[New Users] Please note that all new users need to be approved before posting. This process can take up to 24 hours. Thank you for your patience.
Check out the v.253 - MapleStory x BUGCAT CAPOO Patch Note Patch Notes here!
If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the Forums Code of Conduct: https://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/29556/code-of-conducts



Last Active
  • Update on Discount Coupon in Reboot

    Our VFMs have delivered the negative sentiment that the community expressed over this coupon event.
    We'll try out best to ensure future events don't make this same mistake.
  • Server Event Time Change - UTC

    Greetings Maplers,

    We've received much feedback from the community in regards to server times and inconsistency. We would like to inform Maplers that we will be sticking to UTC to provide more consistency to Maplers and to avoid confusion for event times. Currently, some event start times have typically been 12:00 AM PDT/7:00 AM UTC. After our June update, events will start at 5:00 PM PDT/12:00 AM UTC.

    Thank you,

    - Maple Team
  • [Read Before Posting] Guild Section Guide

    The Guild section on the official forums is here to provide a section where Maplers can advertise their guilds or use their dedicated thread as a social hang-out. Maplers are free to get creative with their Guild thread and we welcome banners and other creative assets to make your guild look appealing.

    Keep in mind that you're also free to create a thread if you're looking to join a guild or even find friends to play with.
    While the main focus of this section is for guilds, there's nothing wrong with posting recruitment for other content related to MapleStory.

    Please see the template below if you'd like ideas on how to get started with your Guild thread:

    Faux is recruiting on Scania and we want you to join! We're a relatively old guild and tight-knit If you're looking for a guild that's more like a family, then apply with us.
    Guild Bio: (Insert backstory)

    To apply, please fill out the information below:
    Character Name:
    Short bio (Optional):

    None of this is required if you're looking to create a thread for your guild, but it's probably a good idea to present people with some info as to what members you're looking for along with the necessary information.

    Thank you,

  • The new maplestory achievements and goals thread

    Perfect run! The whole fight took around 25 minutes. Absolutely have to keep the clock at 9:59 before he starts trying to collapse time just in case I don't get lucky with meteors on the final 20% mechanic. Perhaps one of my more favorite boss fights due to being mechanic focused and not so much just dodging things.

  • [Read Before Posting] Maple Marketplace Guide

    The Marketplace on the official forums is here to provide a section where Maplers can list items for selling, trading, and buying.

    Rules & Guidelines:
    • Any posts in the Marketplace section must comply with the rules from our Code of Conduct as well and the MapleStory Terms of Use.
    • The MapleStory teams has no influence on pricing of items sold in this section. The original poster (OP) of the market thread holds all responsibility over items sold and prices placed. Posting a thread in the Marketplace means you agree that the MapleStory team assumes no liability for items lost or mismanaged during trading, buying or selling.
      • The MapleStory team will not compensate any items lost or mismanaged during trading, buying, or selling.
    • Sales of characters and accounts are not permitted under any circumstances. The selling or trading of any items through real world currency is prohibited. Any Mapler in violation of the rules can be subject to ban on the forums and possibly in-game.
    • Please know that we only allow Maplers to have one active market thread at a time. If there are multiple items you want to buy or sell, you should condense them into one general buying/selling/trading thread.
      • If you wish to make a new thread, please private message a VFM and they will lock or delete your previous thread. This is to prevent the flooding of this section and from others of running into some of your older threads.

    Writing threads in the Maple Marketplace Section:

    When creating your thread, please use the below EXAMPLE formats:

    Thread Title:
    Be sure to include your world or world alliance in your title, as well as the items you are selling/seeking.
    • Format:
    • Example:
      [WINDIA] Selling 24% DEX Sweetwater Tattoo

    Thread Body:
    • Include: As in the below example, the inclusions are not required to be presented in same organization, but all necessary information must be provided.
      • Your in-game name.
      • The item(s) you are buying. (Should also be posted in the title)
      • The price you are buying/selling for or offer for item in trade.
    • Example:
      Hi Maplers, I'm looking to sell my 24% DEX Sweetwater Tattoo.
      You can contact me in-game on WINDIA. My in-game name is Aru.

      Please leave offers here or message me in-game. Thanks!

    Thank you,
