I rather have Blackgate be removed and reworked along with Afterlands. Afterlands is very buggy and Blackgate is just incomplete with no central boss or even a story.
Its been stated a few times already but let me reiterate. A lot of the people in this thread have been using the terms alliance and merge interchangeably, probably because they didn't initially come here to argue over specifics, AND don't see a meaningful difference in the two. The difference between a merge and an alliance (like the amount of characters available etc) would only impact a small margin of players. An increased population would impact significantly more people, so I am not surprised we are getting people posting who 1)Want a bigger population and 2) don't really care whether its a merge or an alliance. And I don't expect some of them to read through all these pages to figure out there has been a discussion to distinguish the two concepts, because ultimately this is just a thread for people to state their opinions, and move on.
Lets face it, whether its a merge or an alliance is a backburner issue to the pressing issue of the dead population.
I'm also almost guaranteed it would be an alliance over a merge. They've done plenty of alliances already and never any merges to gms. the don't have to do deal with the headache of characters in certain worlds, etc. Lets all just hope they fix this issue sooner rather than later.
Being in an alliance not only brings populations closer, but also allows characters to participate in the same physical server without sharing the 46 character slots. Worlds in the same alliance not only have separate character rosters, but separate Reward Point shops that each have their own 5 cube/ 2 scroll limits. Even Blessing of the Fairy and Empress's Blessing is shared across the whole alliance as well as Monster Collection. The only things not shared are link skills, storage, cash storage and Legion.
I am curious what Nexon will resort to next. Another world leap would not guarantee an equal balance of players since they could continue fleeing to Bera or another nut will shout on Reddit to come to MYBCKN or GRAZED. How many alliances we will end up and how they were grouped with is up to Nexon. They can add the small non-allianced worlds to existing main alliances (like adding Scania to GRAZED or Winda to MYBCKN) and have 2 medium alliances, 1 full Bera, and a sad Kroa and of course, Reboot. There are also other world combinations I can think of, but I bet everyone gets the idea.
Some all the non-Reboot worlds in NA to be allianced into a single massive alliance with additional channels to handle the population. I've been a supporter for this crazy idea since it technically allows players to interact with anyone as long they are not in EU or Reboot. Servers with higher populations have Auction Houses that have items in stock (I cannot find anything in GRAZED.)
I never liked the idea of having a huge server and a separate quiet server because low populations can stunt a player's progress in a bad way. Once again, buying an item you need will be many times harder than in a healthy server. Preparing a boss squad will be difficult due to the lack of participants. Other player dependent activities such as Kritias, event minigames would not have enough players. Also, a quiet server will eventually turn into a regular or even a congested server if enough people prefer peace and quiet and eventually fill up the remote area. Why not just move to the big server and find a quiet channel? You can still avoid weirdos and buy the goods you need, do Kritias Invasion and can change your mind if you decide to socialize with the people you considered weirdos earlier.
Maplestory has a large arsenal of weapons such as swords, bows, guns, wands, etc. If you can bring a weapon from another game or movie into Maplestory, which weapons would it be? What drastic effects can these mythical weapons bring to Maple World?