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  • It's time for a change.

    Sparklee wrote: »
    Nerfing characters to deter hackers would never work, as they would always move to 'the next best class'. Which just never solves the problem as a whole.

    Whereas botters/hackers are a huge problem in Maple, and that they need to be gone, Nexon needs to find an effective way to deal with them, where it doesn't affect the legit players.
    They tried with Kannas... some legit Kannas got banned... It's trial and error. It just seem that things Nexon attempts, people are never satisfied.

    The whole account security like adding phone numbers, that's a tough one to implement as GMS covers a wide selection of countries, each with different laws that need to be taken into consideration.

    The idea of having a GM team (Or GM volunteers) that patrols each server is a nice idea, but also comes with issues... If a GM comes from the UK, they'd need to have an advanced DBS screening to check for any criminal records before they can have a job as a GM, because they could be working with children on that game, and the children need to be safe guarded. It's a complex thing. I'm not sure how other countries go about hiring GM's and what background checks they need to have done, but it's costly. You need to remember, Nexon is a company, and profit is their aim. (Like any other company!)

    It's a nuisance that botters/hackers are ruining maple for many people, but patience is needed... Nexon are trying... and failing, but they're trying! They'll find the solution before long!

    Theres only about 5 classes that fit the hacker playstyle as I stated a moving hit box (e.g orbital flame) or an attack that moves the monsters themselves (e.g kinesis clutch/grab)

    they can hack with any character, they use to hack with Demon slayers before they moved to Flame Wiz or Kinesis.

    sure they use flame wiz and kinesis cause they have an exploit with the skill but that doesn't stop them from hacking, they can just do the same thing with slightly slower speed on any other class
  • USA and Europe declares lootboxes gambling

    the way you decided to interpret what happened and decided to title this post, it's quite literally Fake News
  • Tips for Grinding from lvl 211 to 220

    Sorrow wrote: »
    I trained in Slurpy Forest Depth. How fast you train can be influenced by many things. Such as: Kishin, Exp rate, if you can one hit kill, etc ...

    actully in arcane river it problem for who cant hit at 1 hit and i dont have kishin i have 3 exp coupons left i have decent holy symbol and i tried my luck at the torrent zone 3 but i reach till 70%

    what do u say about scrapyard or dark world tree? in my case there i can hit the monsters there at 1 hit and in the wolves there r also big spawn but the problem is that im lvl 211 and idk if it wroth it

    I suggest ripe or unripe wolffruit until 215, then slurpy to 220

    the maps for wolffruit are decent, pretty flat and will work good for combo skills, also spawns a decent amount of mobs. I did this on my Zero (but I could 1 hit them).
  • ZeroByDivide's in-person chat with the Nexon Team

    MrCards wrote: »
    Oh look, it's that guy who asked nexon, to allow him to use cheats without the risk of getting banned, why are you still playing ?
    don't you have some LTQs to finish ? xD

    eh, that's not related to the topc

    but I feel that ZeroByDivide will post what answers they got (if any) on Reddit first, just watch this link https://www.reddit.com/user/ZeroByDivide

    wait for their next post for their findings

    but I do have to say, that if you dont like slow grind in current maplestory, you wont like the level curve in MS2.
    MS2 is a fun game if you like exploring and grinding, not if you want quickruns to max lvl and best equipment for every character you make.
  • A sun has set

    I got some good news for you @TheSaltySimen

    I was browsing through the Nova patch notes from Orange Mushroom, and I saw this little gem:

    Blazing Extinction: fixed an error where the client would sometimes stop after using this skill

    Hopefully it fixes the issue you have.

    Please, tell me you aren't kidding.

    They have been telling me for almost a week now that it's my computer that is causing the error, but that they don't know just how it does it. Support has been silent for the past 3 days, and when I jump into the live chat I get told that the tests I sent are still getting looked into. And now they are just gonna sneak that **** into the patch notes without sending me an email about it? Excuse me? After being repeatedly told that I had somehow caused the issue, they are just gonna do that? Oh my lord.... I'm actually mad.

    pretty sure they mean the KMS Nova patch notes collected from Orange mushroom cause there are no Nova patch notes for GMS yet, meaning this was a bug carried over from one of the KMS patches and will only get fixed from the Nova patches. nova happened in KMS months ago so it wasn't snuk into the patch notes, but the fact that the CS team can't tell you it's a bug that will be fixed in a future patch just shows how well trained they are.