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  • Look of the Month - May Winner Announcement

    Bonjour, Maplers!

    I must say, clearly our contestants have clearly stepped up to the spotlight with this month's roster of winners to choose from.
    Eskalade won't be giving his creepy thoughts with this month's winners announcement, but if you guys enjoyed him, I suppose we could invite him back? In any case, we'd like to present the Mapler who took this month's contest under their belt:
    Grand Prize Winner


    What screams perfection from Soeft? Just about everything. The look gives off a very soft and innocent vibe with bright colors. It feels as though one of the flowers sprung to life into a calm and serene world.
    Runner Ups



    Achieving a look of mystery with bright colors can be difficult to achieve, but Aran brings it. This mystical look resembles something out of Hayao Miyazaki's Princess Mononoke.


    Absolutely trendy. From head to toe, Cielli takes what's hot and turns it into a gothic school gal theme. You can't help but always get that one person in your class...


    It doesn't always require the glamor of the big town city folks to win over the hearts of fashion lovers. Qino shows us that a farmer can be adorable while putting in the hard work that comes with the job. A great mix of colors, look, and theme.

    Thank you to everyone who participated in May's Look of the Month contest and don't be discouraged if you didn't win!
    I do want to say that MANY of the entries that were in this contest were neck and neck with the spot of Grand Prize Winner and Runner Up.

    If you did not win this month's contest, we'd love to see your entry again within this upcoming month!
    Winners are NOT permitted to enter the same look in future Look of the Month contests, however, this rule does not apply for those who have yet to hold a winning look.

    At the end of the day, what's most important is that you love how you look. You can't make everyone happy, but what's important is your very own happiness! We'll be sending out the prizes before 6/13/2017, please contact us if you do not receive your Maple Points by the specified date.

        Grand Prize:
    • Soeft - 35,000 Maple Points

        Runner Ups:
    • Aran - 10,000 Maple Points
    • Cielli - 10,000 Maple Points
    • Qino - 10,000 Maple Points
  • wondroid nerf for B1 an B4 pls

    We've collected and sent the feedback from the community along with suggestions. We do see that much of our audience is currently experiencing a hard time getting through the Wondroid Jump Quest stages.
    RollsMegaScienceTriforceShadowParadoxVimiWatcherCCGdeadend5193RexlanDeadly_Arrowsscholar624and 12 others.
  • [Official] MapleStory Global Discord Server

    Currently we're aiming for next week, but we'll let you guys know once we have settled on an actual date and where it will be hosted.
    One wrote: »
    Would be hilarious if customer support chimes in with a copy/paste

    Also, when is the investigation team's Q&A?

  • [Official] MapleStory Global Discord Server

    We're seeing a lot of people request Global Emoji, so for the meantime it will be a big maybe!
    klaty wrote: »
    do we get emojis

  • [Official] MapleStory Global Discord Server


    Heya, Maplers! We're pleased to announce the opening of the Official MapleStory Discord server and invite those who are interested in joining us.

    Currently, our Discord server consists of:
    • Production Team
    • Community Team
    • QA Team
    • Customer Support Team
    • Investigations Team

    Please bare in mind that the community team will have the most interaction with those who join the server, but other staff members will chime in on their leisure. Any Mapler is free to come and go as they please so long as they're respectful! We expect everyone who joins to read the rules as we embark on a new platform for us to interact, discuss, and collaborate.

    Link to Official MapleStory Global Discord Server: https://discord.gg/maplestory

    See you there, Maplers!
    DicespinMegaScienceNightlyMoonnFirewolfslayerDeputyDerpyDefencelionMapleBishopFan85InfinitiLoyalHeartTigertestll8806and 2 others.