If they could quickly identify and ban those who are spamming Shigami Charm without cooldown, they could stop the botters from reaching 3rd job and unlocking Kishin or 4th job for Monkey Spirits hack.
Level 100 botters use Monkey Spirit hacks while those below rely on Shikigami Charm hacks from 30-100. Not only do they spam the skill without delay, they are able to use the skill without moving their character (the screen gets covered in paper charms while the Kanna itself is station and the Puffram goes teleporting around the screen.)
A better method is to observe how Kannas "train" and detect them early.
This ring is something I've been hoping to obtain. Even if it were just a ring and no skill, the fact that it is 150 makes it possible to earn over 20 stars.
This may not be related to Breath of Divinity, but I feel that other rings such as Kanna's Treasure should be repeatable via quest and have the event that gave out the Bounty Legend Ring be back. I also didn't forget about Gollux Shop resets.
Whatever way they choose to allow obtainment of another ring, they obviously need to change it to "Unique Equipped Item" so people won't be running around with 4 Kanna's Treasure Rings.
Even if it weren't, it would be a dumb loadout since you are excluding Gollux. The best ring loadout I think of consists of Superior Gollux, Reinforced Gollux, BoD (if you somehow have one) and possibly the Bounty Legends Ring (or my math could be wrong on the last ring.)
Another ring suggestion I want to make are Arkarium's Eternal Rings and their Meister counterparts. These rings currently are level 30 are require 2 Primal Essence. The Meister versions are available at Master Craftsmen but only reach level 90. Would it make more sense if these items were level 140+ since these rings have more rare materials than the already difficult Meister Ring?
Luminous- Hey! Who said you can blow the candles?
Phantom- Blows
Evan- This cake is good !
Eunwol- Holy $hit! This cake is heavy!
Mercedes- Here, Mister Slime
Slime- Blushing from Mercedes
Pink Bean- NOM