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  • Re-request: Zero in Reboot

    Kaprow wrote: »
    Maybe I phrased it poorly, I don't mean to exclude KMS from getting Zero. I say it more as a counterpoint to the "if it doesn't exist in KMS, it can't exist here" mentality.

    If we had a better management team and GMS wasn't in a tight spot, then yes. We absolutely have to be the ones to lead the charge on this one.
    GMS Reboot has the population that is lacking over in KMS. It's highly doubtful that the Development team will pay any attention to it for KMS.
    However if they're making the changes because of the GMS Reboot servers, then that's much more likely to happen.
    The problem is that GMS is probably seen as low priority as far as development goes.
    They're increasing the amount of value/effort they place on us, but we're still not at the "Get Zero into Reboot" levels that we need imo.
    As long as we keep criticism of Nexon mostly constructive and call them out on BS, I think eventually we'll get there.
  • Re-request: Zero in Reboot

    It was locked because Nexon for whatever weird reason would rather lock threads that haven't been posted in for a few months than allow people to continue to use the old thread.
    Was it a post that added information/value to the thread? Maybe not. Did it show that people still care? Yes.
    In this case it was over a year, but point still stands. Moving on.

    The one time it happened? Oh no no. It's happened at least three times to date. If we're lucky, they might even do it again for this patch season.
    I don't think the "Let's add another GMS exclusive" is a good train of thought. Why wouldn't you advocate this be added to both KMS and GMS?
    This change would benefit both versions of the game the same. It would be a good change for all regions that have reboot.
    Reboot might not be popular in Korea, but it still exists and there are still people who play it. Why would you exclude them?
    Nexon seems to be going for more 1:1 features anyway, so I think moving forward asking for anything to be added to GMS exclusively hurts your odds.

    As someone who plays Maplestory almost exclusively for the story, it would be nice to not have to jump over to a reg server just to get Zero's story.
  • All my characters are gone!


    Perhaps you were affected by this?
    If you had characters in various worlds then they may have been moved around if they were in any of the servers listed for this.
  • How would you promote Maplestory in Europe?

    0k, but we're talking aboution promotion. Marketing and stuff.

    The best kind of promotion is word of mouth imo. If Nexon can improve the way GMS is handled in general, it should get more popular all around.
    This includes in Europe as well. The game is going in a good direction I feel, but the way GMS specifically is handled needs improvement.
    If we want to focus on promotion now rather than after improvement, we can still use word of mouth via youtube/streamers.

    MapleStory is a bit of a hard sell on streaming, so I think the best way they can promote the game is to actually play it themselves.
    They'll have one of if not the biggest following (For Maple) on streaming platforms, so they should grab 6 team members from NA Nexon and just play the game in a party.
    It doesn't have to be about the game itself, but rather around people just hanging out and socializing. Any game is better with friends, MMOs are designed for it.
    This should help not only advertise the game itself, but improve moral of employees within the company as they'll not only have fun playing the game, but get a chance to interact with the game itself that they're working to upkeep.

    Bonus points: It helps kills this horrid SoloStory that both Nexon and Players have created for themselves.
  • Fury Totem Accessibility Revamp

    AKradian wrote: »
    Nexon has nerfed Kishin and removed Frenzy Totem from Marvel Machine and Philosopher Books.
    Do you really think they want us to have better access to spawn enhancements?

    Regardless of what Nexon wants, players should still voice opinions even if they're unlikely to happen.