause I had a feeling it would of been taking down or destroyed in some type of way again not cool and yea shows alot. This is what we call freedom in the community. And I posted a similar thread in ms2 forum which i got permission for only slaty help move it in the right place and "Not destroyed it". But yea man no point of posting threads no more while I know you will be around to destroy so much for a happy community. And how are we supposed to speak peacefully if your going to remove it >.< man you don't see how backwards this is tho.

    You're wrong. I have already merged several threads, including impromptu polls and surveys, into this one. It's not anything personal against you.
    When you posted the thread you didn't say "I have permission", so there was no way for me to know it and treat it any differently.

    But let me return to the question. Let's say your poll stays up and it says 100 people want something done and nobody says otherwise. Let's even say it's 1000 people.
    What do you think showing that result to Arwoo would achieve, that is not happening already?
    He told you himself "we are already super aware of the popular demand for it." The poll would change nothing and any discussion that happens in that thread would be identical to the discussion in this one, since it's the same topic in the same forum with the same people who hold the same opinions and present the same arguments in support of those opinions.

    As for discussing peacefully: you already are. This thread has been going on for hundreds of messages without me interfering. I expressed my opinion on merges early on in the thread, and I don't see much point repeating it just because the other side keeps repeating theirs.
  • GomenasaiGomenasai
    Reactions: 1,295
    Posts: 78
    edited June 2018
    riza wrote: »
    AKradian wrote: »
    There is no need for a new thread, or a poll.
    Nexon is aware of the issue, as evidenced by Arwoo's response:
    Arwoo wrote: »
    World merge has been a request since the previous world leap event and it's been a topic of ongoing discussion.
    As mentioned by AKradian earlier in this thread:
    AKradian wrote: »
    Nexon is well aware of the problem of server populations, and is also aware of all the solutions suggested by members of the community.
    The decision and the implementation are not easy, so it is taking time.

    Trust me when I say that this has been a hot pressing topic for the team and that once we have some solid news to share, we'll be sure to share it with you all.

    Creating a new thread with a poll just to show "everybody thinks something should be done" is pointless.
    Nexon, too, knows that something should be done.
    But Riza's poll does nothing to answer the question of what, exactly, is the best solution.
    All it does is create another thread in which people will offer the exact same arguments that are being made in the existing 22-page thread.
    As such, it has been merged into it.

    you do know what your saying doesn't only not make sense but you just needed a reason to take down the thread. I don't say this in a disrespectful way only stating the truth. I had ask aru and cuddles permission to post this and I wouldn't had done so otherwise. My polls had more meaning and intentions behind it. It wasn't and isnt your job to say what is good for us and whats not. We as people in the community have our means and ways of voicing our opinions and getting things done. What you did was only show us your true colors and what your real intention was. I can understand if you were against a poll your opinion. But we have opinions too and have the right to do so in a peaceful matter. Its the same way how my other threads got taken down in this. This was supposed to be something to fix the community and fix a ongoing issue but there really no point no more if we have people like you who force your own beliefs and personal grudges and issues on people. I hope in the near future you grow and learn from this. and maybe you look back and see how your actions effected people. Remember people I had permission to post the thread and it was approved as I as a member of the community and the voice of the people and the voiceless to speak out and support my people. But yea I hope you feel great over deleting a thread that didn't hurt you or anyone in any way.

    Don't bother brother, AKradian is 1 of those people who want to be in an empty server, so of course, she wouldn't agree with us.
    Just let them say whatever they want, it doesn't really matter because, at the end of the day, we are the ones who will win, we'll be the winners!
    How so? well, that's simple.
    Because we are the majority, and deep down, even they know it!
    So Nexon would have no choice but to listen to the overwhelming majority, which is us.
    Remember brother, without us, there would be no populated servers, no empty servers, no servers at all!
    The majority, we, are the one who decide.

    So what will happen if they'd listen to the minority?
    Simple, the majority will just slowly quit. because no one likes to be alone, nor like to be lonely in an empty server.
    As someone who has spent over 10,000USD, I will probably quit as well along with my other friends.
    So yes, I demand social justice, for the majority.

    We will win this game brother, remember that.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited June 2018
    Again, to make such a drastic change, there must be compelling evidence that such change will affect the game, for the better in terms of the long haul.
    You can repeat slogans and "majority" all you want, but large scale changes must be proven to work for the future of the game, not just because 20 people want it.

    To put into perspective with this "majority" collective thinking, during the Salem Witch Trials, it was collectively thought that it would be ok to burn women out of fear that they were witches. That was what the majority wanted.

    So, prove to Nexon that these changes "will be for the better" with precise detail, as if youre pitching a business plan, projections for the coming years etc, and if your evidence is convincing, it may get attention you want it to get.

    and there is no such thing as social justice, justice is justice, it needs no modifier.
  • AcgnoliaAcgnolia
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 153
    edited June 2018
    Again, to make such a drastic change, there must be compelling evidence that such change will affect the game, for the better in terms of the long haul.
    You can repeat slogans and "majority" all you want, but large scale changes must be proven to work for the future of the game, not just because 20 people want it.

    To put into perspective with this "majority" collective thinking, during the Salem Witch Trials, it was collectively thought that it would be ok to burn women out of fear that they were witches. That was what the majority wanted.

    So, prove to Nexon that these changes "will be for the better" with precise detail, as if youre pitching a business plan, projections for the coming years etc, and if your evidence is convincing, it may get attention you want it to get.

    and there is no such thing as social justice, justice is justice, it needs no modifier.

    weather or not the majority specifially want to all play in Bera, or 3 worlds, or 4 or whatever is hard to know. But i'm sure most people agree not every world other then Bera should be dead. I agree with you, that the premise that stats what the majority claims is true, is faulty reasoning. But in this specific case, the argument here is if players want to be in close proximity to each other in order to find an active guild or have to be able to find more items in the AH, or even to just socialize then they should be able to join other players and do so because it makes the game more fun. namely through a merge, I don't think that this reasoning is fallacious.

    If they have a world transfer event, depending on when it is, many people will miss it and further decrease the populations of an already dead world with no way out if you are absent from the game during the event and come back later. Even if you want to play in a dead world, how dead do you want it to be? Im sure from time to time people in dead worlds, want there to be enough people to reliably sell or buy items, or even if funded there are end game bosses that may need more than one person to battle. I think a transfer alone would exacerbate the current situation.

  • WZrkWZrk
    Reactions: 990
    Posts: 41
    edited June 2018
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    Again, to make such a drastic change, there must be compelling evidence that such change will affect the game, for the better in terms of the long haul.
    You can repeat slogans and "majority" all you want, but large scale changes must be proven to work for the future of the game, not just because 20 people want it.

    To put into perspective with this "majority" collective thinking, during the Salem Witch Trials, it was collectively thought that it would be ok to burn women out of fear that they were witches. That was what the majority wanted.

    So, prove to Nexon that these changes "will be for the better" with precise detail, as if youre pitching a business plan, projections for the coming years etc, and if your evidence is convincing, it may get attention you want it to get.

    and there is no such thing as social justice, justice is justice, it needs no modifier.

    weather or not the majority specifially want to all play in Bera, or 3 worlds, or 4 or whatever is hard to know. But i'm sure most people agree not every world other then Bera should be dead. I agree with you, that the premise that stats what the majority claims is true, is faulty reasoning. But in this specific case, the argument here is if players want to be in close proximity to each other in order to find an active guild or have to be able to find more items in the AH, or even to just socialize then they should be able to join other players and do so because it makes the game more fun. namely through a merge, I don't think that this reasoning is fallacious.

    If they have a world transfer event, depending on when it is, many people will miss it and further decrease the populations of an already dead world with no way out if you are absent from the game during the event and come back later. Even if you want to play in a dead world, how dead do you want it to be? Im sure from time to time people in dead worlds, want there to be enough people to reliably sell or buy items, or even if funded there are end game bosses that may need more than one person to battle. I think a transfer alone would exacerbate the current situation.
    It is valid to say that worlds and alliances now aren't in a good place population-wise, and it's also valid to have concerns about it and want to merge/have transfers. But I can't believe some people in this thread when the only reasons they bring up require me to have to believe their ideas. Earlier in the thread, I asked about this majority like 5 times before I got any sort of acknowledgement about it, and even then the responses required me to believe that they actually spoke to X number of people on X number of platforms. There are some people that have thrown around how much they've spent on this game; I have no reason to believe them, nor do I agree with their implication that they deserve to have more of a voice since they apparently paid more than others. And why should I believe them when they say that merging everything is the only solution, even when other solutions have been brought up and ignored by them? Not to mention the sarcasm and other ridiculous tactics that they've employed (ie: personal bias, "your opinion is disqualified," and insults) throughout the entire thread. I want to believe that their idea would be a viable solution, but they've shown me little to think so.

    riza wrote: »
    AKradian wrote: »
    I just explained how it doesn't fix anything since the question in your poll has already been resolved. Everyone, including most importantly Nexon, agrees that something needs to be done. Let's assume for the sake of discussion that your poll has 100 Yes votes and not a single No. Now what?

    It is my job as a forum moderator to clean it up by merging threads about the same topic. Arwoo has not informed me of you being given permission to post a poll (and somehow I doubt you showed him the exact wording to get such permission), and Cuddles has no authority here.

    You may all express your opinions in a peaceful manner in this thread.

    I think your not getting the point. I posted 2 threads one in each ms1 and ms2 now my polls and plan for it I send arwoo the link and thread was for me to do this another way from what they are doing here. Similar to a petition format people fill up the forms and we show the numbers again your opinion made you judge the situation before you even knew it. I bet and I can put money on it if my name wasn't on it thread would not be touched. And remember I got permission and even sent the link so I mean it's another case of a person's opinion making them judge a situation before you knew it. I so for permission before hand cause I had a feeling it would of been taking down or destroyed in some type of way again not cool and yea shows alot. This is what we call freedom in the community. And I posted a similar thread in ms2 forum which i got permission for only slaty help move it in the right place and "Not destroyed it". But yea man no point of posting threads no more while I know you will be around to destroy so much for a happy community. And how are we supposed to speak peacefully if your going to remove it >.< man you don't see how backwards this is tho.
    Did you send all of the mods a message about posting that poll with evidence that you got the ok from Arwoo? If not, then you're in no position to blame anyone but yourself for getting the thread merged. Don't bring up having no freedom when you didn't jump through all of the correct hoops in order to get permission to have your poll up and not have it merged. This was a bad poll anyways; correct me if I'm wrong, but that poll basically had the options "yes to merges" and "no to merges". The poll itself is an eye-catcher; if someone clicked on that post, that would likely be something that they see first. If they didn't bother reading the post, they're forced into a decision that they may not agree with. Not to mention that you have stated multiple times that you've spoken to different communities about the issue. What is there to prevent me from believing that you spoke to people beforehand to get them to come on the forums and vote for merges? This is exactly what I talked about in the paragraph above, where people choose to use arguments that require me to believe them and their data...when there's absolutely no reason for me to do so.
  • rizariza
    Reactions: 3,140
    Posts: 642
    edited June 2018
    Gomenasai wrote: »
    riza wrote: »
    AKradian wrote: »
    There is no need for a new thread, or a poll.
    Nexon is aware of the issue, as evidenced by Arwoo's response:
    Arwoo wrote: »
    World merge has been a request since the previous world leap event and it's been a topic of ongoing discussion.
    As mentioned by AKradian earlier in this thread:
    AKradian wrote: »
    Nexon is well aware of the problem of server populations, and is also aware of all the solutions suggested by members of the community.
    The decision and the implementation are not easy, so it is taking time.

    Trust me when I say that this has been a hot pressing topic for the team and that once we have some solid news to share, we'll be sure to share it with you all.

    Creating a new thread with a poll just to show "everybody thinks something should be done" is pointless.
    Nexon, too, knows that something should be done.
    But Riza's poll does nothing to answer the question of what, exactly, is the best solution.
    All it does is create another thread in which people will offer the exact same arguments that are being made in the existing 22-page thread.
    As such, it has been merged into it.

    you do know what your saying doesn't only not make sense but you just needed a reason to take down the thread. I don't say this in a disrespectful way only stating the truth. I had ask aru and cuddles permission to post this and I wouldn't had done so otherwise. My polls had more meaning and intentions behind it. It wasn't and isnt your job to say what is good for us and whats not. We as people in the community have our means and ways of voicing our opinions and getting things done. What you did was only show us your true colors and what your real intention was. I can understand if you were against a poll your opinion. But we have opinions too and have the right to do so in a peaceful matter. Its the same way how my other threads got taken down in this. This was supposed to be something to fix the community and fix a ongoing issue but there really no point no more if we have people like you who force your own beliefs and personal grudges and issues on people. I hope in the near future you grow and learn from this. and maybe you look back and see how your actions effected people. Remember people I had permission to post the thread and it was approved as I as a member of the community and the voice of the people and the voiceless to speak out and support my people. But yea I hope you feel great over deleting a thread that didn't hurt you or anyone in any way.

    Don't bother brother, AKradian is 1 of those people who want to be in an empty server, so of course, she wouldn't agree with us.
    Just let them say whatever they want, it doesn't really matter because, at the end of the day, we are the ones who will win, we'll be the winners!
    How so? well, that's simple.
    Because we are the majority, and deep down, even they know it!
    So Nexon would have no choice but to listen to the overwhelming majority, which is us.
    Remember brother, without us, there would be no populated servers, no empty servers, no servers at all!
    The majority, we, are the one who decide.

    So what will happen if they'd listen to the minority?
    Simple, the majority will just slowly quit. because no one likes to be alone, nor like to be lonely in an empty server.
    As someone who has spent over 10,000USD, I will probably quit as well along with my other friends.
    So yes, I demand social justice, for the majority.

    We will win this game brother, remember that.

    NIcely said man and as the voice of the people and the voice of the voiceless i strongly agree that justice will come to pass. Now I am in this good fight for the right reasons there are many people who guilds and friendships who got destroyed from that event and im in it for those people and the people who are still here. This is our community and our game and we have to protect.
    WZrk wrote: »
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    Again, to make such a drastic change, there must be compelling evidence that such change will affect the game, for the better in terms of the long haul.
    You can repeat slogans and "majority" all you want, but large scale changes must be proven to work for the future of the game, not just because 20 people want it.

    To put into perspective with this "majority" collective thinking, during the Salem Witch Trials, it was collectively thought that it would be ok to burn women out of fear that they were witches. That was what the majority wanted.

    So, prove to Nexon that these changes "will be for the better" with precise detail, as if youre pitching a business plan, projections for the coming years etc, and if your evidence is convincing, it may get attention you want it to get.

    and there is no such thing as social justice, justice is justice, it needs no modifier.

    weather or not the majority specifially want to all play in Bera, or 3 worlds, or 4 or whatever is hard to know. But i'm sure most people agree not every world other then Bera should be dead. I agree with you, that the premise that stats what the majority claims is true, is faulty reasoning. But in this specific case, the argument here is if players want to be in close proximity to each other in order to find an active guild or have to be able to find more items in the AH, or even to just socialize then they should be able to join other players and do so because it makes the game more fun. namely through a merge, I don't think that this reasoning is fallacious.

    If they have a world transfer event, depending on when it is, many people will miss it and further decrease the populations of an already dead world with no way out if you are absent from the game during the event and come back later. Even if you want to play in a dead world, how dead do you want it to be? Im sure from time to time people in dead worlds, want there to be enough people to reliably sell or buy items, or even if funded there are end game bosses that may need more than one person to battle. I think a transfer alone would exacerbate the current situation.
    It is valid to say that worlds and alliances now aren't in a good place population-wise, and it's also valid to have concerns about it and want to merge/have transfers. But I can't believe some people in this thread when the only reasons they bring up require me to have to believe their ideas. Earlier in the thread, I asked about this majority like 5 times before I got any sort of acknowledgement about it, and even then the responses required me to believe that they actually spoke to X number of people on X number of platforms. There are some people that have thrown around how much they've spent on this game; I have no reason to believe them, nor do I agree with their implication that they deserve to have more of a voice since they apparently paid more than others. And why should I believe them when they say that merging everything is the only solution, even when other solutions have been brought up and ignored by them? Not to mention the sarcasm and other ridiculous tactics that they've employed (ie: personal bias, "your opinion is disqualified," and insults) throughout the entire thread. I want to believe that their idea would be a viable solution, but they've shown me little to think so.

    riza wrote: »
    AKradian wrote: »
    I just explained how it doesn't fix anything since the question in your poll has already been resolved. Everyone, including most importantly Nexon, agrees that something needs to be done. Let's assume for the sake of discussion that your poll has 100 Yes votes and not a single No. Now what?

    It is my job as a forum moderator to clean it up by merging threads about the same topic. Arwoo has not informed me of you being given permission to post a poll (and somehow I doubt you showed him the exact wording to get such permission), and Cuddles has no authority here.

    You may all express your opinions in a peaceful manner in this thread.

    I think your not getting the point. I posted 2 threads one in each ms1 and ms2 now my polls and plan for it I send arwoo the link and thread was for me to do this another way from what they are doing here. Similar to a petition format people fill up the forms and we show the numbers again your opinion made you judge the situation before you even knew it. I bet and I can put money on it if my name wasn't on it thread would not be touched. And remember I got permission and even sent the link so I mean it's another case of a person's opinion making them judge a situation before you knew it. I so for permission before hand cause I had a feeling it would of been taking down or destroyed in some type of way again not cool and yea shows alot. This is what we call freedom in the community. And I posted a similar thread in ms2 forum which i got permission for only slaty help move it in the right place and "Not destroyed it". But yea man no point of posting threads no more while I know you will be around to destroy so much for a happy community. And how are we supposed to speak peacefully if your going to remove it >.< man you don't see how backwards this is tho.
    Did you send all of the mods a message about posting that poll with evidence that you got the ok from Arwoo? If not, then you're in no position to blame anyone but yourself for getting the thread merged. Don't bring up having no freedom when you didn't jump through all of the correct hoops in order to get permission to have your poll up and not have it merged. This was a bad poll anyways; correct me if I'm wrong, but that poll basically had the options "yes to merges" and "no to merges". The poll itself is an eye-catcher; if someone clicked on that post, that would likely be something that they see first. If they didn't bother reading the post, they're forced into a decision that they may not agree with. Not to mention that you have stated multiple times that you've spoken to different communities about the issue. What is there to prevent me from believing that you spoke to people beforehand to get them to come on the forums and vote for merges? This is exactly what I talked about in the paragraph above, where people choose to use arguments that require me to believe them and their data...when there's absolutely no reason for me to do so.

    darkpassenger you still dont see the point. This goes beyond this one thread this stems from issues I said before since before I was in ms1 and even now out. Majority of the threads I posted disappeared or been destroyed. Some were suggestions or game ideas to send to nexon as we in the community have the right to poll and place ideas. Most of what I talk about not alot of people talk about. Who talks about guild events in here? no one. Who talks about ms1 pvp ideas? no one. Who talks about a new type of star planet or in game mini games? no one. I have the right as well as you and akadrian to post ideas and things in a peaceful manner. Like I said if my name wasn't on it wouldn't be touch. Note I got permission to do so and what does me emailing every mod have to do with the community manager? The community manager sets the rules and runs the show. Doesn't mean the mods have no say and can't do their work as they should. I encourage them to do their work and keep the peace, but it doesn't change the fact that the thread I posted had a different purpose and arwoo told me they are super aware of the issue that is fact but he said I do have the right to post the topic and what I want. Also saying cuddles had no power here thats true. But when I said I ask cuddles for permission as well it was to post in ms2 discord which in fact slaty saw it in general but there was a difference slaty didn't put his 2 sense into it and destroy the thread only moved it and spoke to me about directly even dm me to let me now what was wrong about. He didn't do so or do anything without letting me know before hand. This happen in ms2 discord and a minor mistake but it was fix and everyone was happy and good by the end of it. But over all if he had a issue with the thread contact me. shoot I left my info on their if the thread didn't make sense ask me my purpose like slaty did. This is the number one issue of a community or anything in life is lack of communication. I done right by nexon and the mods and contacted them their "cm" and ask before I posted it and even ask where to post it. What you say passenger makes no sense cause I don't need to contact every mod about it, if I ask arwoo and he approved thats it. But again like our fellow community member said above no point in fighting as justice will always prevail. Now please use the space below to make up another nonsense counter argument and lets go and make another 22 pages about nothing. Remember this isn't nexon or people hate speech this is only constructive criticism for the future and ideas to help stimulate ideas and thoughts for future goals and achievements riza 2018 ;)

    Riza Saika (bera-Leader of Dragontribe)
    Riza Saika (ms community- Voice of the people)
    Riza Saika (ms community- Voice of the voiceless)
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited June 2018
    dark passenger? Riza, youre quoting another forum user but calling me out, his name is literally 4 letters, how can you not see that
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