Victoria Island
Wild Kargo: Blazing Sword(1H Sword).
Big Spider: Familiar (60% drop/meso rate).
Security System: Heart Key.
Broken DF Android: Horoscope Net(2H Axe).
Sleepy Grobbler: Fish Spear, Steel Polearm.
Cellion: Blazing Sword(1H Axe).
Lunar Pixie: Emerald Dome.
Orbis Item Exchange
100 Bain's Spiky Collars: Maple Throwing-Stars.
El Nath
Pepe: Blazing Sword(1H Sword).
Hector: Blazing Sword(1H Axe).
White Fang: Emerald Dome.
Separated Pepe: Dark Dome.
Castle Golem: Familiar (Map Bound 15% HP and MP regen)
Aqua Road
Scuba Pepe: Horoscope Sword(Wand).
Jr. Seal: Meso Gunner, Scissor Stick(2H Mace), Scissor Stick(2H Axe).
Freezer: Blue Blazing Sword(1H Mace).
Mask Fish: Meso Gunner.
Krip: Scissor Stick(2H Mace).
Seruf: Green Blazing Sword(1H Blunt), Scissor Stick(2H Sword), Horoscope Sword(Wand), Horoscope Sword(Staff).
Flower Fish: Green Blazing Sword(1H Axe), Green Electric Guitar
Cico: Green Blazing Sword(1H Sword), Cherub's Bow.
Bone Fish: The Jackal.
Trixter: Cherub's Bow, Rock Stick(2H Mace), Blazing Sword(1H Mace).
Bloctopus: Horoscope Sword(Wand), Green Blazing Sword(1H Sword).
Drumming Bunny: Toy Rifle.
Planey: Green Blazing Sword(1H Mace), Emerald Dome.
Block Golem: Scissor Stick(2H Axe).
King Block Golem: Scissor Stick(2H Axe), Scissor Stick(2H Sword).
Rombot: Green Blazing Sword(1H Mace).
Pink Teddy: Green Electric Guitar.
Roloduck: Meso Gunner.
Toy Trojan: Cupid's Bow, Green Blazing Sword(1H Axe).
Robo: Tiger Paw.
Master Robo: Tiger Paw.
Platoon Chronos: Familiar (10% Party HP and MP regen).
Herb Town
Mr. Alli: Familiar (15% HP and MP regen), Red Rose.
Cactus: Sun Quan Staff, Blue Blazing Sword(1H Sword).
Desert Rabbit (F): Horoscope Sword(Staff), Green Blazing Sword(1H Sword).
Desert Rabbit (M): Horoscope Sword(Staff), Horoscope Sword(Wand).
Scarf Plead: White Nightfox(imo I think it's still worth a lot), Knockout Boxing Gloves.
Meerkat: Paper Stick(2H Axe).
Dark Sand Dwarf: Guitar.
Sand Rat: Paper Stick(2H Sword).
Triple Rumo: Japanese War Fan.
Homunculus: Transparent Claw.
Reinforced Iron Mutae: Big Hand.
Roid: Black Electric Guitar.
Neo Huroid: Purple Blazing Sword(1H Sword).
Saitie: Boleadoras.
Stone Colossus
Mantis: Flame Throwing Stars Recipe
Temple of Time
Eye of Time: Familiar (100% meso rate).
Future Henesys
Mutant Snail: Familiar (15% Party HP and MP regen).
Mutant Ribbon Pig: Familiar (60% drop/meso rate).
Twilight Perion
Sinister Wooden Mask: One-Handed Weapon For Attack 40% Scroll.
Sinister Rocky Mask: Shaman Earrings.
Ninja Castle
Kaede Genin: Janitor's Mop.
Kaede Ashigaru: Crossheider, Doomsday Staff, Serpent Staff, Skull Staff.
Kaede Chunin: Mystic Shield (imo I think it's still worth a lot).
Kaede Ninto: Stonetooth Sword: Esther Shield(still worth a lot), Pyogo Staff, Doomsday Staff.
Kacchuu Musha: Blue Seal Cushion.
Tippo Blue: Stonetooth Sword.
Emo Slime: Emerald Dome.
Oly Oly: Doomsday Staff, Serpent Staff, Skull Staff.
Bonus Content: Purple Senior Armour
(For people who are looking for decent equips to use.)
The Purple Senior armour is a special equipment set that can be equipped by any one class.
The piece of armour will be forced to become whatever class your character is. There is also the chance that if your Equip Inventory is full, it'll become a tradeable consumeable item in your Use Inventory that does not yet have a class designation.
So, what's the reason you'd want to get this armour you ask? It's only level 60. Well, I'll tell you why.
The best part about this armour is that it is guarenteed to have Epic status in the main potential.
Purple Senior Cap: Bloctopus, Brown Teddy, Star Pixie, Snow Witch, Seacle, Cico, Krip, Trixter, Firebomb.
Purple Senior Glove: Brown Teddy, King Bloctopus, Jr. Cellion, Grupin, Snow Witch, Cico.
Purple Senior Shoes: White Fangs, Lucida, Hector, Pinboom, Helly, Planey.
Purple Senior Suit: Tweeter, Hector, Bloctopus, Panda Teddy, Green Trixter.