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  • A way to move CS items to Reboot...

    You can use scroll upgrades on CS items though, namely pet equips. Then there are CS equips that grant other advantages such as Lucid Earrings, Firestarter Ring and Ring of Torment.

    The only thing Reboot players are supposed to spend money on is cosmetics, why would they open up the possibility to buy cosmetics with meso in regular servers and then just transfer it over?
  • unban wave?

    Nawaf wrote: »
    Well, since the community itself doesn't agree so be it.
    MS2 is dead and the MS1 begins to die and I am trying to think of ideas to make it hype once again or give chance for other players to return so Nexon can make more profit.

    I am super okay to not be unbanned because the server already dead and I got no interest to play "online game" that feels more like offline. but everybody hopes for the best.

    You went from "I want unban waves for illegit players who have spent time and money on the game (several years ago) and been oh so loyal, such as myself" to "I don't want to play this dying game anyway" real quick there. Paraphrasing, of course.

    I don't imagine them unbanning hundreds of thousands of illegit accounts (with who knows how many illegitimate items and meso) would make the game "hype again" or give players a "chance" to return. They've had the chance all along. The people who did want to play again despite being justifiably banned have already created new accounts and likely aren't playing legitimately on those either. The rest have moved on, good riddance. It would not result in some magical boost in population.

    In that case your thread about a super-merge is the slightly better option for population, but every seasonal player comes and makes that exact same thread and never thinks about the consequences of it long-term or considers any factors beyond "more player good, more server bad".

    Hah! Why the hell would we want players to CLEAR the content we have released, isn't that insanity?! And FFS don't tell me it's impossible to do a simple back of the envelope calculation to find out how many average entries it would take to get a specific item drop and stretch it over the same time period. At least there's a CHANCE I can get what I need, that's good enough to wet my tongue.
    I would much rather have a 1 in 1000 drop chance from a boss that I could clear at any time (and takes me an 30 minutes to kill) then be forced to spend a month assigning half an hour of my life every day straight.
    You can clear it though. You just gotta reach the level of funding that it's now on. It's not like there's a paywall for funding in Reboot either, and you have other mid-game options that you can cube before getting Gollux accessories (which are end-game, and now the boss reflects that).
    You don't need to beg for carries, you can play solo all you want. Cube your boss accessories/SW accessories and event rings/kanna ring/meister ring until you can clear Gollux. It's that simple. Boss accessories have better flames too, you'll be just fine. Make them into drop/meso accessories once you get the end-game set.
    How do you think the first CRA clears happened in Reboot? It wasn't by people wearing CRA gear, that's for sure. They cubed non-BiS gear in order to reach BiS. Nobody carried them. It was never a necessity.

    Let me also remind you that this change to a higher coin cost with the shop resetting weekly now can be entirely attributed to the issues Reboot players have had with booming Gollux accessories and not being able to obtain them again. If Nexon wants to make coins more time-gated in return for that, then that's fair. This revamp does have benefits.
    Gollux is now also heavily tied to the newest BiS ring from Phantom Forest, and the enhancement of it, making that more achievable.

    Time-gated content with a clear end-goal of x amount of coins is ultimately more rewarding than time-gated content that is entirely RNG based and the things that you could buy would need to be capped at 17 stars. If anything, players want less chance-based content.

    Just wait until you're trying to get Arcane gear on Reboot, or until you run truly end-game bosses hoping for that dark boss accessory to drop and that it's your turn to loot. For years. Ask me how wet my tongue is after running hdamien+hlotus+hlucid+hwill for maybe a total of only 1.5 hours per week knowing there's a CHANCE to get an end-game item from any of them. Ask me if I still feel motivated to aim for the set even if I can clear the content.
    It's a cheap low-effort way to get players to stay in the game.
    Well, yeah? Nexon wants people to stay on the grind and since it's end-game gear it will work. Are you new to f2p games? Have you not already seen the amount of dailies we have?
    FURTHERMORE, are we just completely ignoring the fact that now there's a massive player gap with those who have gollux set/ghost ship badge and those who don't? This is funtooking ridiculous and whoever is in charge of game-balancing should be sacked.

    I have a bloody excorcist badge and I'm STILL pissed that this exists!
    I don't see how badges fit in your argument against time-gated content, as the Gollux set is still very much obtainable and is not a legacy item in any way. They have nothing in common. Getting a potable badge when it was available was barely a 1-hour effort. A week or two during Sengoku events. Neither had any significant amount of RNG involved, as opposed to old Gollux.
    Regardless, there will always be legacy items. Event items come and go, content comes and goes.
    There is no Gollux gap though, other than you comparing yourself to people who were playing actively during the 2 years that you were inactive and comparing yourself to people who don't choose the solo life. You have the exact same prospects of getting Gollux gear as anyone else currently playing.

    Honestly though, if you don't have the time then maybe Reboot isn't the server for you. Especially not if you're going for solo end-game.
  • Is this situation unfair?

    Firmly ask to have it escalated to a senior GM, link the support page you've linked here along with all the ticket #s and screenshots of the character having the hair.
  • Regular servers are ruining Reboot

    Suicide kanna was not a healthy meta, it was a glaring problem in Reboot that you had to stay below level 150 to make progress and imitate hacker behavior in doing so. So, arguably, the nerfs to every non-KMS map's droptable is Reboot's fault. Not regular servers'.
    Gollux revamp is Nexon's reply specifically to Reboot's woes of not being able to starforce the accessories out of fear that they'd boom and never be replaceable. The huge mark-up in the coin shop reflects that. So, arguably, it's Reboot's fault that Gollux is now more restrictive. Not regular servers'.

    We can play the blame game all day and not get anywhere, but AaronHusky is on the right track. Everyone is affected by any change made in the game, for better or for worse. Every change lately, to every server, has been to slow progress in one way or another. Keep players online, keep them on the grind. It's to be expected of a F2P MMO.
    Nexon does not give half a crap about the market in regular servers or any temporary "flood" of items (ahem, Marvel, Philo, etc etc), that is not the reason for the coin exchange. It's to keep people online and actively using the content.

    The 30 channels were never meant to be permanent, they were added as an effort to mitigate the insane lag in Bera and Reboot during the Black Mage update and in the following months Nexon made significant efforts in banning more bots, and felt confident enough to remove the extra channels. Kishin was a scapegoat. Bots were the real problem, and newsflash, bots exist in Reboot too.