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Check out the v.258 - MapleStory x Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Patch Notes
Game feels like SoloStory now
Well, I played when I was young and back then everyone was doing a lot of PQ's, bossing, and so on together. But now the game feels like a SoloStory - everyone plays alone and solos everything, from bosses to quests, and no one does any party recruitments.
I mean, is the reason because the PQ and boss rewards are bad? Or not meant to be shared or done in a multi-player party?
It's so boring. Why isnt anyone doing party boss runs with 5+ people, or PQ's?
Why isnt Nexon improving the game towards that direction, to encourage partying with others instead of solo everything?
Can anyone explain to me?
As for your other points, people do run bosses in parties, but nowadays it's mostly parties of guildmates doing a handful of bosses for daily contribution. Past that, people routinely get together with full parties for the higher-end bosses. No one solos lucid or will because it's easier, they do that just for the bragging rights.
Your guess is as good as mine for why they're ignoring party quests, but it's likely just not worth the time or effort for something that people have shown little interest in. You can go read AK's replies in this thread for better insight to party quests. And if you want any advice for making the game feel less like you're soloing everything, join a guild. If you're on one of the more populous worlds, this'll be no trouble.
Well, I read your comments and yeah my thoughts are very similar to yours.
Does anyone of you think there will be another world transfer event, another Character burning event, etc.?
These events are the only ways to save the population.
Relying on events when there needs to be more fundamental change will only stall the inevitable.
The events you stated are nothing but a bandage on a gaping wound. What is a burning event going to do to retain players after they exhaust the burning effect? What is a world transfer going to do beyond shuffling the current problems to different worlds?
People think they can run a game just because they play it
they should also have solo versions of PQs like the pyramid
Allowing for more party quests to be entered and cleared by a single person isn't going to do much of anything to help the game feeling like a solo experience, friend.
Be carefull about complaining of solo story, considering recent events nexon reads our complains and does w.e they want, imagine they nerf solo exp and ure oblied to party to progress at all time...
Endgame bossing parties are borne out of necessity than anything else. What OP is talking about is party play for its own sake. Party quests worth doing, party play bonuses worth making use of, things of that sort.
Maplestory Parties: Suggestions and Analysis
The Problem: Players aren't playing together much anymore outside of bossing.
The Solution: That is hard to say...there are several ways to go about it. I have only come up with a few suggestions.
Option A: Add Party play to under-utilized maps
This would for one, help spread the player-base from the most populated maps (I.E: Cavern Lower Path, Chicken Festival 2, Below the Cave) and funnel them into the "Party" maps for people who WANT to play with others. I'd suggest putting them into some of the larger maps in Arcane River for high level players, such as any map in Morass, Various maps in Arcana, Most of Esfera, etc etc, and you can add party play to other maps for the lower players as well. The point of this is to both: bring players together and get them out and about in the world of Maplestory! The best part is...you can choose if you want to go to a party map or stay in the current solo-play meta. This would MAKE a Party meta which would be desperately needed. Party Play would also only be in effect for actively in-combat players, in line with current leeching rules (None of that InmateSearch party mechanics with 1 active and 5 leeches for party play bonus).
Part B: Arcane River droplet sharing
This is a bit of an odd choice, but allow Arcane River droplets to be shared across a party similar to Gollux Coins, Yggdrasil Runes, etc. This would allow for players to also come together for a purpose other than grinding exp: To get the valuable droplets! The only big downside to this would be the influx of extra droplets into the markets of Regular servers.
Option B: Party Quest Revamp
This is the obvious choice. Revamp the current existing party quests to be viable training methods. This would include a few things, however:
-Raise EXP given for completion of Party quests.
-Improve Party quest rewards to be more enticing. Change rewards to be more useful to players. This could include new equip items to replace current rewards, or changing of their stats to make them good filler pieces till Mid-game, or improving the shop to buy things such as: Flames, Occult/Master Cubes, or even things like Nodestones and Arcane Symbols (If a high level PQ is added)
-Loosen Entry limits. If you want to make Party quests viable again, you need to be able to do them.
Option C: More Cooperation Based Events
Arguably the laziest? choice, but it's something that helps people at least meet other players and maybe want to do things together. Think of the Black Mage event, I actually met an old friend that I thought had quit! That was great player cooperation, and about 2/3rds of the event were bearable, although the quests could use tweaking in their difficulty for lower level players, and the ability to create parties would be helpful to increase the desire to play with others. These maps could also be given Party Play to help increase incentive to play on them. Other events such as the BFF Event, Spot the Difference, also encourage player cooperation. Give us more.
Option D: CWKPQ
The Crimsonwood Keep Party Quest always required a lot of cooperation. A revamp of this would be appreciated, especially if it gave out good rewards (Maybe GOLLUX RINGS?!) and it could be made into a full raid ala Ursus. Imagine an 18 man group doing a possibly harder, more coordinated CWKPQ. It has been requested in the past to be brought back, even for the retro rewards you could get, such as Spectrum Goggles. While I haven't drawn up a plan on how to make a full revamp of the PQ, its just an idea.
Ultimately, these are all suggestions. Feel free to give your thoughts on them and ideas for improving them.
Option D and also Terminus drop rate
lol 50k players what an absolute exaggeration
That's because an individual, who will go unnamed, took it upon himself to never take a hint. No amount of being told it wasn't under consideration in any form or fashion was enough for him. He just kept making thread after thread, frequently derailing unrelated threads with his constant carrying-on. Eventually he started making threads that he thought were cleverly disguised as to fly under the radar. They weren't. He could've had Owen Mahoney come into his thread and tell him that it wasn't going to happen, and his only response would be "yeah well you're only in charge of things over here, what about the people over in Korea?" He simply did not know when to quit. And because of him, the entire subject is DNP.
And to you, the unnamed individual, should you ever read this: you know who you are, and you have no one to blame but yourself.