battlemage and dark knight are 2 of the only classes in the game that do not have their main training skills on their hyper skills upgrades. Is there any plan to fix that? and why/how did this even happen in the first place?
i think for BaM its because its a support class, i don't really know what went through nexon's head when they did it but certainly it should be "fixed"
I don't believe we have met before but I figured that it could not hurt to ask. Even though I botched the thread about a Legacy server, (by acting before the rules could be confirmed) is there any way to appeal the decision and have the thread lock removed?
My reasoning's:
Most know the odds are low but stopping all discussion seems like overkill
Where is the harm in talking about possibilities?
The Legacy thread was the first that I had made in months and the only one this year.
As you may have seen in the message, I only made it after checking the code of conduct.
I'm not gonna lie, it did sadden me to find out that an older version was still in effect
If I accept that we are not permitted to discuss possibilities then what is that saying? That I cannot even approach Nexon with an idea about a Nexon product? Given the great history between the veterans and the company that just seems really messed up to me. Myself and others are not looking for much, only the chance to at least try.
do they plan on fixing luminous' teleport anytime soon? he was mediocre before and they kinda ruined his mobility, he now has the worst teleport in the game .(least distance and cannot jump cast)
hi, could this be added to bugs and issues with the patch too, i sent a ticket about it but just in case other players maybe having the same issue, there is an image problem with the game and every method up to delete folders, restart and reinstall doesnt fix the issue. i posted about this and didnt have the issue even during the emergency maintanence. would be appreciated