Can we just drop this already? Submit a ticket if you would like to revert the change. Hopefully a VFM can merge these threads.
It's an MMO. It's not supposed to be fast paced. Time gates exist as a method to give players something to always strive for.
They're a required part of MMOs, get used to it.
True but a month is a bit excessive, and doesn't justify turning Gollux into a Lotus for no reason. I can understand making it more of a 180 boss, a thing closer to CRA, but if its true that it even 16mil characters can't dent him, and that the rewards remain the same despite the godly buff Hellux got, then its not really good. With CRA, Lotusmien, and the Arcane River Grind, we got way too much unreachable and time consuming stuff to "strive for" in MapleStory, even when compared to other MMOs.
and if instead of going alone, they form a group of 3 or more people?
Its not as simple as that. Gollux doesn't have instanced loot, its a free for all. The amount of health is way too much for the prizes he drops, which are the same 30ish coins he gave before, while also having stupidly high prices for Superior items that make this a month long grind for a single accessory. Honestly, the more I think of it, couldn't they just make the shop replenish every week? Unless this is a setup for an excuse of "nobody plays Gollux anymore so we are removing it" I don't see the point of making Gollux a Lotus level boss. This is only going to make the game a bigger grind than it already is.