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  • Suggestions for Royal Hairs/Faces & Perm NX Covers

    Bluejeans wrote: »
    Woooo! Suggested styles and items. I love 2 of the hairstyles, actually 3 but I have one of them already. I also love 2 of the faces, still waiting for still-eyed face though!

    What was the "additional surprise" btw? :)

    Thank you Arwoo ~

    The surprise is that we'll be updating the PSSB recycler more frequently and with suggestions from this thread!
    The PSSB Recycler itself wasn't seeing much change with the same repeat of items and we wanted to change that.

    Let us know your guys' thoughts on this new direction for the PSSB recycler~
  • Override Community Concerns & Reported Issues

    Greetings Maplers,

    With our most recent Override patch, Maplers have noticed a variety of issues that we're currently investigating.
    Please review this post for some of the issues you may come across in-game we're working to resolve.

    Maplers have reported the appearance of Flames in-game and that they can be acquired.
    The addition of Flames is not intentional and we're currently still working to address the issue. At this time, please be cautious and do not use any acquired flames on your equipment.

    Maplers have reported the disappearance of their Override Evolution Pack and the Journey to Override Pack after claiming it and being disconnected. We are looking into this issue and we ask Maplers affected by this to remain patient for the time being.

    Maplers have reported the skill macro failing to function properly.
    We've identified these skills to be the cause of the issue:

    Iron Will, Hyper Body, Sharp Eyes, Haste, Maple Warrior, Meditation, Advanced Blessing, Call of Cygnus, Holy Symbol, Combo Barrier, Monkey Magic, Mega Monkey Magic, Bless, Rage.

    Please avoid using the skills listed above with the macro and do not hesitate to send us a report if you come across additional skills causing the issue. If you come across any additional issues in general, please report them on the forums or submit a ticket to our Support Team.

    Link to support: https://support-maplestory.nexon.net/hc/en-us
    Bug Report section: http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/categories/bug-reporting

    Thank you,

    -Maple Team
  • My override box just went poof wtf

    For now, would you all be able to send our Support team a ticket with the details shared here?

    We'd like to see and get documentation of how many Maplers this issue is affecting.
  • Suggestions for Royal Hairs/Faces & Perm NX Covers

    My favorite was "As stated multiple times in the past, there was a delay in seeing a number of community suggested styles due to the collaboration event.", when i was one of the first people to post on this thread(1st page) and my suggestion never went through. Is it possible to respectfully call BS on someone?

    If the style isn't in our DB then we can't add it even if you suggest it.
    We'll have to wait until we acquire it on our end. This goes for a number of the suggested cash covers and other styles suggested.

    Also, I've stated it twice now, but we're not going to be seeing a Cash Shop update where suddenly every suggestion from this thread is included in it.

    It will be spread out accordingly.
  • Suggestions for Royal Hairs/Faces & Perm NX Covers

    Bluejeans wrote: »
    As the Re:Zero event ends tomorrow, I expect to see suggested styles in the tomorrow's cash shop update. (Pray)

    More likely to be around 6/21 along with an additional surprise to go with it!
    However, we may see a couple of the suggested items in tomorrow's update.