Most likely the change was so that people can't hoard them.
Also because they expire they're a bigger meso sink now. Nexon's goal was probably to increase meso spending.
If I'm remembering correctly, they never stacked and also expired on reboot. So they could have also just been balancing the two server types.
Why they would do that is beyond me though.
The real crime is that they didn't give any warning to a drastic change to the way something works.
Nexon, please be more transparent about future changes to the game.
lol no they don't, they actually do quit. I'm not sure if u noticed but the number of players in this game is dwindling and is keep getting lower. I've seen posts saying good byes on forum and on my guild discord. Several of my friends have quit when their limits for nexon's bs were reached. So it's not an "empty threat." It's an useless threat cause nexon just doesn't give a crap whether players leave or not. Even if some leave, there will always be some who will sell their souls to this game no matter what. They can throw stuffs like DMT or teraburning and existing playerbase will simply eat that sh@t up.
How many times must I post this? Player numbers are UP compared to previous years.
Whatever Nexon is doing, it doesn't seem to be hurting population according to steam.
Since Nexon Launcher is the more popular version these numbers don't represent MS as a whole.
But if the minority launcher has increased numbers, I think it's safe to assume so does the main launcher.
The threats are indeed empty. I see people who say they're going to quit and never do more often than people who follow through.
The people that do eventually quit have probably been replaced by two other people by the time they finally quit.
Trying to solo cra in reboot is like climbing Mt.Everest and the gears needed are on the top of the mountain. Just get the cra gears by getting carries and then invest meso to cubing proper cra sets and then attempt the solo
I am trying to run a solo progression without getting carried
You missed the point. Solo CRA is possible. I've done it while remaining a pretty casual player.
I eventually moved on to solo Lomien as well. So telling this player to just "give up" on his challenge is insulting at best.
Fight mobs at your level is the way to go. However certain areas will drop equipment outside of the level range. Future maps are a good example of this.
This is just a relic of the past that Nexon has yet to correct. If your group of mobs isn't dropping the gear you need for mules/new characters, either tough it out until the next 10 level range or change locations.
A recent thread made me think that a subscription based MVP would be better than our current system.
I really like this idea and think if done correctly it would benefit both players and Nexon, lowering the ceiling to MVP benefits while giving Nexon more consistently paying customers.
So the question of this thread; If Nexon were to change MVP to a subscription based service, what would you want to see out of it?
Personally I'd just like if it uses all the current system benefits with an added NX Bonus.
Subscriptions would run between 10-50 a month based on tier and give between 12~80 dollars worth of NX, the higher tiers giving you a higher multiplier on the NX received.
Only one tier of MVP could be active per account, but you can buy several months out in advance to "save" some extra money.
General chat as I'm not making a suggestion here, but rather asking for discussion on a possible suggestion.