Community hates 2x for it being laggy. (Some people just can't play during 2x, so it become 0x for them and complain about it)
Nexon listened and only put out 2x event on really special occasions.
All day 2x Drop event only occurs on Reboot because they needed an event to match spell trace fever. (Reboot either has a better servers or the lack of bots make everything smooth enough for people to not complain on reddit)
Cool down being reset upon death was too overpowered.
The damage formula was only balanced because it was extremely hard to get stronger by upgrading your equipment (Very few people had their gears 10% scrolled, and the difference between 60% gears was only 10-20% stronger) (When Empress gear because extremely accessible, people with no pvp experience but had those gear did 50% more damage than people with dedicated pvp gears).
It would require far too much work and time to remake and balance every skills for pvp and not have the game crash at this point in time (even if you don't include 5th job) since there are too many classes.