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  • ThumperOne1 wrote: » With yesterday's dmt events it was shown that the game is unplayable, the most affected. reboot and certain parts of normal servers, elysium lag as always ... why do I write here? because here begins the problems with the last…
  • KevinZamora wrote: » BoredErica wrote: » I think they should make Kish a node skill so people are less pressured to have a Kanna. The current nerfs seem to hurt non-Kannas than Kannas, which just makes Kanna more essential. At this point I'd rat…
  • ante todo este mensaje va para la comunidad latina y europea hablante de español ante los ultimos memos presentados 1. toda la gente de habla español y inglesa debemos recordar que hemos tenido una nostalgia tremenda en maplestory desde los inici…
  • innncg wrote: » luna02 wrote: » xxHorntailxx wrote: » Ever since everyone has come home because COVID-19 after the maintenance, the servers were lagging so bad that we couldn't clear all the hard bosses last night. I'm in Elysium server. A lot…
  • WONDERGUY wrote: » TwilightHime wrote: » An important question to consider is whether the issues we experience in GMS is universal across all maplestory servers. Does KMS have the issue. Does TMS have the issue. What about MSEA? If the other …
  • ... practically 3 years .. and this problem continue to today ..... and nexon not fix this
  • this is cause of memory leak , ms have a elevate use of memory in the perfomance of cpu , check in the task manager the high use .. of 20 % to 90 , 100% of use ... is ridiculus for a game 2d .. this cause lag spikes , lag tremendeus by moments , fr…
  • WONDERGUY wrote: » TwilightHime wrote: » Fuhreak wrote: » There are tools that can do that, yes. Just look on github. Really people, it's not nearly as air tight as you think. The number of banned accounts thing would be what really kills i…
  • well ... i have the same problem, slow play, freezes, sometimes a high use of my cpu memory only in this game ... but the actions. think it does not exist , my cpu is win 7 ultimate 500gb disk amd ryzen 5 etc etc ...
  • only active servers i've been seen is Bera and Reboot. the rest of servers are empty to today , remeber the olds times events of wizet and all the people active , free market .... ....
  • w think near of this? ms is literally dead and more when this store of kanna expire , they are only thinking in money, money, money for not nerf frenzy totem
  • nathanknight wrote: » front_end is missing, nexon launcher is not functioning well. What will I do? this launcher is a problem to today whit last uptade a horror
  • but w happen whit this game .. again have crashs instant and dc later of the uptade game launcher , again nexon launcher problems... thx nexon
  • dammit .... same to me too thjis uptade of game launcher really bad .. again maple whit problems
  • Invulgo wrote: » Harmless wrote: » Invulgo wrote: » Harmless wrote: » It is the cancer that is killing this game. What about the Frenzy Totem then? It should go as well, but seriously doubt that will happen, as nexon will lose money. A…
  • AKradian wrote: » Disclaimer: The following are my personal opinions and thoughts, which do not represent anything Nexon or my fellow VFMs might be thinking. First, a personal confession: I like plentiful, fast spawn. I just find it a lot mor…
  • magnus hard in breath air
  • SunsetChaos wrote: » No more Kishin? Solution: Globally increase spawnrate and amount of mobs in every map. But this will increase lag? Solution: Despawn mobs in ALL empty maps. Like how when you enter a new map and there's no mobs because no…
  • Invulgo wrote: » Harmless wrote: » It is the cancer that is killing this game. What about the Frenzy Totem then? another cancer more in the game and the worst of all ... when the frenzy totem appeared the game hurt more
  • Harmless wrote: » It is the cancer that is killing this game. men xd .yes nexon remove kishin many people quit of the game , simple men .. , the hackers will continue in the game ... so eliminate kishin or kanna, they have methods to spam mo…