MagicFoxhair wrote: »I agree that Jett's full map attack is in need of a nerf. However, jett has completely garbage mobbing without 0cd starfall. Yes, a Jett can move around the map at high speeds but they really can't kill the mobs once they reach them LMAO <- during 4th job at least. Jett's 3rd job mobbing is actually quite enjoyable.
Backup beatdown does a sad amount of damage and it feels like just tapping it for the final attack damage is faster. Planet buster is a good skill but the cd is too long to be used as the main mobbing skill. Cosmic upheaval would fix some of jett's problems but it doesnt work half the time when someone else is in the map with you. If jett were to get a cool down on starfall, they should definitely get a buff to their mobbing skills. I sometimes use 3rd job falling star instead because it at least looks nicer than garbage backup beatdown lmao.
Jett just needs a backup beatdown buff or a skill to replace it as the mobbing skill because it completely goes against the mobile pirate theme.
My suggestions :
-Give starfall a 60 sec cd, increase the damage
while starfall is on cd i maybe give jett another final attack sort of thing like the way i/l and f/p mages have.
-Increase the movement speed during backup beatdown or allow jumping during the cast
increase the damage
-fix cosmic upheaval glitches because it actually makes up for some of the loss of mobility during backup beatdown
so what your saying is, buff Damien? I put a lot of time, effort, and thought into trying to change this game, hopefully it gets done. Your welcome and ill try to continue to help in the future.
Unforgivennn wrote: »
Lol dude you should just save your time and not bother talking to that dude, he's just upset because he can't take advantage of the event with all his characters even though it'll never be possible lmao he'll just be in denial to whatever anyone says, just let him be and have his dreams crushed