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  • Bring Back CWKPQ

    even more annoying would be if they revamped to make a lame version of it

    Technically, they already did make a lame version of it through the Gollux version of Crimsonheart. I remember doing it with a few buddies to experience what it was like and it was as SOULLESS as you can imagine. No one lining up to do it, barely any information about it because it's as nothing as you can get.
  • Bring Back CWKPQ

    Sadly I do not see this content returning back to the game as much I would love to see it return. They seem to be on the fence on what prizes to hand out and updating the party quest story to match that of the Masteria Epic.

    I wish they didn't expand the story if they made it so lame. Instead of focusing on the 4 Grandmasters, Crimsonheart, or the Castle, it was about Subani's thot and time travel. That and they're trying to tie up all non-KMS stories together makes these "stories" incredibly extra and disappointing.

    As far as getting CWKPQ back, every year it's not back makes me wonder why they took it out in the first place, it wasn't hurting anybody.
  • Equipment Drop Rate Obscurity

    I've been hunting some -aesthetic- equips using the codex and the outdated hiddenstreet websites (the oldest one, the second oldest one doesn't seem as accurate). They're both just not updated enough. Luckily, someone made a list to find such some interesting stuff, here's the link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11eFk1dwuCEPg7x3RDEAKgOtd-QN6D8GeCjuxHZMXRzI/edit
  • Thoughts on Maple's Combat?

    Saw this great thread on reddit and thought I'd spread awareness and share it here.


    Basically, it seems lack of proper balancing of resource management (pots, auto-pots), along with a class dedicated to HP (demon avengers) has led to Maple's current pathos on Boss design (hp% attacks, rng attacks, other mechanics) and gameplay (rip tanks, MMO triumvirate of dps-healer-tank, etc.). Would giving bosses boss-special set of potions ala Ursus fix this? Maybe have those boss-potions be specially balanced for DA's, be it effectiveness or quantity, since they rely on HP? Regular potions and auto-pot would be unusable in these fights of course.
  • Map Design Ideas


    Just an idea I had for a map that would take advantage of today's maple classes' power and mobility.

    [ Recommended Level ]: 200+
    [ Classes Designed for ]: Any high HP/DEF class, mobility class
    [ Single or Party Focused ]: Both, leaning more towards party-use. Map is gigantic, monsters have high HP/DEF, spawn is relatively high. Party-Play Zone in effect.
    [ Access ]: Unteleportable. Must access through quest completion or through combination of hidden streets, or jump quest, can't decide.

    [ Map Theme/Mechanics ]: Lava will periodically spawn upwards, up to a significant amount above the second platform area. Lava deals flat damage, which can be reduced with a combination of HP/DEF. Flat damage is high (not sure on the number, maybe 65k). 3 totems exist in the map. All the monsters in said map drop etc items that simultaneously stop lava and act as a summoning for Boss. All the player(s) have to do is collect the drops and just pass through the totems.

    [ Map Layout Design ]: Flash Jumps and Ropelift, freedom of movement.

    Highest plat is safe from lava, however there is little reduction in mob spawn/respawn compared to the other plats. Also, platform is very wide.

    2nd platform area better spawn and mobs are more clustered together. However, have to move around more, more special mobs, and have to watch out for lava periodically. When bottom plat is submerged in lava, lava will jump above second platforms every 5 seconds for 25 seconds. Can wait it out, train through it, or use etc drops.

    3rd platform is the best place to train, with all the monsters being in 1 platform and only 1 special mob. Spawn/respawn should then be the same as 2nd platform, as it is already good enough. Boss spawns here. However, lava will completely engulf area from time-to-time. Every 310 seconds, lasting 25 seconds.

    [ Monster Mobs ]: All Fire/Undead based, which means increased damage to Ice/Holy attacks and additionally will stun them. Invincibility or attacks that cause accuracy loss effective here as well. All mobs have high HP/DEF. One special mob in each plat has an attack that does super knockback. That special mob's respawn timer is every 30 seconds after it is killed.

    [ Boss ]: Spawns only in the bottom plat and only if summoning requisite is met. Has high flat damage attack that spans a long horizontal direction that lasts a while. Can jump to mini platforms or descend to bottom platform to dodge and have time to unleash a good amount of DPS. Also has lesser attacks that can be dodged by jumping/flash jumping/crouching. Has simple attack patterns/strings. Contributing any more etc drops will weaken Boss while it is still active. 10 second slow/skill lock/etc for every additional x amount of etc drops. Has hidden stun value whenever certain damage threshold is met, stunning boss for 5 seconds, and resets after (no need for a bind, although is still useful on hand).

    [ Rewards ]: Whatever's meta :^) (also odd stuff not found anywhere else. Chance to drop bone helms, Terminus?) High XP/Meso rate than similarly leveled maps. Defeating Boss should reward large experience or through loot. Players should feel that they would want to fight the boss in most cases.

    [ Abusablity Countermeasures ] If anyone in the map does not collect certain etc drops in a certain period of time, will be sent back to town. Similar to collecting papulatus timers, players will have have to collect these etc drops and just have to pass any of the three totems (?). *Would rather not implement and let players relax and chill with other players training if they so wish* Perhaps significantly increase etc drops for boss to spawn for every player in the map...?

    It really is a lot of stuff going on for one map. A more elegant design that I appreciate that's not too out there are the Chu Chu maps with the river you can swim to any of the little platforms. Made for a sleek grinding experience. I wonder if they could do anything interesting with maps filled with water again?

    My next idea is with a long bridge and having to balance out monster spawns by using any knockback skill. Or plats only reachable for the classes that have a glide or other skills.