Looking for a feature to allow the seller to change the price of items being sold without unlisting and relisting. Should be useful when you inventory is full.
The Gollux Revamp was meant to address the bad RNG that some Rebooters faced when doing daily Hellux where they can kill a month of Hellux and get junk and to make replacing destroyed items outside the drop table possible via a restocking shop.
Before the change, Gollux shop never restocked its equips in any world. In a non trading environment, booming an Earring or Ring was the end as the NPC only sold it once and you cannot you trade players for one or transfer one. In regular servers, you would need to buy it from the auction house for a high price or farm one yourself and permanently stunt your mule's progression. The update made it possible to replace any piece from destruction which is better than booming your ring forever and crying in Reboot or sourcing the ring from another character who doesn't mind being Gollux-less.
The thing that makes no sense to me is why the restock is weekly and the price for equipment is so high and reward from old Gollux is still there. Buying a Superior Item not in Gollux's drop table or because your RNG sucks would take 2 months of Hell Gollux. The tease is that the restock is once a week nothing and meaningful can be bought with a week's savings. Even the old Gollux allowed you to buy the Superior Items in a week or so.
-Add Rings and Pendant to the drop table so Gollux can drop everything and the shop is just more backup
-Bring back old coin shop prices on items while maintaining the restocking
-Make coins/drops instanced
There should be no limit on number of maples open. Just don't hack and get them all banned. It would reduce the number of machines needed for mule play. The limit should be the user's RAM and CPU.
2020 is a special year for global Maplestory, marking the 15th anniversary in America. I asked myself : why isn’t there anything special created for such an important date?
I then thought it would be so interesting to have a documentary about the game since it’s launch, exploring the evolution of the game after all those years. A behind the scene project could also be very interesting.
I always loved the core content of the game, like the maps design, the characters, and of course, the background music.
Anyhow, it would be interesting to see how the creative team works behind the game we love, Maplestory.
Thank you
Nexon had started hosted Maplestory starting 2018 for its 13th and 14th anniversary in LA. It is like equivalent of Maplestory's birthday party and devs from Korea came and we got to see the community manager and producer. There were fun facts about the game, exciting news in person, demos and games, and performances from performers and they even encouraged us to cosplay!
Due to the virus, it might had been canceled or rescheduled.