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  • Ahoys from CM Arwoo~

    Ahoy, Maplers!

    A few of you may have seen me in Henesys on the Reboot server, or perhaps zipping around on other servers, but it’s high time I introduced myself.

    Nice to officially meet everyone!
    My name is Arwoo and I’m your Community Manager for MapleStory.

    For those curious of my MaplehiStory, I was an avid Mapler from early-2005 all the way until mid-2012. Coming back to MapleStory has been a lot to take in and while I’m only level 177, I hope to reach 5th job and fight Lucid someday.

    I wouldn’t necessarily call myself a veteran player since the MapleStory I grew up with has evolved over the many years. I’d say I’m more of a dinosaur who hopped into a time machine which traveled into the distant… fuuuuutuuuurrrrre.

    For weeks I’ve been reading through many threads on the subreddit and forums to better understand the community.
    In addition, I’m also very active on our social platforms and create content (actuallyjustmemes) to share with players on a regular basis.

    So what does Arwoo do outside of MapleStory? I create guides and gameplay videos on Youtube for games that I typically play at the time. Used to be a competitive socal smash player and choreographer. Currently, I’ve been working on putting together a number of costumes to cosplay at events. You may have seen me if you frequent AX.

    It’s a pleasure to meet such a big community and I look forward to reading through all the responses!
    For those interested in seeing me in person, come hang out on the MapleStory official Twitch broadcast on March 15 @ 5:00-6:00 PM PST you might even recognize me from other games!

    Official MapleStory Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/maplestory
    I’ll be hosting an AMA on the livestream alongside SavageAce, but I will also be taking questions here on the forums and on /r/MapleStory.

    Please keep your questions appropriate and if I’m capable of providing an answer, then I’ll be sure to do so!
    SavageAceOneLetterSkyTheDestroyerFennekinKirdeinMegaScienceNeospectorIvangoldbumbertyrIts2Sharp4Uand 9 others.