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Last Active
April 2, 1997
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Why fight a war you cannot win. Just lose.
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  • Bring other weapons from other games/movie to GMS

    Maplestory has a large arsenal of weapons such as swords, bows, guns, wands, etc. If you can bring a weapon from another game or movie into Maplestory, which weapons would it be? What drastic effects can these mythical weapons bring to Maple World?
  • Superior gollux ring in reboot server

    Another advantage:

    Having a replenishing Gollux shop not only allows the player to replace broken items, but it also allows mules to have access to these gears midgame or simply without doing the long quest to Gollux. I was always cheap with my mules (even though i give them nicely flamed and epic armor and accessories, 15% traced weapons, but I never supplied them with Gollux rings or earrings due to them being limited to 1 per character and spending billions for a clean ring or earring would just be stupidly expensive (I have no problem sharing belts and pendants with my other characters or making nice Epic gear for them.)

    If the shop were to change, other characters would have easier access to these accessories, and replacing a destroyed problem would be easier (non-Reboot) or even possible (Reboot.)
  • BAD DMT! you just burned your bridges with me!

    I bought a 30 pack of bpot cubes taking money away from my family, my daughters and what do i get for that entire pack of bpot cubes... 1 tier up from unique to legendary on my very last cube. You gone and donked up! The bank is shut off u cheap greedy company! This is how you repay my loyalty over all these years and i haven't purchased a substantial amount of NX for quite a LARGE amount of time due to circumstances LIKE THIS ONE and i finally get tempted to do so again and what happens? You kick me right in the crotch... again! You better get your poop straight no one feels like being ripped off! Maplefest is coming next year and i will come as a guest from any of my friends that get the invite and i will give those korean maplestory delegates that come over for it a very big earful in the very public setting that is that event, in a most rude and abrupt way possible. I understand you gotta build your sky scrappers some how as a company and it is just a sad shame you are doing that by ripping honest hard working joes like me off! i fraps recorded this dmt this time, time to start building up these awful circumstances in recording for future references. Why is it that every DMT I feel gyped? why can't i get a DMT where it is like "wow i am glad i spent that money", you know what i am saying?

    Ah that felt good! /end rant

    i thought u said you were proud to be a whale and to be the most elite of the DAs.
  • Superior gollux ring in reboot server

    adideu wrote: »
    I feel like everyone deserves what sam got. I mean why intentionally discourage players from playing the game? Just allow for infinite gollux restocks. I'm failing to see the downside of this.

    Now that SavageAce has announced that in 2 weeks, we are getting a star cap increase, items would be destroyed due to the destruction rate increasing as you star along with diminishing success rate for star enhancement. TMS has their Gollux equipment open to 25 stars, and we are mostly likely going to follow their formula too.
    25 Stars update would be incomplete without a store restocking since we will be destroying our accessories during our trials enhancing.
  • We all want a merge

    AKradian wrote: »
    Daxterbeer wrote: »
    AKradian wrote: »
    Daxterbeer wrote: »
    JushiroNet wrote: »
    Maybe if we get this thread to be as long as the flames one they'll do something. ha haaaaa

    That was 11 pages of thinking and wishing and 3 pages wondering what June 20 would be like and how we are preparing the huge change.

    I am not a fan of a populated server and quiet town scenario but the idea of having a single server with more channels. I took a look at Bera's Auction House and it had a lot of desirables (that is where all the whales migrated) and Henesys was filled with players and I felt somewhat happy, but moving there will make it hard to find empty training areas for those private moments. Having the servers merged with extra channels will combine the lively Auction House and the ability so meet with friends without arranging cross server playdates. The extra channels would make popular maps like Slurpy and CLP more available similar to those of underpopulated worlds (but will require a lot more channels.)

    The only real thing this change would not fix are rankings for Dojo, Dream Defendor, etc. since you have more competition even if there were 100+ channels.

    Multiple channels won't fix smega spam, drama, and similar social issues of an overcrowded server.

    I don't understand why people insist on cramming everyone into one big server, even those who don't want to be there.
    What do you gain from having miserable people in your world, who would be much happier in an "empty" world?
    (The BigCity/SmallTown scenario doesn't preclude additional channels for the BigCity)

    The extra channels allows users to escape regular crowded maps such as Henesys conversations overlapping or congesting hunting grounds, but it won't protect them from broadcasted smegas. Servers like GRAZED have auctions houses with only a few items. I can never find any of those Premium Attack Accessory Scrolls in GRAZED's auction house or find any perfected Fafnirs in GRAZED's empty market. Fever Time probably floods the Bera AH with traced Fafnirs and Spell Traces while the ones in the dead servers barely budge. Auction House with more items to buy is one of perks of having a larger population. Being in a small server with little or no market activity is like playing without trading, similar to Reboot or Pink Bean.

    I've been stuck with a pair of 30% INT Earrings and I've been hoping to find someone who has LUK% and is willing to trade. In a more crowded server, you are more likely to find someone who might trade with you.

    I understand that you don't want to be in a small server, and I fully support your wish to transfer to Bera or whatever "Big City" server.
    But you haven't explained why you don't want me, or the others in this thread who prefer low-population servers, to be able to stay in, or transfer to, an "empty" world.

    The cost of moving to a populated server requires restarting your Monster Collection (601 took forever.) Another major loss for living in Bera is more of a mistake that Nexon made it possible to do 6x your characters for attendance because both GRAZED and MYBCKN are alliances and attendance can be done once per world. The reward shop limits are separate per world so your "true" of cubes per month is 30 opposed to 5 a month in non-allianced servers and same applies to cash scrolls (useful if you know how to transfer between characters in different worlds of same alliance and as long the item can be transferred.)

    The main reason I chose to stay behind is so I still have access to mules for attendance, RP, or simply storage and so I wouldn't have to repeat the daunting task of redoing Monster Collection. If Monster Collection data were transferable, it would be convince those who made a lot of progress in the old world to move without fear of rebuilding.

    The way they merge populations can have an effect while simply allying the servers would preserve character slots and monster collections (allied servers share monster collection.) A merge would require characters surpassing the world limit (characters you needed to make in a different world of the same alliance) to be deleted to fit within the world character slot limit. Even though this would look tacky, but all the servers allianced is better than a merge since it preserves the perks of having characters for storage, RP, attendance and not having to redo Monster Collection. A merge could be done, but it requires changes to preserve as much of the perks mentioned before. Whether it is a merge or unified alliance, we want to be able to meet and socialize, do content and marketing without putting up with sacrifices. Extra channels in this "megaserver" would allow people to have their own space and still regroup with their friends.